Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

I've got a few new followers, so I'll explain the rules. I give you a few questions with two possible answers. You have to pick one, no matter how painful. And yes, we have had bloggers who say "I can't choose"... and well, may they rest in peace.

Time to play!

Would you rather:

1. Have a daughter who is a tomboy or a son who is considered feminine by others?

2. Throw up in your mouth or shart your pants daily? (courtesy of my hubs... thanks Hubby!)

3. Have 12 hours hours of uninterrupted sleep or two hours of wild sex with your significant other? (it was 4 hours. I changed it to two.. )

4. Be color blind or lose all sense of taste?

Bonus Gross Out Question - Children's Tv Edtion. (yeah, I'm gonna go there..)

Would you like to Yo Grabba Grabba some of this man meat from Yo Gabba Gabba?

Or have a little hanky panky with Pee Wee in his playhouse?

I don't know.. he doesn't seem that into it....


  1. I would pick :
    1.the tomboy girl.
    2. throw up
    3.the sex.. we don't get it enough
    4. I lost my sense of taste a long time ago.. see this post for an example.
    5. I guess Pee Wee.... ewww.. I grossed myself out with that.

  2. 1. the feminine boy
    2. throw up
    3. the sex
    4. color blind! i love the taste of food too much!
    5. Pee Wee! I know you are but what am I!!!!

  3. 1. The tom boy...people are just too cruel to feminine boys.
    2. Throw up. I'm so grossed out by this one...(hey, did you make it number 2 on purpose?)
    3. The sex...but it doesn't have to be 4 hours...just uninterrupted
    4. Color would give me a good excuse for running red lights.
    5. Yoooo Grabba Grabba...but he can't sing "so yummy so yummy" that would just gross me out. Besides, I'm not sure if Pee Wee has moved beyond flying solo.

  4. 1. feminine boy
    2. throw up...I can't be cleaning out the underpants every day! LOL
    3. sleep. Yes, that's how sleep deprived I am!
    4. sense of taste...then maybe I could lose some weight because it wouldn't matter what I ate!
    and the last one...I guess I would have to pick Pee Wee because that Yo Gabba Gabba guy just freaks me out!!

  5. tomboy girl
    throw up
    sense of taste - so maybe I would be skinny for once in my life!
    PeeWee - but that is scary beyond belief!

  6. 1. Tomboy. Only because society is tough on feminine boys.
    2.Eww..throw up. It would be easier to hide and/or clean up! Gross!
    3. SLEEP! (Sorry to my hubby)
    4. Color question asked! (I like to eat!)
    Bonus: I would Yo Gabba Gabba. I don't know him or the would be easier to block it all from my mind!

  7. 1. feminine boy ~ we'd have more in common!
    2. Throw up
    3. Sleep ~ definitely SLEEP! Sex is overrated.
    4. Color-blind ~ Food is one the best treasures in life.
    5. Ummmm...Pee Wee. I think.

  8. 1. Tomboy. Hell, I live in TX! Bastard would be tarred and feathered!
    2. Throw up (my annie-rexic wannabe in me!)
    3. Sleep. Love sex, but 4 hours? C'mon! There's too much reality t.v. to watch
    4. Taste bud-less (again, annie-rexic wannabe prays to not love food so damn much daily)
    5. Yo Gabba Gabba, fo' shizzle!

  9. 1. Tomboy. I can relate to that better as I have that side to me. How on earth did I end up with a girly girl? I'm tranforming her though.

    2.Throw up. There is less mess to clean up there.

    3. Sleep. 4 hours is a very long time for 'all that'

    4. This cook says color blind.

    5. Pee Wee since I have to pick one.

  10. 1. Tomboy girl
    2. throw up
    3. sleep!!!!!!
    4. lose sense of taste (hey, maybe that would be my secret to weight loss!!!)
    5. daring to be different, I pick YO GABBA GABBA

  11. timboy girl
    throw up (i think, either is really gross)
    sleep!!!! sex can happen whenever
    lose sense of taste
    and im sorry... i just cant answer that last one!!

  12. Tomboy girl

    throw up


    colour blind

    Pee wee

  13. tom boy!! (poor boys can't get away with not being "boyish")

    throw up!! (seriously i don't know who would want to shart their pants!!)

    sex/sleep....that's a toss up! can i sleep for 12 hours....after the sex?!?! this one is hard, i have a lot of trouble i might have to go with the sleep....but i always sleep a lot better after sex....soooo....
    ......let me think....

    loss of taste....the world would be weird without the colors i already get to see....however, what if i was already color blind and didn't know it!! what if there were more colors than i knew of?!?!

    i'm thinking yo gabba gabba

    and back to the sex/sleep one
    i'm gonna go with sleep....
    sex can happen whenever!!!

  14. tom boy
    throw up
    12 hours of sleep
    color blind
    with a name like Pee wee do you even have to ask? tee hee!~

  15. feminine boy
    throw up gross!
    sleep baby!
    color blind fo sho!
    I don't know who Yo Grabba what's his name but I'm going with him because there's no way in hell I'd get near Pee Wee!

  16. 1. A Tomboy daughter. (It's really a no-brainer)

    2. Throw up in my mouth. (Nothing to clean up afterwards)

    3. 2 Hours of wild sex. (Quality over quantity,baby!)

    4. Be color blind. (I would die if I couldn't taste my food)

    I guess it'd have to be Pee Wee.Maybe he's got a 'big' surprise down there.Who knows?

