Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Patron Saint of Irritated Husbands...


My husband and I will be celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary next month. I am the first to admit that I am difficult to live with. I am shocked that he has put up with me for that long. The following are just a few examples of his miraculous patience.

** We had not been dating too long when my parents invited him over for dinner. My brother and I decided to class up the dinner with a fart machine under my chair. We waited until a silent moment and then... rip. My brother and I were laughing so hard he choked on his chicken parm and had to leave the table to puke in the bathroom. Of course, he continued to hit the fart remote while I sat and snorted like an idiot. Hubby just kind of giggled a little and turned beet red.

** The other week we were sitting in a parking lot trying to find directions to a new restaurant. I spot two birds out my window.
ME: Do birds have sex?
HIM: Yes (still typing on the GPS)
ME: I've never seen them do it.
HIM: (he sighs..) Well, the do. Maybe they're just private about it.
ME: Well, then where are their little wieners?
HIM: (slamming shut the GPS) Kel, they have wieners and they have sex... OK??
ME: Geez... well, excuse me, Mr. Know-it-all.

** We were feeding the geese at the park with our daughter. One goose dips her neck in the green water and guzzles some down.
ME: ewww! They actually drink that water?
HIM: (rolls his eyes.) No, they don't. They have bottled water shipped in (walks away, shaking his head.)

** I have this thing where if someone tells me NOT to do something, I have to do it. I don't know why. I've always been that way. One winter morning,when we were living in our first apartment, Craig went out to warm up his car. We had had an ice storm the night before. He came back in to get something to scrape the ice off his car. I offered to help. He told me not to go out there. The parking lot was covered in ice. That's where he made his mistake. A few minutes later he goes back out. I follow him, with my trusty spatula, ready to show him how it's done. I get to the front step and he says. "Kel! I said don't come out here! It's too dangerous!"

I get very snotty with him. "Don't you tell me what to do!" , and I step off the bottom step. "I wanna heeeeeeeellllllpp". And then I fall. I slide across the entire parking lot, on my ass. I make eye contact with him as I glide past. He just sighs. I finally come to a rest at the other end of the lot. I try to get up. Because I was stupid enough to put on slippers before I went out, I now find it impossible to stand up. And I have to wait there, in my nightgown, halfway across the apartment complex, for him to come help me get up. After five minutes of my whining, he comes over. He doesn't say a word, just shakes his head.

** A few years ago we were watching the Olympics on TV. I say to him. "I bet I can still do a handstand."
He looks over at me. "No. Please, don't."
Now he did it.
"Don't tell me what to do." I go to the middle of the room and do the coolest and most awesome handstand that has ever been done in the history of handstands. He doesn't say anything. "You didn't even look!" I yell at him.

"Yes, I did. It was cool. You're lucky you didn't hurt yourself. Now, could you move?" He looks past me to the TV.

Oh, no he didn't. I put my hands on my hips. "No! You didn't look! Watch!!" And this time I do another super-cool, spectacular handstand.. except this time, I fall over backwards and break my toe. To this day, I look at my crooked second toe and blame him.

** When I was pregnant I told him I was dead set against getting an epidural.
HIM: Why don't you want an epidural? It's gonna hurt, Kel."
ME: I'm not gettin' one. I don't want my legs all numb.
HIM: What? Why not?
Me: Because! What if I need my legs?
HIM: For what?
ME: I don't know!! What if I something happens and I need to run out of there or something??
HIM: (sighs and shakes his head, again.) Kel, where do you think you are going to need to go so badly when there is a baby hanging out of you?
ME: I don't know... but I sure won't be able to get there with jelly legs, will I?
HIM: Point taken.

So, there you have it. Just a few reasons that my husband should be appointed to sainthood. The fact that he hasn't killed me yet is unbelievable.

**I swear, I am not stupid, I just have no filter. I say what I am thinking, and usually it makes no sense.


  1. Happy early anniversary!

    And my husband has a fart machine. He doesn't really need one, however, if you know what I mean.

  2. fart machine- genius! seriously i would have had food coming out my nose.

  3. Ha ha ha!! You crack me up. And, I dunno, you sound like an awful lot of fun to live with if you ask me. The man is one lucky duck. Don't you let him forget it either! :-)

  4. You are hillarious. I think he's a pretty lucky have someone as entertaining as you. Besides you are a great writer and pretty too. So he wins all way roung.

  5. Yep. I offer up my vote to him.

    Happy next month Anniversary!

