Monday, April 6, 2009

It's time to Hunkercize...

Enjoy ladies... and I know you will...


I did not post this based on it's awesomeness alone... I am going to start exercising.. (hey..stop laughing..STOP!)I'm not worried about pounds but I need to get moving. My job has made me lazy. And I eat like crap. I drink coffee all day, then get shaky around three.. eat something bad and then start dinner at 5. Not healthy. So I planned out some healthy meals this week and I am going to start working out again. Blah...

But I hate exercise. I don't like to be all sweaty and out of breath.. so if you could recommend something that didn't involve those two things, that would be great. Oh, and if you could go ahead and do it for me, that would be even better.


  1. I'll do it for you, since I need to start too. If you don't want to be out of breath and sweaty, you could stroll. :)

  2. Love the video...very early 80's of you.

    Well, I do recall something that makes one sweaty and out of breath that could be considered exercise but the name of the activity escapes me at the moment.

    Good Luck!!!!

  3. I did your exercise for you today. :)
    Pilates rowing machine is quite good. (Fancy name for a piece of rubberband with places for your feet...)

  4. I do yoga ... good for the brain and the bod! I do sweat sometimes though. You may find you like a good sweat ... very cleansing!
    Thanks for visiting my blog - sorry your first day was so "deep" come back because I'm usually pretty fun! I love your blog and just subscribed and grabbed your button!

  5. that video is hilarious! gotta love the 80s.

    sweat is good, girl! i love a good sweaty workout.

    good luck!!

  6. I usually do pilates or yoga. I don't love the out of breath thing either and I think one of my knees is 50 years older than the rest of my body so running and stuff is not fun. I started doing the Self Challenge 4 weeks ago to help keep me motivated and give me some workout ideas. The whole program is online at If you sign up let me know and wee can help motivate each other!

  7. good luck Kel! I hate exercise too...I think it's one of the necessary evils. I started a Pilates class with a MVP chair, which is awesome. It's a great workout without getting out of breath, which I also hate. I have some 10 minute trainer videos at home too...but most of the time, I end up sitting on the couch with a bag of chips and watching them do the moves! lol...

  8. I once watch an interview about a woman who lost gads of pounds by walking. She started out by walking to her mail box. Hmm..must have been some postman.

  9. loved it! and im soooooo with you about exercising... its soo not FUN! i hate being hot, sweaty too... its so not my cup of tea!!

  10. :) you're really funny!!! hey, but exercise is really good for you. and i know another thing that would make you feel really good without much of the above two, being sweaty and out of breath and that is...ta-da!!! sex, of course!!! it gets everything in your body pumping, you'll lose the pounds in no time and also, you will feel all refreshed and ready for the world. *gulp* :)

  11. OMG I am rolling on the floor. haaaaa!!!!!

    Gotta love a hot sweaty man in mustaches and short shorts. AWESOME!! I am passing this video on. (thumbs up)

  12. I am rolling on the floor laughing my butt off. So 80s and what is with the close up of the woman's legs- that it was a playgirl video. OMG too funny.

  13. Dude. Just commit yourself to working out that video 10 times a day. That's like 20 minutes of jumping around per day and you can eventually wear that one bright blue leotard while you're at it and I don't know you might laugh while you're at it.

    Or not.


  14. Thx for stopping by...My favorite exercises of late are couch sitting, but I also like my Wii Fit and Hot Yoga (you leave totally mellow, your muscles a bit quivery, and sweaty -- a yummy body feeling!!!).

  15. Yeah.

    Go for it.

    I'll just sit here on my continuously expanding arse and be your overweight cheerleader.

  16. do it for ME!

    The way their hips move. Oh my.

  17. We just got a new TV for our living room, because the one in our bedroom, where the elliptical is, is old and we can't hook up a DVR to it. And I have a very difficult time working out when I have nothing good to watch.

    So now, we have a DVR in the bedroom too, so I can watch Jack Bauer while I exercise!

  18. Great video. I think most of those hunks might be gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.

  19. I needed that this morning! Thanks for the 'stashes and those ridiculous shorts!

  20. Friggin cracking up -- you're awesome! My eating and exercise habits sound EXACTLY like yours. You gonna do the Muffin Top thing? email if you've decided to! (If not, just keep posting goodies like these. hehehe)

  21. That's so funny! Some of those guys were so delicately pointing their toes...I had to stifle a giggle.

  22. Thanks for the great laugh!!! You always know how to make me get out of a funk by your posts! You're the best ♥ You!!!

  23. I'm channeling olivia newton john..."Lets get physical, physical.."
    80's rock!
    Go for it on the whole exercising thing. i'm actually starting back too.

  24. I'm in the same boat. Since getting back to work after maternity leave I have gained weight. It's the sitting at a desk all day long - not to mention going on coffee runs with the people around me.

  25. Thanks for the "inspirational" video! I've got to get moving too. I'm hoping to sweat a bit when I take walks around the neighborhood. I wonder how many laps I need to see a difference:)

  26. That video is VERY inspiring! Who knew Tom Seleck had moves like that?

  27. Everyone starts thinking of exercising now that Spring is here.
    Just close your eyes, and it will pass.......

  28. I know I've asked this before, but what is wrong with you? I can't help you with exercise because your daily routine sounds much like my own. Do you think if we just watch other people exercise we can get fit through osmosis?

  29. I'm needing to start doing this too. Move over. It's time to Hunkercize.

  30. ugh, excerising. i hate that word.

  31. fat cells seem to be ganging up on me. I'm even thinking about hiring some teenager to be a workout trainer for me, cuz I know I sure don't have the willpower to do it myself. Gah!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.