Saturday, November 1, 2008

Should I buy a Kindle??

I love to read. I have boxes of books in my basement. I have a book in my bag, by my bed and in my car at all times. I listen to audiobooks when I am working. I buy Pages magazine for Christ's sake.

My name is Kel and I am, gulp, a bookaholic. A story junkie, if you will.

So, of course when the kindle came out I was mad! This is the end of real books!! Bookstores will go out of business! What about the feel of a book in your hands, people? What about the independent bookstore owner? Won't you miss turning pages and sticking paperbacks in your back pockets? What about those glorious bookshelves and (gasp!) what about the libraries??

But.. um, I've kinda changed my mind. Someone told me that if you get a simple memory chip, it can hold like a thousand books. And you can download stuff instantly. The kindle store is on the device itself. That could be a bad thing and a good thing. But I am always reading about three books at once, it would be nice to have them all in one spot. I am always out somewhere when I hear about a book I want to read.. I could just whip it out and download it. Right there! How amazing is that? But then again, would I really be able to stick that thing in my purse? And what about bathtub reading?? I am a sucker for a bubble bath and a good book. Can you imagine the expletives I would use if that thing hit the water??

I will leave you with three final questions.. Are Kindles and E-reader the Anti-christ for real books? Should I get one? and finally, will you buy me one?

ps. vote in my poll on the right


  1. Thanks for the link! I must be living under a rock. Never heard of such a thing. Sounds good though. I must need it. Especially since today I'm having my husband clear a space in our bookshelves for me. All of my books are beginning to spill out into the family room.

  2. I have been considering one! But I don't know if I would miss having an actual BOOK to hold and read? I don't know...

  3. I know one blogger that has one and she really likes it so far. I don't know though, I tend to pass my books onto my sis and mom so I don't know if I'd ever get a kindle. But then again, I think I felt that way about my beloved cassette tapes before cd's took over!

  4. I'm so with you on this! My Entertainment Weekly recently gave it a good review, but all I can picture is "gone out of business" signs on my two favorite hot spots - the local public library and Barnes and Noble.

    One day to my sons..."look boys, this is what old people call books. Smell the paper, isn't it wonderful."



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