Thursday, July 9, 2009

TWT - Powerful Stuff...


Cheaper Than Therapy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..Beach Edition

Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! For those of you who have never played before, here are the rules. I give you a few questions with two possible answers. You must pick one! DON'T EVEN TRY TO SAY NEITHER! I MEAN IT, PEOPLE! ANYONE WHO SAYS NEITHER WILL BE BANISHED FROM BLOGDOM FOREVER...and I will also give you a big 'ol pimp slap on your way out. I'm warning you now...

So, anyway.. welcome to a Beach Edition of Would You Rather Wednesday...

1. Would you rather live in an episode of Lost or Miami Vice?

2. Would you rather camp on a secluded beach or party it up at an wild beach resort?

3. Pee on someone to save them from Jellfish sting ? or remove a hemit crab from a fat man's speedo?

And for you Bonus Gross Out Question...

Would you rather have a midnight roll in the sand with....
The Hoff?

Or Gilligan??

And before you even ask, no, you can't have them both. Dirty little hoochies....

Tuesday Rambings...

So, let's see.. what's going on with me? Um, nothing actually, but that's not very interesting, now, is it? So, I guess I've got to dip deep and come up with something fascinating. Or at least something that will keep you from skipping on to the next blog in your reader...

*I've been AWOL on my blog for awhile now. I wish I had a good reason for it. I've moved to an exclusive Caribbean island and having trouble finding a reliable internet connection? I've been having a wild affair with Gerard Butler and he just leaves me too exhausted to type? Nah, not really. The truth is, I've just been lying around with my girlfriends at the pool like a sloth on morphine.

*I've found a possible replacement for Edward Cullen in my heart. His name is Po and he's in the book Graceling.. have you read it?

*I'm back working. From home. Just simple, data-entry, easy-peasy stuff. I was "laid off" for awhile, and now I am just trying to be grateful for extra income and not complain about the mind-numbing boredom of it all. Thank God for Pandora Radio and Jimmy Fallon on DVR. (Oh, Jimmy, I love you.)

*We saw Transformers 2 for Date Night this week. It sucked. I was so dissapointed. My Whoppers were all soggy from my tears. (or, they would have been if I hadn't housed the whole box during the previews.)

*The summer weather is making me crave a good concert. Well, that and ice cream. And naps.

*I wish I could promise that I would be a better blogger, but really, I'm a summer slacker. Besides, who would lay sizzling in the sun, eating fudgescicles and screaming at the kids in the pool if I didn't, huh? Think of the kids, people.

So, that's it. That's all I've got. For more intersting Random-ness go to the UNMOM, for links to more dedicated bloggers. But don't leave me for good. They won't love you the way I do.