Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Question of the Weak - Time Travel

Well, hello there... I'm back with a Question of the Weak for you!! You can leave your answers in the comment section or use the question to spark your own blog post. Or you can be a big dork and not play along and we will all stare at you with looks of disappointment and hatred and slowly but swiftly shun you from the blog world. Your choice.


This is a super easy question for me. Regency England. Just think, me, in a Jane Austen novel. I think of myself as quite a classy lady. I think I'd fit in quite well actually. (did you just laugh?) Can you picture it? Long flowing gowns, men in cute hats riding over hills on horseback, servants serving me tea while I do my embroidery. There would be balls and dances, music lessons, carriage rides to visit grand estates where handsomely grumpy bachelors would live with their beloved but shamed sisters. Best of all, Colin Firth swimming in a lake that I would stumble upon quite by accident while out strolling. Oh Mr. Darcy, you're all wet!! How improper! *this is the part where I would blush furiously, and try to hurry away.. but he would grab my arm and say , "wait! I've loved you! I've always loved you!"

Ok, hang on. I'm not really being true to the question here, am I? I said TIME PERIOD not fictional setting, (although really, Darcy? Could you be more delicious?).

Ok here we go, take two. Me. Regency England. Long flowing dresses, check. Corsets? hmmm. Long carriage rides through the country? That sounds good. Servants serving me tea while I embroider? I like the servants part, but I'll take a Iced Mocha instead of tea and though I do enjoy needlework... I think I'd get bored quickly. Maybe some trashy novels to read? I'm relatively sure they didn't have Gossip Girl back then. I'm not too talented when it comes to music, so maybe I could take dance lessons instead? Come to think of it, I'm not too great at that either. Karate then. I'll be the only girl in the village who can whoop some real ass. And you know, I don't think I'd be able to say "ass." Or kiss a boy before being engaged to be married (and even then, scandalous!) and well, I'm of the "try it before you buy it" persuasion, so that won't do. And didn't those pretty horses that pull the gorgeous carriages crap all over the streets? Then I'd have to walk through those streets in my gorgeous gown to get to my karate lessons? Hmmm.. I'm having second thoughts here. And now that I'm curious about it.. how often did they bathe back then? And chamber pots? EWWWWWW...

All right, the Regency time period.. not for me. I love the thought of it. The romance of it all, but was it really that romantic to live it? Probably not. Maybe I should set my time machine for a more recent time period? How about the 60's? Sex? Drugs? Rock and Roll? Yeah, that sounds about right. Now.. if I could just take Mr. Darcy with me. I think he'd look great in tie-dye, don't you?



  1. *LOL* Too funny. Yeah I don't think I would want to live during that time. I think I'd like to go forward in time. One of the things I spend time thinking about is what type of world my kids and their kids will have ahead of them. So maybe if I could get a sneak preview.

  2. I think I would go back to the 1940s... it just seemed like such a simpler time. And the men and women always looked so classy.
    But oh how a romp with Mr. Darcy would be fun too!

  3. I have a few. One time I would love is the 20s.....ala Great Gatsby....the parties.....sigh

    and also, back in the time where Henry XIII was sleeping with all of his queen's friends. Not because I want to sleep with him (ew) but because I love the clothing and the parties.

    Parties....see a theme here.

  4. I would travel back to 1941 to witness the attack on Pearl Harbor, and feel the excitement of this country as it went into WWII

    It must have been a national frenzy.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm following your blog now, it's nice!


  5. 20th century uptown New York a la The Luxe novels! That is for ME!

  6. you crack me up.

    I want to go back to a little woodstock action myself. free love and all that. lol.

  7. great answer!

    i think i'd go back to the 70's.... why not!

    they were not looked at as bad for doing all they did..lol!!

  8. What year was "Grease" set in? Late 50s? Early 60s? I would've fit in well with Sandy and her crowd, I think! ;-)

  9. Scared not to play along. LOL

    All the filth and disease scares me from going back too far, but still, I'd like to go back to around 1810. I did a huge research project on women in America in that time period- read a lot of first-hand accounts(I really wish I had those books!) and I'd love to see it for myself. Big dresses and corsets and all.

    But, not for very long. I need a shower.

  10. Kel!! You are back and rocking the blog world again! Yay! And seriously, your answer? That was exactly what I was thinking! That would be the time I'd choose too! And the carriage ride through the country would be fine, as long as I could come home and watch some TV after. :)

  11. I would just like to travel back into my own life about 20 years! Oh, the regrets! LOL

  12. hmmmm where to go, maybe the wild west, or maybe ancient Greece, or maybe just to the 50s so I could be June Cleaver

  13. It *has* to be the future - way into the future. It'd be like flipping forward through a novel to see how it comes out and whether it's worth reading. Besides, I'm a sci-fi geek and I. Want. My. Jet-pack!

  14. Maybe not to far back. Maybe like 1950's - like "Happy Days" 50's. It looks like a peaceful time. Without all the technology. But they had Elvis too!

  15. Indoor plumbing is a must!

    I always tell my daughter I would've made a great hippie. I think I was born too late. The 60s would've been fab, although that would make me in my 60s now, which I'm really not ready for. I'm still adapting to 30s. ;)

  16. I'm into creature comforts so I can't go back too far. I have a keen sense of smell and bo grosses me out....,

    I think I'd go back to the 50's and slap those male chauvinists around a little bit. Tell the housewives to ditch the pearls and do something for themselves.

  17. The 50's sound good to me...except Mr. Darcy is dreamy...although I'm pretty happy with the time period I'm in right now! I love the name of your post...question of the WEAK!! LOL!

  18. Man, this is a good one. I am thinking I would not limit my time travel to just one time period. I jump around too much here, in the now, why wouldn't I do the same in my time travel. I guess the way for me to look at is, which time would I travel to first.

    I am facinated by Jackie O. I guess I would go back to the 1950's or 1960's and become a great chum of hers...put the bug in her ear to look my grandkid up in the 1990's and see how much she has changed and what words of wisdom she could pass on to me.

  19. LOL..omg too funny.
    ...i used to think i'd love to travel back to the ages of Little House on the Prairie because everyone looks so happy. But heck not in the winter..too chilly....

  20. I would love to be in the time of Austen too (just for a little while.) I don't think I could take wearing those big dresses all the time. Love seeing Colin as Darcy today. Thanks!

  21. I always read the last page of a book (yes I can hear you gasping!) so I think I would like to go a few years into the future just to have a peek!!! Plus you can't change your past but you can make a decision today that will change your future so I might get a second chance at a mistake!
    Sorry a bit deep there...
    Oohh I love Mr Darcy!!!

  22. I have always been fascinated by time travel. I have no interest in going forward but I can't narrow down one time that I would like to visit in the past.

    The late 40's and 50's sound interesting. I got a kick out of the commenters who said the 60's and 70's. Am I really THAT old?! Don't answer that!

    Great post!

  23. hmm.... maybe the wild west?? (but without the killing and pludering....) I just like the whole idea of the adventure, the dirt, and the uncharted territory...

  24. wow!! That was VIVID, if anything!! You've got a great imagination! I'd like to choose the early 20th century, and be a part of India's defining History, her struggle freedom....


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.