  6. I would have loved to see you go sliding past him on the ice! LOL, he is a saint!

  7. LMAO at this post! Im like you, tell me not to do something, you bet your ass im gonna do it. Even if I am looking like an idiot doing it.

    Happy early anniversary!

  8. Haha, wow, this made me giggle all the way through. That’s true love. :]
    Happy Anniversary!

  9. congrats on ten!!

    Tightwad and will be 20 next month. (May13) About time to trade him

  10. filterless people RAWK!!! Don't do anymore handstands!!! *snickers*

  11. Kel,

    Happy Easter to your family. You made me laugh with your list of things. We sound a lot a like. Thanks for stopping by.

  12. Hey KEL! I hope that My Blog BEST FRIEND has a great Easter day too. I love the - do bird have sex talk... LOL HHEEE... I never thought about that one either. :)

  13. ** We were feeding the geese at the park with our daughter. One goose dips her neck in the green water and guzzles some down.
    ME: ewww! They actually drink that water?
    HIM: (rolls his eyes.) No, they don't. They have bottled water shipped in (walks away, shaking his head.)

    That sounds like a conversation my husband and I would have.....

    LOVED this post!!! Tooo Funny!!

  14. This post is hilarious! I love it!! Love the pic on top, too :) Happy early anniversary!

  15. Hey Kel,
    Thanks for stopping by The Glen!! You sound like MY kinda gal...gotta figure it our for yourself! Your hubby knew what he was gettin' into when he married you...never a dull moment!!!
    Happy Easter!

  16. I have never thought about bird sex! Hmmmmmm. And good for you for never listening to your husband, what do men know anyway, right! (Ha!) Thanks for finding me today!

    Happy Easter! :0)

  17. Thanks for stopping by our blog! Happy Easter! I had some of those Reese's chocolate PB eggs...oh, so good! I ate what was left of the package and my brother was like WHAT THE...? lol.... Cool blog you have...oh, man you cracked me up! What a fun post...Happy Anniversary!

  18. Sounds to me like you've got a keeper! I am JUST like you and MUST do exactly what someone is telling me NOT to do or CANNOT do.
    My husband has loved me (I do not know why) for 16 years now! We are some lucky ladies:)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  19. I'm following you now! That was so freakin funny!

    Thanks for sharing!

  20. I'm pretty certain that the reason you two have stayed together is because you make your husband laugh! Happy 10th.

  21. Just wanted to thank you for the congrats you left me! But then I started reading and totally got sucked in. I'm loving your kick ass blog! I'll be back. Have a great night.

  22. P.S I too am a Leo and have been with my highschool sweetheart for going on 11 years.

    Happy Anniversary!

  23. Thanks so much for stopping by today. Had to come and see who "Kel" was -- and Kel is obviously a hoot! No wonder your hubby has put up with you for 10 years! You keep him guessing. You keep him laughing. You keep him loving you.

  24. Aww too stinkin' funny! We enjoy our fart machine too! We take it to family parties, course my hubby is his own fart machine!

    Happy Anniversary!


  25. Thanks for following my blog!!

  26. Birds have their little organs tucked inside, kind of like girls do. When its time to do the nevermind, they spring out. When the deed is done, it goes back in. Makes for convenient flying.

    Happy Early Ten, and I think you're husband is lucky to have YOU!

  27. I think you should clone him and sell them on craigslist.

  28. LOL this is just too funny! Happy Anniversary!

  29. Haha that is hilarious!! Happy Anniversary & thanks for visiting my blog!

  30. I love your blog!! So glad you found me. I'm following you now- hooray!! :)You're so funny!

  31. 'To this day, I look at my crooked second toe and blame him.' Love it! I also blame my hubby for everything that goes wrong.
    Happy Anniversary in advance!

  32. mine should be appointed to sainthood too but u know what he can be annoying too! Happy 10 yr that is awesome we are approaching our 12 yr!

  33. Happy Anniversary! I am totally cracking up at the "baby hanging out of your legs" portion of your post. You crack me up.

  34. He is the winner of the "most Patient Husand" award in my book. My DH would have lwft mw in the parking

  35. oh god..the ice scraping one was the best...I tell you what though...he should be so glad he married you...and not someone who is boring...Happy SITS day

  36. Happy Anniversary! The image of you skidding across the parking lot in your nightgown and slippers is priceless!

  37. Did you get the epidural? Did you have to make a mad-dash out of the hospital with jelly legs and a baby dangling? I need to know. You have to finish the story.

