Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am looking to get a new purse and I want to go the etsy route. Anyone have a favorite etsy store they can recommend? There are so many to choose from..my head is spinning. I am looking for under 50 bucks or so. I know, I'm cheap.

oh, and ps... it has to be big enough to fit a book in.


  1. I love purses! Can't wait to see the suggestions for you!

  2. I have a great purse here that is sooooo cute that I have used like once and I got it online! Email me and I will send you pictures! I paid $40 for it but will let it go for $20 lol and I think you can fit more than one book in it :)

  3. *hangs head in shame* WHAT is an etsy???? online shopping? cuz i don't do that...so i'm hoping that's why i have no idea what that means...boy do i feel blonde!

    I always get purses for gifts so i rarely buy them myself...i've picked up a few at Kohl's, they always have a sale!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.