Friday, November 21, 2008

Ewww!! Put that down!!

Today, as usual, I took Roslyn to school, went to get coffee and came home to sit with my laptop and work. I am sitting on the couch when the dogs come barreling through the dog door. I thought they were all excited because of the snow and they were playing around and chasing each other. Daisy (the big airedale) had a toy in her mouth, I assumed she got it from their little toy basket. So I am sitting here typing and Daisy is throwing this toy up in the air and then, THUD! She would prance over to where it landed, swing it around in the air again and again, THUD! After a few minutes, it dawned on me that their toys don't make that kind of noise when they hit the ground....

So, I look at Daisy and she throws the toy once more into the air, but this time I get a good look at it. It's a dead, frozen, squirrel. Yeah. Good times. She is just pleased as punch with her new toy. I have to wait for her to throw it again (because I am not going to play tug-of war with a dead squirrel)and then race her to where it landed and pick it up with my hands covered in garbage bags. I take it back outside and bury it on the other side of the fence, where Daisy is now staring sadly at the mound of dirt, wondering why I'm so mean.


  1. ROFL EWWWWWWWWW! That is soooo yucky.

  2. That is classic. And definitely something I don't want to ever have to deal with..hence, we have an indoor cat. Props to you..and good luck with that adventure!

  3. Aren't dogs a hoot? I love how proud he was. LOL

  4. ewwwwwwwwwwww. that's juss nasty right there.

    you got snow!?! it's friggin cold enough here, but no snow-yet.

  5. HAHAHAHA. I just found this post on your "top posts" list that you blogged about.

    that is too funny. I really did, laugh. out. loud. :)

    & THAT is why I don't own a dog.

  6. ok, so totally lol funny. made me start coughin'..


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.