Saturday, April 18, 2009

#24 The Help by Kathryn Stockett

YOU HAVE GOT TO READ THIS BOOK! I just finished it last week and I am still thinking about it. This is the kind of book that you find yourself savoring, reading slowly trying not to get to the end. But I did get to the end, and now I have to tell you about it.

The Help
takes place in Jackson, Mississippi in 1962. It is the story of three amazing women. Skeeter is a young privileged white girl who just graduated from Ole Miss. She dreams of being a writer. She is instructed by a mentor to write about things that bother her. She quickly looks around her town and finds something. Abileen is a black maid who has raised 17 white children. She loves them as if they were her own, only to realize that one day they will treat her as badly as their parents do. Minny is Abileen's best friend. She's another maid and leaves her own children to raise someone else's. She's a saucy, mouthy woman who seems strong, but is dealing with a very serious situation at home. All three women embark on a project to tell the world about the lives of black maids in Missippi.

I am shocked that The Help is Kathryn Stockett's first novel. It is so well written. The story sucked me in immediately and held on. I was so moved by each woman's story. There were moments that I cried for them. There were other moments where I burst out laughing (Minnie is HILARIOUS!).

If you read one book this summer, let this one be it! It is amazing!


  1. Yay! I am going to start this book next. I am reading The Lace Reader right now. Can not wait to read The Help

  2. Cool. Definitely sounds like a book I would be into!

  3. I love to read especially if it's a book that I can't put down. I will see if I can find this book when I go to Walmart today. (it's a new book, right?)
    Thanks for the review.

  4. Oh I've been looking for something new to read that I can't put down.

  5. Hey I just gave you an award at Dani's Daily Drop- make sure and check it out. :)

  6. I will have to add it to my list of books to read!

  7. Sounds good. I'm always searching for a good read.

  8. I had heard about this and wanted to read it but you have made me want to bump it up to the top of my list!

  9. If I ever finish that third book I started on vaca then this one's next!!! Thanks for the recommendation, Kel!

  10. This book is in my "read next" pile. I just may have to move it to the top of the stack! Thanks for the recommendation.

  11. Your enthusiasm for this book makes me want to run out and get it too! The characters sound interesting. I'm always excited to read a wonderful book from a first time author. Thanks.

  12. okay, now this sounds like something i need to read!

  13. This sounds really good! Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to find it tomorrow.

  14. Awesome! I totally have my new Kindle glued onto my body and am always looking for a new book!

    Thanks Kel!

  15. I'm adding this one to my tbr town. lol.

  16. OK..I've heard NOTHING but raves about this book so I'm going to get it. Thanks!


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