Tuesday, November 25, 2008

uh oh...

Holy crap, holy crap, HOLY CRAP.... Christmas is one month away! How the hell did that happen? Do you know what that means?? That means two paychecks until christmas... crappity crap. And unfortunatly, this friday's check is already spent paying the electric, phone, cable, and most defintitly groceries. Oh yeah, and a mortgage payment! Dang it. We are all kinds of broke.

I just don't feel "christmassy" this year. I am so not into it. Which sucks, because we have a six year old daughter. I will try. But to be honest, even she doesn't seem that worked up yet. Everyone of my girfriends say they are broke this year and just don't feel the christmas spririt like they usually do. What's going on? Is it really just the economy?

I'll tell ya one thing though. This year, Christmas is going to be about us. I usually worry about giving gifts to everyone I know. I plan out months in advance what I will get everyone and really overthink it. I hate to say it, but I am only buying for immediate family. My friends and I have decided to do a Pollyanna for the kids. I will probably get my friends something small.. or we may decide not to exchange at all. Roslyn's teacher is getting a scarf I am making her. I am setting a monetary limit for everyone I buy for, which won't be much. I am not going to go nuts baking cookies and handing out cookie baskets to anyone and everyone. But I will take an afternoon and make some cookies with my daughter and my mom. I will not stress that I don't have enough to feed an army. They are for us and Santa.

My hubby should get a nice christmas bonus. I am hoping we can use that to pay for Roslyn's christmas presents and get each other a little something. Craig has a bike on layaway (he's a mountain biker and now getting into road racing) which we might be able to pay off. Personally, I think that should be his gift from me, but I know I will feel bad if he doesn't have any "gifts under the tree".

For me this year, all I want is peace of mind. I want to take that bonus and pay off our bills or at least get current on those suckers. I don't want to be a month behind on the electric or the cable. On christmas day, I'd like to have a few gifts for everyone under the tree, but most of all I want to have a sense of peace that we are ok financially. That's all I want. I am quitting my job finally, the same job I was suppossed to quit when Roslyn was born 6 years ago and it makes me nervous. On paper, we can afford it, easily. But Craig and I blow through money like water. Santa, could you fill my stocking with some common sense this year??


  1. I am SOOO with you on this. Especially the last paragraph! My family cut out all gifts except for the 3 kids in the family...thank goodness. but you are right, just not Christmassy.

  2. I could use some of that common sense, too. I agree that it is really tough to feel Christmassy in this rotten economic climate. :-( I just finished emailing my siblings to NOT buy us any presents, the thought of buying something for all the sibs and all their kids was just too much to bear...

  3. We are cutting back on our Christmas spending this year too!

    I am starting to get into the Christmas spirit...we have been playing cards and dominos...looking at old holiday pictures...watching The Santa Clause...drinking hot cocoa...all inexpensive ways to enjoy the holidays with your family.

  4. I completely understand. I tend to go way overboard at Christmas, but this year I am scaling back. It will be fine!

  5. I completely understand. I tend to go way overboard at Christmas, but this year I am scaling back. It will be fine!

  6. Hey, we are right there with ya on the whole Christmas thing. Trying to stay caught up on everything first, plus then having our well go bad. We had to spend $1000ish on that last week, lets hope they take payments!!!

  7. i was supposed to start Tuesday Tantrums today wasn't I??? doh! i will start next week...i want to make a pic like all the other cool people have for their theme days.

    or was it Tantrum Tuesday? lol


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.