  38. Can I tell you how awesome you are?? You just made me laugh so hard I almost spit my coffee at the screen. You rock!

  39. Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

  40. oh i loved this kel! it was great and happy early 10 years... go ya'll!!

    p.s. i answered your makeup question through your email.. maybe i helped some!

  41. Hi Kel thanks for stopping by my blog SITSta. Loving your site, so funny. Happy Anniversary, I definitely will be back for more..haha

  42. Too funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog and Happy Anniversary!

  43. Girl, you're hilarious!! Your hubby sounds like he has the same sense of humor as mine. Mine is often caught rolling his eyes at me and sighing at least 10 times a day!

  44. Happy anniversary! I have the same "no filter" problem. I say things all the time that make people think I'm crazy!! :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  45. Your awesome Kel and your right he is a Saint!

  46. You are funny! I never thought about birds and have obviously never seen them. I would have liked to see you sliding across the ice and I can totally see myself doing that too. He sounds like a good guy...Happy Aniversary to you both.

  47. We have a lot in common, sista. I like to call it 'Every day is Opposite Day' because I'm going to do the opposite of whatever ANYBODY tells me to do, tho.
    And I don't think your husband is that much of a saint. He's the lucky one to have such a fun wife!!!

  48. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment. I went back and read some of your older posts...pretty funny and cute. I like your sense of humor.
    I have the same problem when my hubby tells me not to do something. I hate it when he does that, like he's my dad or something. I guess it's a control issue...I want to be in control not him. After all, I am a Leo. lol.

  49. You crack me up.

    Happy Anniversary, (you will need to remind me in a month)

    Your husband sounds a lot like mine. I have never seen birds have sex either!!

  50. THAT was funny stuff. I love that you were thinking about bird sex, I've totally done it. (Not had sex with a bird, but thought about how and where they do it)

    Happy early anniversary. You're much more lovable than you think you are. Your weirdness is endearing :)

  51. lol, i think you guys are so cute!!! congrats on the 10 years.... may you both has another 10 happy years!!

  52. Ten years! Wow & congrats (a little early)!

    Any lovestory that has a fart machine somewhere in the beginning is bound to be good...

    The one about epidural was my favourite!
    Please, don't ever get a filter, we need the funny stories. :)

  53. Wow - 56 comments so far!! You did leave a lot to comment about. I like the eqidural. I get nervous when I get my hair dyed. What if the power goes out, what if they are robbed,??? Will I have to go home to get this junk outta my hair?? I like having my keys at all times with the car pointing out of the garage to make a break for it!! Thank you for following me. I have a great one for Friday!!

  54. You sound PERFECT to me...but I am no picnic so I am not really a good judge...

  55. Girl you make me giggle everytime ... LOL

    Love the post and the pic, Rick would kill me ... LOL Love the idea (insert evil laugh)

  56. I feel like I'm probably gonna get a little lost in all of your followers. But I just wanted to say - your blog is awesome! loves it.

  57. Your blog is THE BEST! I will definetly be one of your followers! Thanks for keeping us in stitches!

  58. Your blog is so funny, I was laughing so hard!
    Happy Anniversary!

  59. Birds really have wieners?
    Happy Anniversary! Sounds like you found yourself a wiener..I mean a winner! :)

  60. I have to say, you make a strong case there! HAHA! Congrats on 10 years! That is awesome. And you are not alone in your husband finds me just as annoying and silly as yours. Great post.

  61. Oh my gosh, thank you for stopping by my blog today so that I could find yours. This post made me LOL and think that in real life we would probably be best friends. I read the wiener story out loud to my boyfriend and he just shook his head...because we have convos like that all the time. And while I haven't showed off my handstand skills, I have had to show off my cartwheel skills. :)

    I'm now becoming a've made my evening! Happy anniversary!

  62. Oh man I can relate! My husband would sympathise with yours.

    And I have never seen birds have sex either so I think that could be disputed don't you...!!!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  63. so so funny! love it! thanks for sharing the stories, especially the icy parking lot one, with us!

  64. First of all, 70 comments? How can I be down? Next...ROFLMAO! You are so cute! What's not to love? Congrats on 10 years!

    found you from moxie mom's link.

  66. I am laughing so hard its making me cry.... you my dear are hilarious! Thank you for sharing your darling husbands nomination into saint hood!

  67. Hilarious! Everything you write is...if I can't be funny myself then I'm glad I can read about someone else who is! I do something similar with my husband, I constantly ask him questions. It drives him nuts because they are often unanswerable questions...then when he can't answer it I get upset. He likes to direct me to Google but I would much rather cut out the extra work and be able to have him tell me.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.