Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Weight Watchers Can Suck It!

Ok, so it's official. I freakin' hate Weight Watchers. The whole constantly logging in to input points is aggravating. And trying to calculate the points is annoying. Wouldn't it be easier to just count calories? I don't know. I am seriosly peeved with it.

I am thinking of the whole "low carb" thing. Anyone tried it? Before I had my daughter I lost about 30 pounds doing that. Then I got pregnant, and all I could keep in my stomach was potatoes, so that went out the window. I did the carbohydrate addicts diet which allowed one meal with carbs, even dessert. Weird, but it worked.

Anyway, I am not quiting Weight Watchers yet, but I am researching other venues.Any suggestions? I can hear you now "hey kel? how about this crazy idea? eat less and exersize? "
That might not be such a bad ass.


  1. I promise I'm not a South Beach Diet spokesperson but I recommend that one. I didn't go out and buy the book, I just read up on it online and lost 20 lbs last year. In just the first 2 weeks I lost 8 lbs but that was with excersize too.

    I don't think I could do WW either!

  2. Yeah, I think that's the route I am gonna go. Ww is expensive! right now, I am trying it free, but I don't think i want to pay for it.

  3. Weight Watchers was hell for me. I have these weird OCD tendencies, so writing down food and thinking about food all day long was NOT a healthy choice for me.

    Low carb is okay for quick weight loss, but I'll tell can put it on pretty quickly if you cheat. I used to work at a fitness center for women, and taught their diet program. It was a marriage of South Beach/Atkins, and I swear people lost like crazy. Thing is, if they so much as THOUGHT about cheating, they gained it back and then some.

    Good ol' fashioned exercise and counting calories. Yuck, I know.

  4. LOVE the cookie monster thing. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'll definitely be back to explore yours more (I would do it now, but I'm miserably sick with an early flu or something and can't hold my head up for long!).

  5. Um, thats a tough one. I have heard good things about south beach and I know a few people that have had success with WW, but to be honest I have trouble with soon as I tell myself I can't have a certain food item it is all I can think about until I eat it.

  6. hey kel doesent adding all those points together make you hungry???? apparantly it just makess me a bad speller.

  7. Try being diabetic and having to measure everything out and count the carbs and make sure you don't over indulge and NO SWEETS! Lol hang in there you will get it!

  8. why yes, Bryan.. it does make me hungry.. but you know what else makes me hungry? when my friends tempt me with Chuckee Cheese!! I'm gonna be good dammit!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.