  17. !. Tomboy daughter
    2. Throw up.....easier to clean
    3. Hmmmmm..still thinking on that's a toss up
    4. color blind
    5. well, I guess I'd have to pick pee wee but he couldn't talk.

  18. 1. Feminine boy - those wonderful kids need understand and loving parents! Too much stupid hatred in this world.
    2. Throw up...yuck.
    3. Sleep for that long with no interruptions...sigh...unless I was really in the mood, then I can't sleep.
    4. My hubby's color blind and he does ok- but if I were color blind too I couldn't help him...but I'd have to go with that...I want my sense of taste so I don't go eating/drinking things like sour milk or moldy bread...
    5. Yo Gabba Gabba...he might actually be sorta normal under all that...but Pee Wee? We know he's not.

  19. 1.) Tomboy daughter
    2.) Throw-up in my mouth -eewwww
    3.) Sex
    4.) Pee-Wee - I bet he has all sorts of toys in that playhouse

  20. Darn, I miss numbered - DO OVER

    1.) Tomboy daughter
    2.) Throw-up in my mouth
    3.) Sex
    4.) Color blind
    5.) Pee Wee - I bet he has all sorts of toys in that playhouse

  21. I'm so grossed out by your gross out question that I can't bring myself to even answer your other questions.

  22. 1. Tomboy
    2. Throw-up
    3. errr...ooooooh. both! I can't pick just one!
    4. color blind. although if I lost sense of taste, maybe that would prohibit me from drowning my sorrows in food. hmmm.
    5. PEE WEE!!!

  23. Oh My...WORD.

    1. A tomboy girl.
    2. Throw up.
    3. Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex. And then if I could, I'd fall asleep for 12 hours and have sex in my sleep.
    4. Probably color blind.
    5. Oh dear Lord...Um...I'm gonna go with Yo Gabba Gabba...cause once you go...never mind.

  24. tomboy
    throw up
    this one was hard. i guess color blind. but there would actually be advantages to not be able to taste.
    yo gabba gabba. pee wee is a little too freakish.

  25. 1. tomboy
    2. throw up
    3. sleep (super sleep deprived)
    4. loss of taste (love all the colors)
    5. You Gabba Gabba (gotta go with that hat)

  26. 1. tomboy
    2. throw up; what a horrible fate.
    3. sleep; what a horrible fate.
    4. color blind
    5. OPTING OUT of this one.

    This was fun! Especially reading the responses!

  27. You are killing me with!

    1. tomboy

    2. throw up

    3. sleep...oh sweet sleep

    4. loss of taste (I could probably lose weight with this and the throw up..)

    5. DJ Lance Rock from Yo Gabba Gabba...Pee Wee is too pervy for me...bleh..

  28. 1. Daughter who is a tomboy. Mostly because I was one too.

    2. Throw up in my mouth...I do that almost daily anyway.

    3. 2 hours of wild sex for sure. I can get all the sleep I want anytime I want, but keeping him going for two hours would be nice...

    4. Be colored blind. I like to eat/taste things too much to give that up.

    I don't know the Yo Yo character, so I guess I'll go with PeeWee.

  29. Ummm

    1. Have a daughter who is a tomboy
    2. Throw up in your mouth
    3. Two hours of wild sex with your significant other
    4. 4. Be color blind

    and I have no idea but Yo Grabba Grabba the other guy is kinda ... pervy

  30. Not that there is anything wring with a femenan boy but I would rather Tomboyish daughter.

    Throw up in my mouth at least I wouldn't have to change close all the time.

    12 hours off sleep.

    Color blind, I like food way too much.

    Who is this Yo Gabba Gabba guy? Since I don't know who he is I guess I'll go with him.

  31. Mmm... I'm going to have to say:

    1. Tomboy
    2. Throw up
    3. Wild sex (yeah, it's been awhile!!)
    4. Lose taste (maybe then chocolate wouldn't call to me 24/7)
    5. Yo Gabba Gabba (because I know where Pee-Wee has been. Eeep!)

  32. 1. neither, i hate kids. i eat them for lunch and they give me the runs
    2. this is the weirdest question!!! vomit in my mouth. just in case i'm around someone i don't like i can puke on them
    3. sleep. i have great sex all the time and 4 fucking hours?? i aint got that sort of energy.
    4. deaf. i need to taste and i love color.
    5. NO PEE WEE!!!! Bitch gives me nighmares!!!

  33. 1. Tomboy daughter. I used to be one,so I've experience.
    2.Throw up.
    3. Sex. I never sleep anyway. :D
    4. Be colour blind. I love my food way too much!
    Bonus: Hmmm.. Yo Gabba Gabba?

  34. My answers will have to be:
    tomboy girl
    throw-up in mouth
    12 hrs of sleep
    sense of taste

    bonus: ??? Ugh! Do I have to answer? Yo Grabba--but, ewe, I just threw-up in my mouth!

  35. tomboy
    color blind
    Pee Wee

  36. Tomboy
    throw up

    ...I'll take both of 'em.

  37. What is worng with you?! I guess there is something wrong with me too cuz I always come back to play:
    1. Tomboy--I was one and I turned out alright--I guess.
    2. throw up in my mouth
    3. sleep-sorry hubs
    4. color blind--eating is my fav thing to do
    5. yo gabba gabb--I don't think pee wee does girls


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.