Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Would You Rather? - 80's edition #2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO

Last week's 80's edition of Would You Rather was so popular, I decided to do a super size edition. Here is how you play. I give you a question with two possible answers, you have to pick one. (no saying neither! Not fun!) I think this week will be relatively easy for most of you...

Now, Who would you rather have as your 80's boyfriend?
LLoyd Dobler

Or Jake Ryan?

Who would you rather have as your little sister?
Vicky from Small Wonder

Or Punky Brewster?

Would you rather wear Jellies?

Or La Gear?

Your parents need help around the house... who do you want as your Manny?

Or Mr. Belvedere?

Who would you rather have as your annoying and super-horny best friend?
Vinny from Doogie Howser?

Or Boner from Growing Pains?

And lastly for your Bonus Gross Out Question..
The Cold War ended badly...you are the sole female survivor.. you must repopulate the world with one man.. Who would rather make babies with?

Or Balki?

Have fun!!


  1. This is so crazy easy for me this week. I am still in love with LLoyd Dobler to this day. He is epitome of the perfect guy to me. I would pick Punky.. cause she's cool. Mr. Belvedere because he's british. Boner, because his name is Boner. Jellies cause they are nice and airy. And I would get down and dirty with the Balkster... cause he's hot.

  2. Here we go

    I want Jake Ryan as my boy toy... Punky Brewster as my overly excited lil sis... Jelly shoes all day long... Tony as my hot manny... Boner because his name says it all!... and finally Balki and i would have to get it on!

  3. Torturous! Lloyd - he probably wouldn't cheat on me, a dinner out would be Mickey D's. Vicky because I could probably re-program her. LA Gear - jellies made my feet sweat! Tony - forgeta bout it! Boner he was not as annoying as Vinnie. And the last one - yuck - but if I had to repopulate the earth at least sex might be more intersting with Mr. T than wimpy Blakie - and mixed babies are so cute!

  4. wow this edition IS easy!
    Jake Ryan cause i love the two name thing and he's hot.
    Punky cause hell i wanted to be her.
    Jellies cause they rocked and i so wore them with socks.
    Tony! cause we all knew he would end up with the mom.
    Vinny but i have no good reason other than he rocked at sneaking into windows.
    Mr. T cause he was loaded. Shoot did you see all the gold he wore.

  5. please... i am tempted not to even dignify this post with a comment, because the answer is so obvious. Mr. T rocks my world! i pity the fool that picks balki!

  6. This is totally crazy! I love it.

    My answers:Jake Ryan, Punky Brewster, LA Gear, TONY!!!, Vinny, and Mr. T...

    Thanks for doing these. They are SO fun!!!!

  7. Don't know either of those guys

    Was totally in love with Punky Brewster. Wanted to be her.

    Always wanted jellies but my Mom wouldn't let me because they weren't "practical" so I just had to watch all the other girls wear them.




    Good questions! Hahaha!

  8. mmmmmm. Jake Ryan....Punky Brewster... Jellies! I LOVE jellies. They are worth the massive blisters!... Tony... Doogie Houser, such a cutie! and Balki!

  9. I. Love. This!

    I can finally have the 80's that I always wanted!

    Lloyd, totally!
    Punky, (kinda already had her with the sisters I have)
    LA Gear (with matching leg warmers please)
    Tony of course!
    Vinny, he's the ideal goofy BFF

    The last gross-out is a tough one. I want both actually. Mr. T can protect me since I'm the last woman on earth and Balki will do whatever I tell him to do. Oh, just pick one? Rules, schmules. ;o)

  10. Jake Ryan...I mean, look at him!!
    Punky....cuz she's cool!
    LA Gear...jellies always made my feet sweaty
    Tony...cuz he's fun!
    Boner...just cuz I like his name!

    And finally Mr T....as long as all the kids have little mohawks like him

  11. I loved jellies!!! I think Mr. T. could be a good partner:)

  12. Definitely the jellies, Tony, Dobler, Doogie and that little Robot bitch.

    Does everyone hear recognize the genious of your Electric Boogaloo reference? That's what we call EVERY sequel at our house. Holla!

