Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday- 80's edition (posted a little early.)

Welcome to an 80's edition of Would You Rather Wednesday. I give you a question with 2 possible answers.. you have to pick one. You can't say "neither"... not cool.

Here ya go!

Would you rather be a Goonie?

or member of The Breakfast Club?

Eat Pop Rocks and Soda

Or a McRib?

Time For Your Glamour Shots Makeover!! Which makeover would you rather pick?
The 80's ponytail..for the sporty gals..

Or the "mysterious femme fatale"

Bonus Gross Out: Would you want to get your "total mack-on" with...
Booger from Revenge of the Nerds?

Or the totally tubular dad from ALF?

Like, gag me with a spoon.


  1. Ooh, how cute. I'm an 80's girl and go with The Breakfast Club, the McRib, the mysterious hair and take a pass on the bonus question.

    Winks & Smiles,

  2. breakfast club
    pop rocks and soda
    femme fatale
    and i'll pass on those dudes.

  3. breakfast club
    poprocks and soda
    the 80s pony
    booger- if i absolutly had no other choice.

  4. LOL..omg ..i love the 80's..cause it was my time..
    so..i'd rather be a Goonie
    poprocks and soda
    femme fatate
    and ick..oh ick..but Booger because the creepy dad from Alf just creeps me out

  5. breakfast club!!!
    pop rocks and soda, i wish i had some now.
    femme fetale!! i could use those masks for other activities.
    i dunno what alf is, but i dig the guy with glasses.

  6. OK, here we go...

    Breakfast CLub, definitely, because they were all cool, and I don't know the Goonies.

    McRib for sure.

    Think I'll go with femme fatale, although I was so much an 80s girl.

    And I think Booger, because Alf's step dad is really gross, more than Booger...I think.

  7. This is a fun one!
    1. I would rather be am member of the breakfast club-is there really any other choice???
    2. Pop rocks and soda-I like to live on the edge!
    3. I'd have to say 80's ponytail
    4. I guess I would pick the dad from Alf.

  8. Oh my gosh you are FUNNY! I don't know how you come up with these! Ummm.... I would rather be a Goonie... I would rather eat the pop rocks... I would rather be the femme fatale... and, I'm not proud to say it, but I'd rather have the Dad from Alf, but I doubt I would enjoy it.

  9. Breakfast Club of course! But I want to be the dark, brooding one. McRib. Ponytail. And....Willie the dad. Yep. I know his name.

  10. I got a 100% on the Breakfast Club survey on Facebook...Judd Nelson...ahhh, memories!

    I would LOVE a McRib, and some Pop Rocks and soda to wash it down! Can I have both???

    I have sooo rocked the Femme Fatale 'do!

    Haven't we all dreamed about screaming out "Oh Booger!!!" in the throws of passion??

  11. I'm totally picking the nerdy dad from Alf. Goonie definitely. If there's even a remote chance that I could feel up Josh Brolin, then count me in.

  12. 1. Breakfast Club fer sure!
    2. Pop Rocks and soda!
    3. I still like to think of myself as a "femme fatale."
    4. BOOGER!

  13. Ha! It seems whenever I peek in on your blog, it's a Tuesday! I love this!

    I can't get past the Booger picture. : ) Memories.

  14. Breakfast Club!


    And I totally had a GlamorShot and it was super 80's.

    Dad from Alf.

  15. You didn't give your answer yet =P

    1. The goonies. No questions asked, those guys know how to adventure.
    2. Pop rocks n soda.
    3. The pony tail, fer sure
    4. Booger (gag) but only after his session with glamor shots.

  16. Goonies ( I seriously loved that movie)
    McRib (loved those too)
    80's ponytail
    Alf dad (I guess)

  17. I think I would have liked to a Goonie! And I loved me a McRib! I'd choose the 80s pontail...and Lord help me, Booger.

  18. breakfast club

    poprocks and "soda" (sorry. I giggle at "soda". In Canada it's just "pop")

    side ponytail. (wait.. the side ponytail is out now? Oh...)


  19. Breakfast Club - have no idea what the other one is!
    Pop Rocks and Soda - what's a mcrib??
    Mysterious Femme fatale
    and booger though I still have no idea who any of them are? is it a show??

  20. Lana, haha- I think it's also "pop" in the U.S. - there are just some places that say "soda"... but I say pop (idaho background)

    I'd say Breakfast Club because I always want to be included in it every time I watch it- the Goonies is just corny.

    Pop Rocks and Soda because I think that would sizzle my senses and be fun.

