Monday, November 24, 2008

manic monday

Do you ever talk to yourself out loud? What do you talk about?
Oh, Hells Yeah.. all the time. It's usually a bunch of cursing.

What stresses you out?
Not being able to find something, when my house is a mess, money issues, and the storyline on Lost.

What are your secret talents?
Um...I can do a wicked handstand.. just ask my hubby.


  1. I talk to myself all the time. Usually reciting the daily mantra for whatever things I need to remember to do. "take out the trash, get the laundry, go pee" - you know, normal stuff.

    I get stressed out when I know that even though I am reciting everything over and over again, I know I am gonna forget something anyway.

    And my secret talent is that I can touch my tongue to the tip of my nose. Uh- oh it's not a scret anymore is it? lol

  2. I talk to myself ALL the time, I think it helps me stay focused on things, its like I con't remember anything and I have trouble keeping my train of thought going...especially since becoming a mommy

    I love Lost, it stresses Luke out too... I get stresses about money and vacations. I know vacations is an odd one but...

    I have no talents, I am actually pretty talentless unless you count sleep walking and such.

  3. I definitely talk to myself, mostly in the car.

    I get stressed out with Christmas and trying to get everything I need to.

  4. HELLO!!?? have you read the name of my blog? LOL! i actually don't talk to myself though, it's the fact that i always feel like i am becuase no one listens to me. exhibit A: my son. Exhibit B: my husband.
    I am always stressed out. My life is never easy and something is always going wrong and 99% of the time i have no control over it. IT BLOWS.
    secret talent? HMMMM. I can pretty much draw anything that i look at. I cannot draw something good from memory, but if you give me a pic or if i'm staring at something i can pretty much draw it really good. I'm also really good w/ hairdoos...and i'm GREAT at sittin on my ass at night after my son is asleep and vegging out in front of the tv.

    Lost drives me nuts too btw!! i can't wait til it starts again.

  5. I catch myself talking to myself while walking out to the car and getting in.... all the time! Just reminding myself not to forget to stop at the pharmacy, or pumping myself up for the gym, or berating myself for not wearing the right coat. I swear, it happens almost every day!

    My secret talent is singing. No one outside my family knows I can do it until I step up to a karaoke microphone. :)

  6. My 4 year old catches me talking to myself all the time. He thinks I'm crazy. I've tried to explain Lost to my husband but I just can't. I have no idea what's going on but I love it!

  7. I USED to be able to do a wicked handspring. Then, I decided to do one after like 15 years and almost broke my wrist! :)

    "Breathe." That's what I often tell myself.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.