Friday, April 3, 2009

For The Love of Chickens..

My daughter Roslyn has always loved animals. She also has a flair for the dramatic. One day when she was four and half years old we saw what happens when these two traits collide.

It was a rainy November afternoon. Ros was watching tv and enjoying some lunch, when a commercial about "cooking your Thanksgiving turkey" came on the screen. She giggled a little and said, "That's so funny that they call it turkey. People don't eat real turkeys."

I laughed too. "Of course they do! People eat animals all the time."

She shrugged a little. "Well, I'm glad we don't, mommy. We would never eat an animal."

I watch as she dips her CHICKEN nugget into some sauce and gobbles away. Crap. Do I tell her? I mean she's almost 5. It's time she knew the truth. I take a deep breath and say, "Um, honey. We do eat animals. You're eating chicken nuggets. They are made out of chickens."

She drops the nugget. Clunk. "What?" She stares at her plate. Her mouth is hanging open. Big tears are starting to form and I think, "Shit.. here we go." She jumps up and does the drama queen run to her bedroom. (you know the one.. arms flailing, legs stomping, but the nose is still way up in the air.) "How could you make me eat poor little chickens?!". She slams her door.

I consider for a moment going in there. But decide to let her have some time. Good thing, because a second later she opens the door. She gives me the death stare to end all death stares and marches past me to her toy boxes in the front room. She digs around like crazy, finds what she is looking for and marches back to her room, wailing in agony the whole time. This time she forgets to dramatically slam the door and leaves it open a little. I can see that the thing she had been searching for was her stuffed turkey. (I am seriously trying not laugh at this point. I mean, come on...) She then dives under her blankets with her stuffed turkey. I can hear her mumbling something in between sobs. I sneak a little closer.

"I'm so sorry that I have been eating you guys. I didn't know. She didn't tell me." Again, more wailing and then, " I know.. I think she's a mean lady, too."

Oh for the love of God. Again, I decide to let her ride it out a little. About ten minutes later she comes out of the bedroom. I am thinking it's over. She drops to the ground in front of our dogs. "I am sorry. I didn't want to eat your friends!" The dogs are wide eyed in terror. What's with this kid?

I laugh a little. "Honey, we don't eat dogs."

She buries her face in the dog's side. "Well, what do you think Hot Dogs are then, huh??" The wailing continues.

Finally I get her calmed down. I explain to her how some animals eat other animals. I tell her that if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to. Some people are vegetarians. And at this point I am thinking she definitly will become one. I would be more than happy to support that.

"What do they eat?" she asked, her face so filled with hope.

"Well, they eat vegtables." I tell her.

Her face falls and her nose immediatly wrinkles up."But I don't like vegtables." she says.

She looks at me for a few seconds and then glances at the nuggets still sitting on her plate. I can almost hear the wheels in her little head spinning. Suddenly, as if someone has flicked a switch, she says. "Nah. I'm just gonna eat the chickens."
It's over.

And..... end scene.


  1. LMAO! OMG that cracked me up! Kids are too funny!

  2. LOL! This so sounds like me as a little girl. To this day I will gobble up a hamburger but don't even think about putting a steak in front of me... Strange I know...

  3. That's so funny! I feel her pain though. It sucks having to eat animals, but vegetables just aren't tasty enough! lol

  4. That is one of the funniest stories EVER! It hits home because I have 2 little drama queens who LOVE animals so I can only imagine! Too funny - thanks for making my Friday!

  5. Oh gosh Kel you have me cracking up so loud. Because I can relate to all this. Our girls are so much alike.
    The stomping of the feet, nose in air and how terrible life is for them dramatics they put on daily (atleast mine does several times daily).

    I need to get the video camera out & tape this so that one day she will see exactly how she acts.

  6. This story is the best!My eldest nephew is the same.He doesn't like knowing that he's eating meat.So he only eats meat if you kind of disguise it,and don't tell him exactly what it is.I'm dreading the day he realises what's going on.

  7. Way too funny. I also posted about chickens today— but it's really about a song that has the word chicken in it:


  8. OMGosh! That is the funniest and cutest story! hahaha. Love it! She is a doll.

    And yes to answer your question from last week, it is Scrapblog. I've looked for other websites for digital scrapbooking and haven't found anything like it yet. Sorry it took so long to answer. I completely forgot to answer when I got to your website.

    Have a great weekend!!

  9. I love know, my girls are not even thinking about being vegetarians, but they will not eat our own chickens......even when we had to get rid of some roosters, we had to give them to someone else who was going to eat them......they cry when we even mention it!

  10. I love vegetables but I couldn't be a vegetarian, I don't think, not completely!! I just have to try very hard to not think of it as an animal. Sometimes I'll be eating something and think about it being an animal and then I can't finish it, but if I don't think about it, I love it. lol

  11. HaHaHa! That is seriously funny right there!

  12. you tell a story well my dear and what a cute little girl you daughter is. I'm with her.......forget the salads I'm needing me some meat!

  13. too great! this was wonderfull.. though im afraid that had i been you i mighta not stopped myself from laughing!

  14. This was too funny! Just let her know we don't eat the CUTE animals.

  15. How hilarious! This seems like a perfect scene for a movie or something! Funny how such dramatic things happen in real life. What a funny girl.

  16. I'm being stared at for giggling out loud at work! That was PRICELESS!!!

  17. Fabulous.

    My daughter wanted to know how come they put bones in chicken legs.

    She thought there was a factory that did that.


