Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hot Seat Question #3

Welcome to the Hot Seat! Each week, I give you a situation to ponder. Some will be silly (this is me, afterall). Some will be serious. Some will be though-provoking (but not many... I mean come on. You know I can only go so deep). I am going to give you several possible responses and you can choose one, or of course, leave your own. It's just a fun little social experiment and a way for us all to get to know each other.

Now, here is your third scenario:

You and your 13 year old daughter are attending the high school football game. You notice a large group of girls harrassing another girl in the stands. They are calling her names, pushing her and pulling her hair. The abused girl is just hanging her head in shame. You want to say something. Your daughter begs you not to. She says the mean girls will just turn their attention on her from now on. You want to step in and help the poor girl, but how can you throw your own child into the line of fire?

What do you do?

a. Stand up, cup your hands around your mouth and scream, "Hey you little witches! Leave that girl alone and go back to lookin' skanky over by the boy's locker room where you belong."

b. Look around you and ask that someone else steps in . It's not your problem, but you do feel for the girl. You're not about to make your child a target. Maybe someone else will do it for you.

c. Approach the young girl being tormented and ask if she wants to sit with you and your daughter. Mean girls be damned.. you will teach your child to be compassionate.

d. Everyone gets picked on some time in their lives. It's a rite of passage. It will toughen the girl up in the long run.



  1. I think I'd be a C - I HOPE I'd be a C. I like C.

  2. I would choose C and hope my daughter didn't become their next victim.

  3. Definitely C. I was bullied when I was in Jr High and high school, and I do NOT tolerate that kind of thing from the kids I work with.

  4. C is a great choice!!! Thanks for that option. I would have just jumped in to help without consulting my child. It is the parent/teacher in me. I have stopped my car to break up fights that I see with kids.

  5. Oh... and thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your cartoon photo of yourself. Very creative.

  6. I choose C.

    However, in reality, my daughter wouldn't be intimidated by the mean girls and she would be right with me when I went over and demanded they leave the other girl alone. As a matter of fact, she may beat me to getting there and breaking it up. She's always been one to have compassion for the underdog.

  7. C would be my choice in this situation. My son tells me stories about a boy getting picked on in school. He stands by and watches because he is afraid of being their next victim possibly. He begs me not to tell the boy's mother, but I think I want to let her know what is happening. Why do bullies have to always be a problem in schools? I feel so much for what kids go through.

  8. Yup, I'm a C this week.

    HAVE to tell you-I thought about you twice today!

    First-hubby and I were at the mall and we see this kid throwing a massive temper tantrum as mom pulls him away and down the hall. I posed the "would you step in in case it is an abduction?" scenario to my hubs.

    Then, we were at our friends' playing the board game "would you rather" and I had a challenge to create my own would you rather and totally racked my brain thinking of the ones you have used and picked the Pee Wee Herman one! Hahahahahahahaha!


  9. I would say 'C', but I probably would dump my drink on the ring leader

  10. I would choose A. and C. Luckily my almost 13yo daughter is a beast, so she wouldn't worry about them picking on her.

  11. These are really hard!!!! You are taxing my brain and my moral compass. I think I would do B.

  12. I would do C, but that is easy because my dd would not put up with that behavior anyways - she would totally be on board with helping the girl out.

  13. C! I was bullied all through my school years and I wish people had my back.

  14. Without a doubt, C! What a wonderful idea. ;-)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I like yours so much, I think I will stay awhile. ;-)

  15. I would pick C, probably. I'd do my variation of A, which is to ask the mean girls why they think it's ok to pick on the girl. I once told a 5th grade girl who was picking on someone that she had great leadership skills and should use her power for good rather than meanness.
    I have three sons who are bully-proofed. They have learned to stand up for themselves and others. I don't know how, but they did it.

  16. Definitely C. The thing with A (even though I like it) is that it would probably just make the situation worse later. But I'd want to do something. So probably C.

  17. OMG I have a 13 year old and I know how they get embarrassed. I would choose C though,and give the mean girls some real dirty looks myself. My daughter has been bullied in the past and know they need to learn to stick-up for themselves and each other, but I would step in if necessary...

  18. Hey, thanks for visiting and the compliment. And, it's hair, it can always grow back-if we want it. :)

  19. I guess,out of these options I would choose C,but in reality I would choose E ~ tripping those little bitches and seeing them fall flat on their faces.

    I hate bullies.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.