Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Abc's of Me... Stolen From Jiggety Jigg

A is for age: its a shame, but I totally had to count backwards for this.. 31.. urgh

B is for burger of choice: Bacon, cheese, pickles, lettuce, no onions, ketchup and mustard

C is for the car I drive: Oh, you so don't want to know. We'll just call it the "silver bullet" or the "gray ghost". Let's just say, it's a sweet ass ride.

D is for your dog's name: Dexter(pug) and Daisy (giant airedale)

E is for essential item you use every day: my laptop!! It's scary how attached I am.

F is for favorite TV show at the moment: 30 rock! I have a weird thing for Tina Fey, I'm kind of her stalker.

G is for favorite game: Hide the Salami ... mwww aaaa haaaa... (just seeing if you're paying attention to this awesome meme)

H is for home state: Jersey

I is for instruments you play: The skin flute... man, that is gross.. lol.. seriosly, I play no instruments.. I am not musically inclined. (But I am inclined to make inappropriate jokes.)

J is for favorite juice: eww.. nobody likes juice, unless it has liquor in it.

K is for whose bum you'd like to kick: My own, into gear

L is for last restaurant at which you ate: mcdonalds.. I'm fancy like that

M is for your favorite Muppet: Beaker all the way baby!! Meep Meep!

N is for number of piercings: 2

O is for overnight hospital stays: When I had my daughter, and it did not go well. I don't like to be confined. I wanted out!

P is for people you were with today: Um, do dogs count? I'm lonely.

Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Read!

R is for biggest regret: I shouldn't have killed that hobo.....

S is for status: Married!

T is for time you woke up today: I think it was about 6 or so.

U is for what you consider unique about yourself: I love awkward moments. There is nothing funnier to me that those moments when you can hear "crickets"

V is for vegetable you love: wtf kind of question is that to ask a girl on a diet? I hate them all, dammit!

W is for worst habit: killing hobos.

X is for x-rays you've had: in september I had chest x-rays because I had pneumonia.

Y is for yummy food you ate today: Haven't eaten yet, but I am not looking forward to it..

Z is for zodiac: Leo..... rawr!


  1. I stayed in the hospital as long as possible when my second son was born because I knew that as soon as I got home the real work would begin!

    The last restaurant I ate at was McD's too! I'm a big mac girl.

  2. I was just too freaked out in the hospital. Just the thought that I could not just get up and walk out drove me nuts.

    My husband found it hilarious when I said I didn't want an epidural. The nurse asked me why and I said "well, what if something happens and I need to run outta here?!"

  3. You always have me laughing at my desk and the people around me wondering what the hell I'm laughing at! LMAO!

    I'm totally stealing this!

  4. Hey! Who stole my meme?

    I totally forgot about Beaker! Love him!

  5. Okay, I'm commenting out of fear...I do not wish for a ninja ass kicking. You might have thought people would skip over the list and not pay attention...BUT I read the whole thing from start to finish and I have 2 things to say:

    Hobos, really? What did a hobo ever do to you?

    Are you really stalking Tina Fey or just comtemplating it?

  6. Dogs are people too, aren't they? Hey, 31 is a baby, I've got to try 50 on for size next week and I'm DREADING it! Doesn't that make you feel better?

  7. this is very funny!! i've been sick, now my son is sick...this whole week just went to shit. hope all is well w/ you!

    word ver: wightabi

  8. Not everyone would appreciate this, but after reading your hilarious riff on the ABCs with it's copious references to man-meat in several varieties.... I think you are primed for getting the all-time best pseudonym for a TV show. Your new favorite mini-series should be "Fellatio Skinblower" (that's our name for Horatio Hornblower - totally awesome, if you haven't seen it).

    I know: random!

  9. Way too funny. I'm glad I'm not a hobo. How many of those did you put in there to see if anybody was paying attention.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.