Friday, April 17, 2009

Funny Friday...

I've only got two this week, but enjoy.

I am so with this cat. I am pickin' up what she is throwing down. I've got a feeling that black cat has been talking some smack on her. Say it, Sister!

This is quite possibly, the most awesome weather man, ever.

If you've got a funny post, link up here and promote your blog! It can be a joke, a funny video, story or picture. Anything you want to start the weekend off on a high note!


  1. ok, poor weather dude. it was almost too painful to watch. almost.

    oh, and i, too, am feelin ms. kitty

  2. LOL
    I think that was momma cat telling skanky daughter cat to straighten up and behave. And to stop skanking it around. thats what i got out of that.
    and OMG i hope that was a fake weatherman cause that was embarrassing for me to watch. which makes it GREAT!

  3. that was the funniest weather forcast ever!! the girls even sucked! that poor guy! seriously I was CRACKING up! Thanks! ... glad thats not my station!

  4. loved that weather man... waaaay too funny!! happy friday!

  5. That cat one totally freaked my three cats out! I thought the cat sounded like my teen when she has gotten no sleep - not a pretty sight at all.

  6. Uh oh, that weather man is SO gonna get a talking-to by that cat! I scared for him.

  7. Oh...and No Way are you getting Alice! She's mine I tell ya! Mine, all mine! Muahahaha!

  8. You always find the funniest videos! Have a great weekend!

  9. weather man is hilarious!!! thanks for the laugh on a day i certainly needed one.

  10. I was in actual pain listening to the weatherman.
    The cat?!?! OMG! That will be laughed at all night at my house while we sit around the computer with our vodka...

  11. The weather man was painful to watch! The girls were terrible!

  12. I'm your first linky! I know you probably think - OMG this girl is a crazy stalker. I'm really not. I just know quality humor when I see it.

  13. This was freaking hilarious!!! Poor weatherman *snicker snicker*

  14. Please tell the weather guy and the anchor women are all students or something. I think this is the worst new broadcast EVER. But I did laugh. Poor guy.

  15. lol, that poor guy. I hope it was just an audition because there's no way he would've been hired, I don't think.

    The cats, so funny. Maybe it wanted the black cat to move.

  16. Was this take your college kids to work day? Only in Ohio (that is a jab to my DH who is from OH).

    The two cats look like my Raven and Brownie on a daily basis. Same coloring too.

    Happy Friday!

  17. That cat definitely made its point!

  18. Oh geeze something really ticked that cat off and she wasn't about to let the matter drop. The black kitty didn't even seem to be taking her serious! I mean really? Does she have to scream to get her attention and get her point across. Talk about being ignored! I hate that! I think I might steal this video for my blog if you don't mind. My friends have got to see this!

    And that poor about a struggle. Sigh.

  19. I left you something on my blog...

  20. That poor weather guy. He really stumbled through it. You feel for him. The cat talk is hilarious. Lots to complain about, I guess.

  21. Kel, I just put up a funny video. Hope everyone likes it. Enjoy your Friday!

  22. That poor weather man! Oh my gosh! I felt bad for him!

    That cat was probably just pitchin' a bitch about her alley cat husband...

  23. Oh...thanks for the new material! I am going to make that cat sound all day and drive my kids completely crazy!

  24. that weather man... like that was just so cool. ya know the ladies are dropping to their knees for mr weatherman

  25. Cute! I love watching my cats chase each other up and down the stairs.

  26. Pretty bad anchorwomen + unsure weatherman = Hi-freakin'-larious!!!

  27. The weatherman was PAINFUL to watch! YIKES!

  28. poor weather man! That was painful!

  29. This is a great idea and I've enjoyed quite a few good laughs. Thanks Kel!

  30. I feel all stressed out now after watching that poor weather man! I just wanted it to be OVER for him! ugh! I need a zoloft...

  31. As I was watching the cats I felt there was something vaguely familiar about them...and then I realized that it was just like me crying and complaining to my husband.

    Did someone drug the weather guy? I thought he was going to pass out any second. And I was kind of hoping he would.

    So funny! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  32. aww I feel bad for the weatherman!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.