  13. I'm going to say Jake Ryan, Punky Brewster, LA Gear, Tony ,Doogie Howser, and finally Balki. This was fun -- thanks for sharing!

  14. Lloyd all the way hes still hot
    Punky I so wanted to be her
    Jellies were Smellies but I would still rock them
    Mr B for sure
    Vinny cause Boner probably had an STD
    and I would have to go with Balki cause I have a thing for guys with big noses :-D

  15. Easy Easy Easy
    Jake Ryan
    Punky Brewster
    La Gear (in fact..I owned a pair just like that)

    Eww..Mr. T

  16. Jake Ryan, fer sure, I still think he's sexy.
    Punky Brewster
    Jellies - loved them! Wish I still had them.
    Tony, again sexy.
    Doogie, no worries,he turned out gay.
    Balki, I love an accent. Cousin Larry, no way.

    I loved this! Thanks for the memories.

  17. I hate to say this but i was kinda young in the 80s so I don't know all the answers

    Jake Ryan because I haven't seen that other movie - pathetic i know - it's on my netflix

    vicky - never watched punky

    jellies - totally - would still rock them today

    tony - i might try to make a pass at mr belvedere (got a british thing)


    um. really not diggin bonus gross out but i'll go with balki. i like nerds.

  18. Ohh... too many bad memories of padded shoulders!!

  19. Jake Ryan for sure
    Punky Brewster
    Jellies I loved them then I think I had them in every color they made
    Tony, I could see him walking around my house in only a towl :P

  20. My daughter goes to school with a guy name Jake Ryan. He asked her to prom and I was all 'OMG! Jake Ryan asked you to the prom?! Squuueeeeeellll!' She didn't get it...

    Punky Brewster!!! We could have sooo much fun with her hair!

    L.A. Gear fer sure!

    Mr. Belvedere...anyone that would have sex with Angela and her ROOTS make me nausiated!

    I go with Vinny...Boner drove me nutty!

    And OMG! Balki!!! He's so sexy in a nerdish foreign guy kinda way!

  21. I can't pick either for the first question, as I have no clue who those guys are.

    Punky Brewster )I used to want to be her!)

    La gear. (Jellies never fit my flintstone feet)



    Balki (I actually used to have a crush on his character. Don't ask...)

  22. WOW - You really did super size it. ;-)

    Lloyd Dobler - I LOVE John Cusack

    Punky Brewster (my daughter is the 90's version of her)

    LA Gear

    Tony of course ;-)

    HHHMMM...Vinny or Boner...since I can't say neither, I'll say Boner


  23. I had some sweet jellie sandals I wore last summer from Old Navy - I would wear them again except my devil dog ate them.

  24. Hmmm Dobler (I have no idea who either of them are...I think my age is showing) La Gear..it's too snowy and cold here to do the jellies thing, Tony duh!, Vinny...because Boner was just too stupid for words, and Mr. T....only because I'm hoping to score some of his gold jewelry!

  25. Lloyd and Punky. Definitely Jellies. Tony because of his awesome accent. Vinny because I had a crush on Doogie, and Mr. T because I couldn't stand Balki!

  26. Wow, an easy decision making day for me!

    Lloyd Dobler
    Punky B.
    LA Gear

    Thanks for the chuckles!

  27. I love this post. No question for me Lloyd. I loved, okay who am I kidding, I still love that movie. Small Wonder always kind of freaked me out. I rocked the jellies back in the day so I have to go with those. Tony is way cooler and Vinnie because I thought Doogie was cute. I loved Balki even though he was annoying. These are the memories of my childhood. Thanks for making me smile :)

  28. You are hilarious! I had to catch up on your last few posts- the post about what your husband goes through really explains how you are so much like Kaitlin. :) lol.
    Ok I'm in love with Lloyd - and I haven't seen the other movie. But John Cusack gets me with all his 80s movies, really.
    Punky Brewster because she's cool.
    Jellies of course.
    Tony. Never heard of the other.
    Doogie Howser.
    Yuck....Mr T I guess.

