Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

It's Wednesday and you know what that means! I give you questions with two possible answers, you have to pick one. You can't say "neither".. well, you can... but I will put a hex on you.. and you don't want that kind of monkey on your back.. so here goes...








(yes, he actually does have one... don't look it up... it's not good..)




  1. Entirely too many questions, 2 of which made me throw up in my mouth a little.
    Once I brush and rinse (again) I'll come back with answers.

    Mini me? *gag*

  2. This was a particularly horrendous Would You Rather Wednesday, but hey! I'm totally in!

    1. Rather her be the bully
    2. sky diving (probably because i would be paralyzed with fear and someone would just kick my ass out the plane.
    3. Give me Pedro. He was class president; he may be going places.
    4. (OMG dry heave) Mini-me aaaahhhh!

  3. This week is BAD! And it looks like I have to go first. Yey.

    1. Bullied. (I know, sounds horrible.)
    2. Sky diving. (And me here terrified of hights)
    3.Pedro (Who?)
    4. Hmmm... Cold.
    5. This is possibly the worst bonus question so far... I'd go for Fat bastard, close my eyes and pray he couldn't find the parts needed. :D

  4. For the first time...I'm speechless.
    1. I'd rather my child be the bully.
    2. Sky Diving, I'm too afraid I'd bounce back up and hit whatever I bungee jumped off of.
    3. Pedro. He's less disgusting.
    4. ugh. Mini-Me. He's small enough that maybe I could close my eyes and not feel anything. Did I just? Oh yes, I did.

  5. I think I would rather my child was being bullied...I can handle that one. I'd be pissed if my kids have learned nothing from my "you're no better than anyone else!" speach.

    I'll take the bungee jump.

    Bring home Napoleon...Pedro is a mouth breather.

    OK....I have to draw the line at the last one. I can't go to work with that image in my head....I'll need a Dramamine for the ride. GACK!!!!

  6. 1. I would really like to say that I would prefer my child was the one bullied, but the truth is, I would prefer she were the bully, so I could correct the behavior.
    2.bungee jump... at least I am connected to something
    3.napolean... he's a sweet ass dancer
    4.I would prefer the stomach flu... weight loss bonus!
    5. um.... i'm stumped on my own question... fat bastard...I guess.

  7. This is so hard!

    1. Bully, I guess.

    2. I'd rather push my MIL off a bridge, but I'll pick bungee-jumping, I guess.

    3. Pedro. Potential political career?

    4. Oh, man... Fat Bastard? *cringing*

  8. D'oh. I forgot the real #4: The cold, for sure!

  9. Oh DEAR!!!

    Well, you didn't make it an easy one today! Deep breath - death is not an option - here we go:

    1. Bullied - as long as they're vocal about it and don't suffer in silence
    2. Bungee jump - less variables
    3. Napolean! I actually expect at least one of my daughters to bring home a Napolean type.
    4. I'll take the cold, reluctantly.
    5. Well, Mike Meyers is kind of cute, and he's under fat bastard. Mini Me is just Mini Me. I'll take the fat bastard. But I'll be fantasizing about Shrek the whole time. Wait...

  10. I think I would rather my kid BE the bully then the one being bullied. I just feel like I would be able to work through that with him better than being beat up all the time.

    Both bungee jumping and sky diving would have great adrenaline rushes, but I think I will say bungee. I like the whole bounce up and down thing. heehee

    Definitely Napoleon. He's got a great, dry sense of humor.

    Definitely a raging cold. I already have enough digestive problems and adding to those doesn't appeal to me in the least.

    And for the finale - Fat Bastard. For some reason, the gross out quotient is lesser cause I know it's Mike Meyers under there. Mini Me is still just Mini me. *shudder*

  11. Hard questions.....

    I think id rather bungee jump and I would rather my daughter brough napoleon home.

  12. You are a horrible person.

    These were not nice choices at all.

    How do you come up with this stuff?!?

    *that she be the bully- if she was the one being bullied that would could mess/ stick with her for life!

    *bungee jumping- this was the easiest of the questions. I much rather be attached to a chord...even a rubberband springy chord that shoots me like a rocket up and down, that to free fall and not have my parachute work.

    *Pedro- IDK they are both not good choices

    *Stomach flu- they both suck, but you come out skinnier after the stomach flu?

    *Fat Bastard. {{vomit}} Because I watched Mini Me on Surreal Life drunk and pee in the corner and that did it for me!

  13. ugh. these are some yucky questions!

    1 - i think i'd rather my kid be the one bullied. not nice, but i've seen enough of the bullies at the places i sub and i would NEVER want a kid that acts like that. they are horrible and i want to know what their parents have taught them that they think it is ok to act like they do...

