Saturday, November 22, 2008

#6 Eclipse

Read it, loved it and hated it at the same time... thats all I have to say about that. (I know some of you are still reading it.. so I will keep my comments to myself.)



  1. you passed me up. I am still waiting for the stinking book from my dinky local library that only has 1 copy! But I did see the movie last night and it was great!

  2. You should not wait for your friends - hit a matinee alone.
    Actually now that I think of it, your sick. Stay away from the movie theatres or someone may call in the CDC.

    Hope you feel better soon and don't have to wait too long to go see the movie.

  3. i am so glad you came by my blog. i'm being all nerdy and reading your blog from the beginning. i have a running list of comments in my head right now--first--from the abc post--possibly your first--skin flute--omg i think we have the same humor. and the frozen squirrel, too funny. twilight. after reading that series i half wished james would have killed bella because she pissed me off w/ her whining. i, however, ended up on team jacob. edward showed too much self control for me. so, i am weird, i am stalking your blog and you are cracking me the hell up : )


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.