Thursday, April 2, 2009

200 posts... oh my!!

Can you believe I have hit 200 posts?? And some of you have been here since the beginning! For those of you who haven't.. I'm going to link some blog posts that kind of sum up who I am. Here goes:

Why I'm Not a Nurse

Abc's of Me

The Tank

The Book I Wrote

My first baby

The Whole Baby Thing

My last "celebration" post (with more links..)

There is a few... those are the basics of me. Prepare to be fascinated.
Post a link to one of your favorite posts from your blog in the comments section if you want! I've got alot of new followers to get to know!


  1. Congrats on 200!!!!

  2. Congrats on your 200th post!! I really liked the ABC list! My favorite thing to do is read too...and I totally laughed out loud at the "hide the salami" statement!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm liking yours...I'll be back!

  3. Bwahahaha! I'm thinking we could be related the way you write...reminds me of me. Damn, are we cool or what?

    Okay, mebbe it's just me. I always get this big head thing whenever someone with more followers than me starts following me!

    jdfkasl;dnfk Oops, sorry, my big head hit the keyboard ;o)

  4. Congrats cutie! Keep on truckin!

    (Sorry, Im old...that one was big in the 70s.)


  5. You rock.

    Happy 200th.

    Please keep rockin' on, ayight? :)

  6. The nurse one is my favorite! Talk about awkward moments...

  7. Okay, I'm bracing myself for awesomeness. Off to curl up and chickety-check you out. Yo.

  8. I just noticed your comment buttons next door. HIGH-larious. Sad kitty is my favorite.

  9. Oops, I didn't scroll down far enough. Ninja Guy is number 1. Sad Kitty is number 2. But wait? Wouldn't that made sad kitty even sadder? Now I'm totally torn up inside.

  10. Congratulations on hitting the 200 mark! Thanks for the list of posts. I look forward to reading them!

  11. congrats... thats awesome! as i'm only up to my 3rd i seriously doubt I'll ever be able to join you xoxox just lovely

  12. Congrats on 200th post that is awesome news!!!! And girl you crack me up!

  13. Wow...a HUGE congratulations...that is one major to go read now....

  14. Happy 200. Since I've been posting a lot lately, I may reach 200 faster than I thought.

    Off to read your favorites.

  15. Congrats!
    I actually read those again. And they were still brilliant. :)

  16. Woo hoo! 200 posts! I'm coming up on 100 this coming week so I'm doubly impressed with you!

  17. Congrats on 200! Thanks for stopping by the other day. Your blog looks cool too. Your would you rather Wednesday looks fun! We have a radio station that plays that every week.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.