    2 - sky diving

    3 - never seen the movie all the way through, but i guess i'd say napoleon dynamite

    4 - stomach flu, you get over it faster

    5 - i guess i'll go with mini-me, although that grosses me out.

  14. I would rather have my kid be bullied... being a bully is bad news.

    Bungee Jumping

    Vote for Pedro!

    Raging Cold. Ahhhhchooo!


  15. OMG this is by far the worst set of questions ever! And i am going to type really fast in hopes no mental images will linger.
    - be bullied so i could teach her to kick ass
    -sky diving rocks
    -Napolean (don't kno why)
    -*gag* mini *gag* me

  16. I think I'm going to throw up just trying to answer these today!
    1-I would rather my kids be bullied. That's easier to fix, in my opinion.
    2-sky diving Althought I HATE heights and would rather not do EITHER!
    3-Napoleon Dynamite
    4-stomach flu-skinny skinny! :) LOL!
    5-Even though I'm puking saying would have to be mini me! You know it would be so small you couldn't feel a thing anyway. And probably doesn't take him long either, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am! LOL!
    Thanks for grossing us out today Kel!!

  17. 1 - bullied - i hate mean kids
    2 - skydiving - you have to go tandem the first time
    3 - pedro - napoleon is just too weird. oh wait i'm weird - napoleon
    4 - a cold - i hate spending that much time in the bathroom rather spend it in bed
    5 - can't do it - rather have the monkey on my back than mini me or fat bastard. *shivers*

  18. I would rather he were bullied.
    Sky Diving
    A cold--I HATE to puke
    Mini Me--gag, puke, gag puke.

  19. 1 - being bullied. Hate those bullies.
    2 - bungee jump
    3 - napoleon
    4 - cold (hate throwing up)
    5 - fat guy (mini me would give me nightmares)

  20. I've said it b4 and I'll say it again. What is wrong with you?!
    1. the bully--I know I'm terrible
    2. bungee jump--i've already done that and survived
    3. pedro--i just did eneemeaneemineemo
    4. cold
    5. Mini me--fat bastard might suffocate me.

  21. Wow.

    1. Be the bully. I can fix that easier. I hope.

    2. Bungee jumping. But I would like to do both.

    3. Pedro. No question.

    4. Cold. The raging flu would be horrible, even if it didn't last as long.

    Ugh. Mini-me. The lesser of 2 evils.

  22. are a sick, sick person.

    1. the I could fix the situation easier
    2. bungee would be over quicker
    3. ND...and hope it would be over quick
    4. stomach flu....cause they dont last as long
    5. *gag* fat bastard....I think Im going to puke!

  23. Ok, this time, you've gone WAY TOO FAR!!! After throwing up in my mouth, my stomach is still upset and I'm going to have to make another appointment with my therapist...

  24. Okay, here are my answers:

    1. I'd rather my kid be the bully. Though when I found out about him being a bully he'd be punished. Big time.

    2. I'd go Bungee Jumping because jumping out of a perfectly good airplane would be strange to me. Of course jumping off a cliff and being attached by a giant rubber band is a tad odd too.

    3. I prefer Napoleon. I liked how he was all "Gosh.." Plus the name kicks ass.

    4. I'd prefer a cold. I can at least function with a cold. With a flu, not so much. And these days people are dying from the flu. I've never heard of anyone perishing from a cold.

    5. Oh EW! This totally made me gag. EW. I don't think I can even answer this question. *Runs away screaming*

  25. I'd rather my kid be the bully......then I would fix that problem at home.

    I might do bungee jumping, but would never skydive.



    mini me.....that's so disgusting......but he's so tiny that maybe I wouldn't even notice....LOL!

  26. Gosh that GROSS!! But here goes...

    1. The bully...I can punish my kid, but not someone else’s!
    2. I think sky diving...they both seem ridiculous to me...what if the bungee breaks!?!?....but what if the parachute doesn’t open....OMG...just PUSH me out of the plane.
    3. Napoleon for sure...such a good wholesome boy
    4. Cold...I HATE throwing up...worst feeling ever.
    5. EWWWW...Fat Bastard! I hate feeling BIG, and I would be a GIANT next to mini-me!

  27. I sort of threw up after that Fat Bastard picture, and I can't even think straight.

  28. 1. Bully because I could smack it outta him
    2. Skydive
    3. Pedro
    4. Flu - they are over faster I think? Both are bad...
    5. Mini Me... but ewwww. It'd be like being stabbed with a toothpick over and over!

  29. Dude - you are killing me with these today. Ouch on many levels. I can't even think about those last two options....I am utterly freaked out.

