Sunday, November 9, 2008

#3 Twilight

Yeah, I know. Everybody and their mom has read this. I have read it twice. I just re-read to prepare for the movie (yeah, I'm nerdy like that.) I loved it. I gotta admit I was initially put off by the whole vampire idea, but the romantic aspect drew me in. I'm a sucker for a love story. (hee hee. get it? sucker? as in blood-sucker? as in vampire? whew.. I'm a one witty lady.) Anyhoo.. I won't bother you with a review. I'm sure you've read tons. I will just say, I loved it. I am now reading New Moon and am about halfway through. Can't wait for the movie!

Have you read it? what did you think? Are you gonna see the movie?


  1. Loved it and YES I am going to see the movie.

    The Sountrack is terrific too, btw!

  2. I saw the soundtrack at Target this week and almost grabbed it! Dang it, now I wish I did.

  3. Just finished "New Moon" the other day. Waiting to borrow "Eclipse" from my sister as soon as she's done with it. Personally I liked "Twilight" much better than "New Moon". Edward doesn't even come back in until halfway through the book. Love Edward, not a big fan of Jacob. Bye, bye Jacob.

    Am I going to see the movie? Oh yah! Already got a group of girls/women age range 15-50 going to see it with me.

  4. i love vampire stuff, don't know why but it's so intreguing...and as you will see by my previous comment in your newer post you know i haven't read this- LOL!

    the sad kitty makes me want to go comment crazy! so cute.

    ps- feeling better, thanks...still can't kick these swollen glands tho so may still have to go to the the shitty week may just continue. sigh.

    word ver: surses
    i'm obsessed w/ word ver now! lol

  5. I'm re reading it now so I guess we'll be nerdy together. I need to make sure I am finishing up with it the day before I go to the movie. So I am reading it REALLY SLLLLOOOOOWWWWW. Then I will re read the rest of the series.

    My name is Deb and I'm a Twilight-aholic.

  6. PS - Any chance your from RI? I see from my feedjit that I had a RI'er this morning. I grew up in Prov, married a Coventry man and lived in West Warwick when our first was born. Been living here is SC for 18 years now, but still miss home.
    So if it's not you - delete this cause it just makes me sound stupid (lol)

  7. Haven't read it.

    :::ducking while everyone throws their books at me::

    My sister has the first one and I'm waiting until she finishes it. I can't wait!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.