    The femme fatale...I wouldn't pull off that crazy pony tail.

    And...Booger? Because he's younger? Yuck. I really only remember this dude from "Better Off Dead" though.

  21. Ha! You are so funny! I am loving your blog. Thanks a ton for stopping by. Sorry it took me so long to get over here, it's been an interesting few days. Okay, on to answer your great questions...
    I would so be a Goonie, love pop rocks and soda, I am a pony tale girl all the way, and I guess the dad from Alf.

  22. When I saw the picture of Goonies, I knew I was in trouble:
    1. A Goonie: I wouldn't fit into the Breakfast Club
    2. McRib: I think I can deal with the explosion on the toilet better than one in my mouth.
    3. Ponytail: My bangs were actually that high once upon a time.
    4. I have to go with the Dad from Alf just because he seems less gross. Anyone with a name like booger probably doesn't wash his hands after he uses the bathroom.

  23. Breakfast club for sure Love that movie
    Pop rocks and coke
    ponytail I don't think I could see me with the other
    I guess the dad from Alf if I have to choose!!!

  24. Goonies and Pop Rocks baby!! All the way! The Goonies is like my fave movie of all time!

  25. OMG you're killing me there is NO way I can choose between Goonies and Breakfast Club, nope I'm not doing it! LOL Ok hate the McRib worked at McD's and can't eat it, so Pop Rocks and Pop it is! And you know I already posted my Glamour Shots Photo! Also must rock the ALF. LOL love ya

  26. These crack me up!!!
    Pop rocks n Pop (no McRibs, I got gallbladdar issues as it is my goodness)
    the pony tail. and umm booger if i must.

  27. Easy peasey.

    Goonies, because nerds rule the world.

    McRib, cause I hate stuff fizzing up into my nose.

    Mysterious, cause the ponytail was only worn that way by the popular girls..and seen Goonies above. I'm a nerd.

    Alf's dad, cause I'm practically married to him now anyway.

    Gonna have to get tougher than that for me Kel! Bwahahahaha!

  28. BWAHAHAHAH. I love these!


    1.B'fast Club!
    2. Pop Rocks n Soda!
    3. The femme fatale hehehe.
    4. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Booger. If I was really wasted and passed out.

  29. 1.Definitely Breakfast Club - they were way cool!
    3.I'd choose the femme fatale.Less chance of being recognised
    4.Ok,I'd choose the tubular dad,simply because I can't be macked on by anyone with the name "Booger".I'm throwing up in my mouth as I speak

  30. OK...The Breakfast Club
    Pop Rocks and Soday
    Femme Fatale
    And um I would have to say the Dad from Alf b/c anything to do with boogers (loogy) just makes me wanna barf unless it's my kids boogers and then I'm ok.

  31. The Breakfast Club and McRib of course!

    Hugs and Mocha,

  32. Breakfast club! Although my husband would totally be a goonie!

    Pop Rocks and Coke! I bought some pop rocks for the kids Easter Basket...

    You've gotta love the side ponytail.

    And if I have to choose, the Dad from Alf!

  33. I love the 80's!
    Breakfast club

    Pop Rocks & Coke...I hate to admit I tried that not too long ago with the kid.

    I'm bringing that 80's pony back AND rockin it

    Booger after a long scrub down.

  34. Breakfast club, because that one dude is HOT.


    I'd be the mysterious one, because it's totally crazy...as am I.

    I'm going with the dad guy. I'd like to think I could turn him into a raging beast...I'm just sayin'.

  35. I'm totally a breakfast club groupie, I definitely rock an 80's pony tail (srsly?? who wouldn't want to be uber cool?) and Pop rocks and soda. As for the gross out...Alf dad, but only if alf could join in! :) He was HAWT!! hahahaha

  36. Just realized I never gave my choices! I would totally be a Goonie because "it's our time.. down here!" Pop rocks and soda cause I am wild like that. I'd rock the femme fatale, although I am not sure why she has the white mask in the first place. And I would Alf's dad a good shag (while Alf eats the cat.)

  37. breakfast club-cause they were soooo cool
    pop rocks and soda-cause i sooo did that
    glamour shots OMG did that too...ponytail
    whoa last one is a tuffy- booger then i would request a memory erasing pill

  38. definately breakfast club and my hair was SO like that circa 1987!

  39. You really succeed in making me sick - especially with who would you rather make out with. Listen, I don't even make out with my husband anymore! Love your blog!!

  40. b/f club
    mysterious femme fatale
    booger (maybe!?!!?)