    1) I think the bully because I would kick my kid's ass.
    2) Neither but I would do bungee jumping I think. No, sky-diving. Yep, sky-diving.
    3) They are both good choices so I'll take Pedro.
    4) Raging cold FOR SURE!
    5) This one makes me so sick and I will never ever think of this option again after I type this but.....I would have to say....uh......Mini-me. And I don't know why. I think because those man boobs scare the living shit out of me.

    Thank God this is over.

  30. oh geez...this is a tough one.

    rather have her be bullied.

    um, i guess sky dive, for some reason, bungee jumping freaks me out more.

    napoleon dynamite, he has sweet dance moves.

    the cold! i hate, hate throwing up.

    and definitely mini me, afterward we could have a hot pocket or an eggo. LOL

  31. 1. I'd so rather my kid be the bully. Far less psychological damage later on. (You just can't get over that crap.) And when I found out about the bullying, then I could beat MY own kid up and stop the bullying. Or keep it going in a vicious cycle. Whatev.

    2. Bungee Jumping. If something goes wrong, maybe you're nearer to the ground when it happens.

    3. Pedro. He has a career in politics and he can bake.

    4. Stomach flu. It's over faster and there is potential to drop a few pounds. Bonus!

    5. I would try to arrange a threesome. FB would try to eat MM and maybe I could just stay out of it and they wouldn't notice.

  32. 1. I would rather she be bullied. Bullies are just bullies, but the victims usually grow up to be tough.
    2. Definitely sky diving.
    3. Pedro, all the way.
    4. Stomach flu. Hey, maybe I'll lose a few pounds. (As quoted from The Devil Wears Prada: "I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight."
    5. Mini me, although frankly all of his little tiny pieces creep me out.

  33. Holey Moley.

    FIRST I would REALLY rather my child was being bullied because then I could just pull them out of school and put them in a new school and tell them to make better friends. If my child was the bully? I think it's a LOT harder to correct that kind of behavior than most parents think...
    I would do...the sky diving...then I'd have a parachute and it would be over quicker. AAAA!
    OF COURSE NAPOLEON! He's awesome!
    Oh dear...I guess I'll take the cold because I hate throwing up...grrr...but it has to be a short cold...
    And last but not least? PERSONALLY? I would NEVER make a sex tape to begin with... but choosing between the two? Yuck. Um...gosh I hate choosing...and I don't have time to over-think THIS... so let's go with the fatty because MAYBE I could convince him to get out of costume first...

  34. OH and by the way- I'm going to have an award waiting for you at the Daily Drop on Tuesday... it's scheduled and ready for you!

  35. Seriously though, I really had to think about the bully or bullied question. I guess bullied - to learn a life lesson but it's not that clear cut.

  36. YIKES!!!! This week you mean business here, don't you? I'm sufficiently grossed out. Yessiree. Ewwww. But, fine, let's just get it over with:

    I would rather have my kid be bullied. In all honesty, I've been through both scenarios as a Mom, and being the Mom of a bully SUCKS. The phone calls from the school! The guilt! No thank you. Nope.

    I would rather go sky diving. I think I'd have a little more control over the descent.

    Pedro, I guess.... but I'd feel a big urge to vomit no matter which of them she brought home.

    The stomach flu. It's over with faster.

    And ohhhhhhhhh gawd.... Mini Me.... maybe? But I would sooooo shut my eyes and try to imagine I was anywhere else doing anything else... and I'd cry and shower a lot afterwards.... Oh! And I would wear a mask since we're talking a video here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Ugh so gross today.
    Child being bullied
    Sky diving- my hubby is already a paratrooper so I have someone experienced with me.
    Stomach flu

    and barf- fat bastard. you made me choose one!

  38. I was totally going to answer but now I can't b/c I am just too grossed out and I just threw up a little in my mouth.

  39. to be the bully
    stomache flu

  40. OH MAN. You are one sick puppy.

    1. If someone is getting bullied, please don't let it be my child...I would rather they be the bully...if I have to pick. My kids have been bullied and tortured in school...I speak from experience.

    2. Sky diving, less chance of accidental injury.

    3. Napolean isnt that least he's sweet. And funny! My lips hurt real bad.

    4. The cold, for sure. Beats swine flu any day.

    5. Better go with mini me, but I threw up a little in my mouth.

  41. This is a good one!!

    1. I'd actually rather find out my child is the bully, because that way, I could pummel him instead of feel terrible and at some brat's mercy...

    2. Umm, probbaly bungee jumping, although I'd actually rather neither, and instead, replace it with sitting on a patio sipping a mojito.
    3. I think Pedro...what a choice.
    4. Raging cold. I just had a stomach flu, and it was not fun...
    5. I can't choose. I just can't. OMG. I feel faint.

