Saturday, November 22, 2008

Are you kidding me???

How is it possible that I am sick again?? Another cold.. the third in three months. Well to be technical about it, one bout of pneumonia and two colds in three months. Seriously, if someone sneezes in a ten mile radius, I get sick. Anyone have any tips of building up your immune system? I have been taking some expensive GNC Women's vitamins.. but they don't seem to be doing much. Should I be eating oranges? Taking herbal supplements?Do you have a secret weapon that helps you avoid colds??


  1. That stinks. I hope you are feeling better soon. A few weeks ago I felt a cold coming on so I took tons of Zycam and it worked! I woke up today feeling like another one is coming, so I guess I will be back to the store to purchase some more today. Between having a 1-year old in daycare and me working in a school, colds seem to be constant in my house too!

  2. my husband swears by his Mona Vie Acai berry's expensive shit but everywhere you go you see them advertising for it...that acai berry seems to be the new miracle berry!
    i love Tylenol severe symptom cold pills...pretty much only stuff i take if i feel really crappy.
    don't you love when you get sick on the weekends too?!?

    feel better Kel!

  3. Kel, I'm so sorry you are sick! I guess I am pretty lucky in that I don't get sick very often.

    Feel better soon!

  4. Sorry girl!

    I hope you feel better.

    A lot of people swear by those saline washes you squirt up your nose! Ewww. My dad swears by them though!

    It may be worth a shot..if you truly are sick of being sick that is!

  5. Brig got to you first, but I've been talking about you too! Check it out.

    Sorry to hear about the cold. Mmmm... . I think when you have a little one around who goes to preschool/school you unfortunately catch all kinds of ugly things. There's just no getting around it. The basics: try to get some rest, and lots of liquids!

  6. Kel, it is time to bite the bullet and get a "sinu-cleanse".... or a neti pot (much harder to handle)... they are totally gross, but when you see that huge snot ball come out of your nose and go down the drain, you will be amazed, relieved, disgusted, and thrilled ALL AT THE SAME TIME. My kids have allergies and their doc just recommended that they start doing them, so I got one for me, too, so I could demonstrate how easy it is. Well, I am hooked now and if I am even a little stuffy...I now break out the "booger blaster" (more kid friendly than "sinus cleanser") and feel better for it.

    Hope you recover soon! (From your cold and the TMI that I just foisted on you. Sorry!)

  7. OH NO! That stinks! I hope you get over it really fast!

  8. No tips here! You are actually considered lucky in my book! Only 3 in 3 months??? I sick like everyother week!

  9. all right ladies.. thanks for the tips! I just sent hubby out for some saline nasal solution and possibly a neti pot(if he can find one). I am disusted and intrigued at the same time. I am upping my intake of vegtables and fruit and I am trying to remember to take my vitamins!! I hope this works! I can't have another winter like last year! Hope you girls don't catch this plague!

  10. I rarely get sick, but have no idea how or why. That being said, when I do get sick, it's a doozie.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.