Saturday, November 15, 2008

#5 New Moon - 2nd Twilight Book.

Ok, I am not going to put a plot description on here, because I know some of you are reading the first book now or just started this one. I will just say a few things.
1. I loved it, but not as much as the first.
2. I think it was the fact that a certain character was missing for the first half of the book.
3. I kinda wanted to kick Bella at the end. Really, is she ever just happy? Damn! Emo, much?

That said, it was a good book. Nice suspense, lots of drama, and of course, vampires. I bought Eclipse yesterday and I am a few chapters in. Usually, I don't enjoy "series" books. I get sick of the characters too quick. But Twilight is keeping my attention so far! Can't wait for the movie next week.

Speaking of the movie, I wasn't that thrilled at first with the choice of who would play Edward. But Robert Pattison is growing on me, what do you think? I think Meyer just had Edward so hyped up to be so "beautiful" that no one would measure up.

One more thing, off topic, the numbers on these posts is just my way of keeping track of how many books I am read. I'm curious as to how many I actually read a year. Yeah, I'm dorky like that.


  1. yeah the end really kicked it up a notch and tried to make up for the fact that a 'certain character' was missing for the first half of the book. If the whole book had been as suspenseful as the end...I would have never been able to put it down! But I agree it was good!

  2. Ok so I didn't read the whole thing b/c I dont want to spoil it for myself. BUT I am about to read the first one and am pretty excited about it! I am just now getting on the twilight bandwagon! LOL!

  3. New Moon made me lose all interest in this series. I don't like all the hype surrounding them, and I don't like hype in general, and I don't think they are particularly good.

    And Robert Pattinson? NOT ATTRACTIVE!! I'm actually doing a post about him on Thursday. I wonder how many people will hate me after that. :)

  4. #2 wasn't my favorite in the series, but it too kept my interest well enough to move on. I can say that overall I loved the series. This is one of the best I have ever read.


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