  29. Wait I can't answer yet I am still cracking up you are fuuuuny!

  30. Okies here goes:
    Jake Ryan
    Boner and last but not least
    Balkie - he always got the girls.

  31. OK, Yesterday I watched Sixteen Candles and as I write this Say Anything is on in the background. That's a really tough choice, but I'll take Lloyd.

    Thanks for stopping by, as you can see I have a thing for pinups and I try to put one up when ever it's relevent, and sometimes when it's not.

    Love you blog!

  32. You know girl this is my fav game.

    Ok here is my answers:
    LLoyd Dobler - Can stand outside my window any day!

    Punky is my girl, I use to dress like her all the time!

    Oh how I miss my jellis and LA! Oh girl sorry I can't choose here!

    Tony is my guy! He rocks and hello he marries her in the end!

    Vinny cracked me up! Got to go with him!

    Now that is just not fair!

    Ok Mr. T he at least could share his gold :)

  33. Lloyd, for sure. Who doesn't love John Cusak?


    Jellies (I still want to wear them)



    I'm going to go with Mr. T. Love a man with a mohawk.

  34. Very Funny!!!

    Jake Ryan~ cause he's got that soft heart ya know.
    Punky Brewster~ cause she's really cool, and I freakin HATE VICKI! OMG I couldn't stand that show! LOL!
    Jellies(love that comment above jellies are smellie)they were the RAGE!
    Tony~ he was so fun!
    Boner~again, maybe stupid, but FUN

  35. 1.Lloyd Dobler
    2.Punky Brewster
    3.LA Gear
    6.Mr.T,gross,but true

  36. 1. Lloyd Dobler. He aged so well.
    2. Punky Brewster. They are both annoying though.
    3. LA Gear. Jellies smell funny, make your feet sweat, and give you blisters.
    4. Tony. I have a secret crush on Alyssa Milano and if Tony were my manny, she might come to visit him.
    5. Boner. He's freakin hilarious.
    6. Could Balki even er..."perform" in that area? And as for Mr. T., he's too in love with himself to worry about someone else. Argh. I guess I"d have to pick Balki!

  37. Lloyd
    La Gear
    And Mr. T, of course. :D

  38. Lloyd
    LA Gear

    This week's was easy - some weeks that last question throws me for a loop.

  39. OH this is fun! I'm so glad you visited my blog, so that I could visit your blog, to thank you for visiting my blog, and get to answer this.

    boyfriend: uh, neither...okay, okay. Jake Ryan? But I don't know who either of them are. Jake Ryan...16 Candles? He was rude.

    sister: Punky of course, she was just like me...fun loving, free spirit, big chested...well that parts not like me.

    shoes: oh man, I hate both. La Gear though because jellys are uncomfortable...and are back in. Bleck!

    Manny: TONY of course. Need I list the reasons why?

    best friend: i guess Vinny, but I dont have a reason.

    Cold war: Oh no. Guess I'd choose Balki. at least he was sweet. But all those gold chains on Mr. T?????

  40. this was great this week... loved them all!

    jake- punky- la gear- tony- vinny- mr. t

  41. Boyfriend: Jake Ryan, obv he'd be the best lay.
    Lil Sis: Punky. The other one would be ratting my ass out hourly.
    Shoes: Jellys, fo shizzle. I used to beat my little bro with those to show him who was boss.
    Manny: Tony, again, for the best lay quality.
    Horny Bestie: Boner, obv
    Lay to Save Mankind: I pity the fool that don't pick Mr. T to re-populate the world!

  42. thanks for stopping by my blog!
    k, my choices are
    Lloyd Dobler ( thought jake ryan was total lamespice)
    Punky Brewster
    Jellies (never had them as a kid)
    Balki ( because a baby would look ridiculous with all those chains!)