  18. LOL!!! My kids are a bit too into the food chain. When my husband comes home from fishing, they watch him clean the fish - they want to know what was in the fish's stomach. They also like to watch crabs being cooked through the glass lid. They are both animal lovers but have always been aware that some animals are meat eaters and some are plant eaters. I love how she gave up her resolve after hearing she would have to eat veggies!! Have a great weekend.

  19. I am laughing sooo hard! Too funny. Too great.

  20. TOO cute! No way are we giving up the nuggets for VEGETABLES!

  21. ROFLMAO! That is hysterical! You made her eat the poor lil chickens. Mean lady! Love it!
    And "HOT DOGS"??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!! She's killing me!!!

  22. I Loved this post!! So funny and so precious!

  23. What a great story! She's pretty smart to choose animals over vegetables.

  24. That is absolutely hilarious! I love the apologies to both the live and "stuffed" animals. Definitely something my Momo would do!

    BTW...thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you enjoyed it!

  25. That is hilarious.... Glad she is back to eating the chickens....Have a great weekend!

  26. hilarious.

    My kids thought everything was "chicken" for years. Even fish, steak, whatever. It was all chicken. And "chicken" did not mean real chicken. It was just a word.

    Who knows where these beings get these things from?

  27. That is a great story! Love the things kids do. What is going to happen come Thanksgiving? I love the "i don't like vegtables" comment!

  28. All's well that ends well. I'm thinking it ended, right?

  29. LOL - the things kids say and do - hehehe.

  30. Love it! My daughter was SUCH a drama queen when she was young...I kinda miss it now. And there is no way I would have said that back then! Ahahaha!

  31. ROFL! I LOVE her end decision!! Heehee!! I agree too!

  32. I had no idea you have my kid!!
    I mean surely there's not more than one drama filled, animal lovin, stompin, nose up in the air, running to room, arms flailing little girl out there?! right? I really thought i suffered along in this.
    Your post was hilarious!! seriously i cracked up!

  33. That's so funny! I've had those conversations with my little ones once in a while. When a little one asks about pork chops, we say that the piggies on the farm don't get eaten. They haven't connected that pork and pig are the same thing. My older son threatens to "enlighten" them all the time. I glare right back at him :)

  34. My kids would rather fry up their beta fish, than eat veggies!

  35. Oh boy the questions! Cole has been asking but I've been skating around the answers ... LOL.

    Stop by if you get a chance I have a giveaway for a Purseket :)

  36. Aww, poor kid. It was really funny though. My daughter is only 20 months, so I'm dreading dealing with all of that stuff.

  37. Absolutely HILARIOUS. Love it. And I'm glad you've written this, so she has proof that you didn't force her, heehee.

  38. HE HE HE That was a good one!!! I love that, I'll just eat chickens. Too precious!

  39. I am totally ROTF LMAO!!!! Priceless!!!!!
    Thank you for visiting my blog today, I have totally enjoyed yours.
    ♥ Teresa

  40. Funny post. I was the same way when I was a kid but I became a vegitarian. I have since crossed back over to the dark side and I eat animals again :-D I LOVE your Leave a comment LOLs in the sidebar. I need some of those. Thanks for stopping by my blog hope you stop back by.

  41. Too funny! (Love the hot dog comment!)
    We have been going through the same thing at our house but it's a running discussion...I'm a vegetarian but my kids and husband aren't.

    The best was when my oldest (4 years old) was trying to figure out how hamburgers come from cows...he thought it was like getting milk from cows but that they came out the tail!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  42. That is too funny! I have tried to go Veg a time or two but my family won't go for it. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Have a wonderful week! :0)

  43. I have a cheesy award for you on my blog :) go see.

  44. Thanks for visiting my blog. Having found you through your visit, I am planning an afternoon full of fun times reading what you've had to say.
    I have to say - I was laughing so hard after this post. I know, as a Mom, we don't want to laugh, but OMG! The poor thing thot hot dogs were dogs. And how quickly we are "over it!"
    Motherhood definitely keeps us on our toes.
    Have a great day and thank you for the laugh! Karen

  45. How very, very funny. I love little children. Their ways of seein' the world is so simple and innocent. And practical!

  46. Hold on....I am still laughing this is so close to home for me my son is 4 1/2 and we have converstations like this ALL of the time!

  47. Oh my Lord. I totally just foresaw (forseed, forsawn? uh, yeah) my future with the Diva Princess herself. She is way dramatic. She loves animals. She loves to do and say things that are ridiculous, but totally serious to her. Super fun. I will file this story under moms to trade stories with, lol.

  48. Kids are too funny! I remember when I first doubted the existence of Santa, I asked my mother, "If elves make the toys, how come my game says Parker Brothers"? LOL

  49. That's awesome! Hahahaha! Hot dogs! Love it!

  50. LOL! You animal killer! I guess it was time to introduce her to the good 'ol food chain. Has she branched out beyond chicken since this experience?

  51. funny I am laughing so hard right now...I can remember having dramatic moments like that with my Mom too!!! :)

    Love your fun!!!

  52. Kids are adorable! Stopping by your blog from SITS! Cute blog!

  53. oh, too funny. frankly, i don't know how any parents get kids to be vegetarians =)

  54. my 12 yr old went through this for about 6 months when she was six or seven. she didn't want to eat meat and i didn't make her. in the grocery store she'd walk by the meat section and sigh, saying, look at all of those poor animals. she out grew it cos she loves ham and beef jerky : )

  55. That is a GREAT story! I love it!

  56. ROFL! This was sooooo cute and funny and heartwarming all at the same time! First, let me say that I am sorry for slacking on the comment love...way in over my head as everyone knows. Second, I always love reading your blog! Fun times here!


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