  41. Hey thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I would have to go with the Breakfast Club, pop rocks and Soda, the Sporty look, and Booger, but yuck!
    Best of luck planning your girl's party!

  42. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! Your's is great!!

    And since I am TOTALLY a product of the 80's...

    -GOONIE for sure....
    -Pop rocks and soda...it's exciting (and WHAT is a McRib?!?)
    -I would totally rock a side pony....
    -and finally Booger, even though I have chills just typing that!!

  43. Goonies and Pop Rocks all the way!

  44. This is so hilarious!

    -Breakfast club
    -Pop Rocks & soda
    -side pony tail

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  45. Breakfast Club - loved that movie
    Pop rocks & soda - I live on the wild side
    80's ponytail - I'm hip that way
    Booger - no comment

  46. Oh wow, this post totally took me back!!!

    Breakfast Club - I don't know why, I guess I'm just wierd like that.

    Pop rocks and soda - cuz I like to live on the edge

    80's ponytail - and I'm still sporting it now, well into the 2000's

    Dad from Alf - not that he's an awesome choice or anything but I don't think I could get near Booger without wanting to puke

  47. Breakfast Club! cooler music
    Pop Rocks & Soda
    80's Ponytail!

    Dad from Alf. I like older men.

  48. Ugh--the McRib--I was hoping to never see one of those again in my life!

  49. Goonies - I'm all over anything remotely pirate-related.
    McRib - Every time "they're back" I think McDonalds tries to make them look less nasty...
    Femme Fatale hair - who doesn't want to be mysterious?
    Alf Dad - Cause if you squint and turn your head a little, he might pass as a goofy Hugh Laurie.

    Thanks for stopping by blog! :)

  50. The Breakfast Club, the pop rocks, the femme fatale, and alf's dad.

  51. A no brainer, this!

    Breakfast Club
    femme fatale
    Booger (ok, I had to think about that one a LITTLE bit...)

  52. 1. Goonies - they look like more fun
    2. Poprocks - what is a mcrib anyway? Mystery meat?
    3. Femme fatale - only based on those pictures; if it were a side ponytail then I would definitely rock that!
    4. Booger...although if you had said ALF I would have picked him

    Thanks for stopping by!

  53. Ha! You crack me up! Even though I'm an 80's girl I don't remember half of this stuff...since they keep bringing back the McRib!
    I'd say Breakfast Club
    Pope Rocks and Soda
    side pony tail
    and ewwwww...to the last.
    Visiting from sits...thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  54. 1. Goonies - No doubt!!
    2. Pop Rocks and Soda
    3. Femme Fatale fer shure
    4. And yes, I too pick Boogers - wait I mean Booger!!

  55. breakfast club (great movie)
    pop rocks and soda
    femme fatale
    80's ponytail I probably still wear it somedays
    Alf's dad (nerdy, but not gross)

  56. You've really outdone yourself this time! :D

    Breakfast club
    pop rocks & co.
    femme fatale
    and... Booger. Eww.

  57. Haha! So random!

    pop rocks

    Can I have Alf?

  58. i'd have to be molly ringwald so i could kiss the 80s judd nelson.

    poprocks and coke

    sporty pony (i had 1/2 of my head shaved ala cyndi lauper in the 80s)

    and i guess the lesser of 2 evils would be booger

  59. I miss the 80s!
    I'm gonna go with-
    Breakfast Club
    Poprocks & Coke
    side pony
    and ALF, I mean, the dad

  60. Oh man BIG 80s girl here.
    Breakfast Club
    Poprocks and Coke
    Glamour Girl
    and the dad from Alf.

    Mack with booger I think not.Lol. Thanx for stopping by my blog!

  61. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday....Feel free to stop by anytime. I've never seen the movie Breakfast Club....I'm a "born in the 80's" girl.

  62. Love the 80's! My answers are: Breakfast Club, McRib, Glamour Girl, Dad from Alf. Totally!

  63. LOVE this!
    Breakfast Club, MCrib for SURE, Glamour, Alf,

    Totally tubular wicked awesome post!

  64. Aw, Kel...how could you! Breakfast Club, McRib, Ponytail, and Alf-Dad. And yes, GAG ME WITH A SPOON!

  65. Ha!

    I love Goonies and Breakfast Club! I'm gonna have to say I'd much rather be on Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. LOL

    Pop Rock and Soda. Mc Ribs taste medicinal.

    I'll style my hair in a sideways pony tail.

    And neither goob does it for me.

    Nice post. :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.