  43. This is so much fun. I love this one. My choices are ... Jake Ryan (just looking at his picture makes me feel like a pre-teen again). Punk Brewster (that was my real sister's nickname... she both acted & looked like her). La-Gear... I was such a tom-boy and have you ever tried to beat a boy in a race while wearing jellies. Tony can be my manny ANYDAY. Vinny... just his voice cracks me up. Now, Are you SURE we can't say neither? ok, ok... then I reluctantly say Balki, no, Mr. T, no Balki. Oh heck EITHER. hehehe.

  44. I LOVE would you rather!! My supervisor and I play it at work ALL the time! LOL! :) So - i would TOTALLY pick Jake Ryan! And Punky Brewster would be a cool little sister. I absolutely LIVED in jellies, so i would want more of those. I would pick Tony to be our nanny! And Vinny (if i have to choose on that one!)And I'm not really excited about the bonus - but I would go with Mr.T!! Thanks for the would you rather....

  45. 1. Lloyd
    2. Punky
    3. Jellies
    4. Tony
    5. Vinny
    6. Mr. T--once again I had to go with the straighter of the 2

  46. Is it wrong that none of these disturbed me?
    1. Jake Ryan ~ because he grew up to be freaking hot and looks like my husband.
    2. Punky always seemed like she'd be fun to smack around.
    3. LA Gear
    4. Tony ~ So I could bang the manny.
    5. Boner ~ I always had a secret crush on him.
    6. Mr. T. ~ He's so big and beefy...although...they say it's the skinny guys that'll surprise you, if you know what I'm sayin. hee hee.

  47. Hmm....
    1. Jake Ryan
    2. Punky Brewster
    3. LA Gear
    4. Tony
    5. Boner ('cuz then I'd get to giggle at his name all day)
    6. Balki (totally had a crush on him in high school!!!!)


  48. Jake
    LA gear
    Mr T

  49. This one was easy.

    Lloyd Dobber (I like nerds)
    LA Gear
    Belvedere ( I liked his accent better)
    Vinny (I guess)

  50. Jake Ryan, Punky Brewster, LA Gear, TONY!!!, Vinny, and Mr. T...

    Fun! Now let's do the 90's;)

  51. 1. can't i get gang banged by both??? sigh, lloyd all the way!!!
    2. punky, i dunno who that other chic is
    3. jellies, i have a pair.
    4. who are these people????
    5. boner, that name is hilarious!
    6. mr. T!!!!

  52. jake ryan (wonder what happened to him?)
    la gear
    and mr. T

  53. Jake Ryan
    Doogie Howser
    Balki (although, quite frankly, I'm nauseated by either choice).

  54. Jake Ryan
    Doogie Howser

  55. Kel. Only you. Only you. :-)

    Llyod guy.
    Punky - yes!! I wanted to be her too!
    LA Gear probably.
    Tony all the way. I really did have a HUGE crush on him back in the day.
    Vinnie from Doogie.

    And Mr. T. RAWR!!!

    You rock my Wednesdays.


  56. Wow.these questions not only have me lost in time..i'm smiling from ear to ear.
    1. Jake Ryan..cuase I still love him..lol.
    2. Punky Brewster
    3.L.A. Gear..(hated those jellies)
    5. Boner..
    6. ..Balki..i know..i know..but he's funny

  57. I always was in lust with Jake Ryan... But Lloyd has my heart. To this day when people ask who is your perfect guy i say Lloyd Dobler!
    Punky Brewster
    Mr. T

  58. Lloyd for sure! The rest are just too awful to contemplate...

  59. Jake Ryan
    Punky Brewster
    Mr T because Balki is more annoying

  60. Kel, Kel, Kel...what will we do with you? Okay... Jake Ryan, Punky Brewster, LA Gear (jellies make your feet sweat and stink), Tony (was that a no brainer or what), Boner, and Mr T (it just seems he would be better in bed than Balki). That was not as painful as last week!

  61. I know I'm a couple days late but this is a great one! I'm totally an 80s girl!
    Definately Lloyd! Loved that movie.
    I'd have to go with Punky Brewster.
    And if I have to pick one, I'll go with Balki


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.