Saturday, November 15, 2008

You will be singing this all day.....

remember that?? Bring back the Muppet show!


  1. Darn it. . .I should have took the title to this post more seriously. . .now I need a mind eraser! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! I'm going to check in with you from now on and get to know you a little better! Hope you do the same!



  2. my crappy computer has no sound card so NA NA NA BOOBOO! i can't hear it! HA. ha. ha .ha .ha....
    how's that for being mature? LOL!!

    HOWEVER...the muppets rocked.

    have a great weekend Kel!

  3. Thanks for your comment! I played this for my 2 little ones, now they'll be singing it all day!!!

  4. My kids and I watched this twice -- I love it! That song is used by one of my radio stations for their contest show. Makes me smile every morning. :)

  5. I LOVE this song!! If you don't have it, check out the For the Kids collections which has a remake of this song by Cake that is brilliant- BRILLIANT.
    Listen to it here:

  6. I remember watching the Muppet Show after school--great memories! I wonder, what DOES that song mean?!

  7. Classic!! I think I will be singing this all day ;)

    I remember I used to think he was saying that John Travolta movie!

  8. yep I miss the muppets! I wish they would come back! I do have season one on DVD though.

  9. I posted this same thing not too long ago on my blog. Manamana!!!

  10. FYI -- My son made me take him back to your blog about 6 times over the weekend. He's hooked on this muppets video. He and his friends even acted it out. LOL


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.