  42. Wow what a list of choices!

    1) Being bullied. I think it might be easier to deal with...? This is why I have no plans of being a parent, lol. Plus, at least I would feel better about my child's character than if they WERE the bully.

    2) Oi. diving. I think I might like to feel like I'm a leaf floating in the breeze as opposed to a yo-yo.

    3) Napolean definitely. Pedro creeps me out.

    4) Raging cold please. I hate being nauseated and I love

    Wow, that last one is a doozy....oh jeez. *looks at both and feels queasy* Ah...Mini-Me I think. There's less...well there's just less. And in this case, I think less is more. *gag*

  43. you horrible cruel woman!

    1. i don't want a bully kid, so i guess my kid could get bullied and i'd beat the shit out of the bullier.
    2. napolean, so i could steal him in a cougar swipe
    3. raging cold
    4. mini me, as i wouldn't feel a thing

  44. Popping by to say hello, since I've been MIA for a while! OK, here are my answers...

    1. I can't answer this one. Bullying is horrible, horrible, horrible, regardless of whether a person's the victim or the bully.

    2. I'd rather go sky-diving. At least you fall once, and you don't go back up again. I don't like the up-down-up-down feeling...or rather, the thought of it!

    3. Knowing my sister's tastes, I hope she brings home Napoleon Dynamite! He's got the moves, that's for sure!

    4. I'd rather have a raging cold. I've been hospitalized with the flu, and it's not a good situation.

    5. Ugh...I'll go with Mini Me. It's the lesser of two evils.

  45. 1. I guess I would prefer that my child was the bully.
    2. Sky diving. At least I might be able to get some pre-lessons that would save my clutsy self.
    3. Napoleon Dynamite - Nerd rule the world!
    4. Cold any time.
    5. I guess Mini Me. I think I would have a better time surviving. I think.

  46. These are such cruel questions! LOL

    1. HE IS THE BULLY HIMSELF - he has been bullied, it really sucks.

    2. SKY-DIVING * heart failure either way!

    3.Vote for Pedro (I crack myself up!)


    5. Gage on both. Sorry, but I would rather have the curse!

  47. I have to call FOUL on the mini me question. YUCK.

  48. OMG, Kel for reals these questions are sick, here goes:
    1. I hate kids... i guess being bullied.
    2. I've been bungee jumping so now I want to sky dive
    3. NAPOLEAN!!!
    4. cold, i've had the stomach flu terrible
    5. ewwwww!!! i guess mini me, i need to hurl

  49. Oh my...

    1. The selfish part of me wants him to be the bully rather than be bullied.
    2. Bungee jump (but I would have to be pushed).
    3. Napoleon Dynamite!!!
    4. Cold
    5. OK gross. I am going to vomit. I really am. I REFUSE to pick...but since you FORCE us, Fat Bastard cuz I know it is Mike Myers under that.

  50. Let's see...

    1. Be the bully.
    2. I've bungeed, would love to sky dive.
    3. Napoleon. He's got wicked cool dance moves.
    4. Raging cold.
    5. Now that I just puked in my mouth... gimme fat bastard.

  51. Um:

    1. Be the Bully- we can fix that quick.
    2. neither
    3. Pedro
    I can't see past Pedro....

  52. Be the bully- I would whoop his ass for it in return and then he would just stop bullying.

    Sky diving

    A cold

    and um Gag me

  53. For all that is holy....

    1. Be bullied (but just lightly or Mama's gonna go apesh?t)

    2. IF I can jump attached to someone and just wake up when I get down, then skydive. Warning. Massive vomiting will happen.

    3. Napoleon. Gawwwddd.

    4. Stomach flu might take off some of the poundage.

    5. I can't believe you just made me think Fat Bastard was doable. (vomit in my mouth, vomit in my mouth)

  54. i have seriously missed you
    and these would you rather ....
    but i can't even go for this one!

  55. Kel, again, you are KILLING ME!
    1. Be the bully (I could not bear for my daughter to relive my childhood)
    2. Bungee (there is a rope at least and the distance to the ground is shorter)
    3. Napoleon Dynamite (at least he is funny)
    4. Raging cold (I hate throwing up)
    5. (and speaking of throwing up) Mini-Me

  56. I'd rather my child be bullied. I could get them away from the bully and teach them some life lessons. Being the bully... shows some personality/character flaws.

    I've bungee jumped. I'd do it again.

    Napolean Dynamite! He's hilarious.

    I'd rather have a cold.

    Mini-Me, for sure.

  57. I can't even answer these. I'm totally grossed out.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.