Wednesday, April 1, 2009

#22 The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb

Wally Lamb can't write a bad book. It's impossible. He is too talented of a writer. The Hour I First Believed was a good book, but... there is a always a but...

The book was just jam packed. I love an adventerous plot, but my God.. there was just so much going on. The story is basically about the aftershocks that a traumatic event can cause. In this case, the traumatic event was The Columbine shootings. The main character, Caleum, is married to a school nurse who witnesses the violence. She quickly falls into a world of depression, anxiety and drug abuse. Caelum is left fighting to help his wife and save their marriage. At the same time, he is also dealing with the death of the aunt who raised him and trying to piece together his family history. Along with this are the stories of people who are affected by Caleum and his wife. It's alot to swallow all at once.

That said, it was good. But before you dive into this book, be prepared for the long haul.And it is a haul, both physically(it's big!) and emotionally. But as with Lamb's other books, the work is worth it in the end.


  1. I LOVE him...this is on my to be read list!

  2. thanks for the review. I've enjoyed other Wally Lamb books.

  3. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit I've never read a book by him. I'm definitely putting this one on the list!

  4. Erin... you should totally try.."She's Come Undone." It is one of my all time favorite books.

  5. i have not read this yet, but it sounds awesome. but i always get so stressed during the first few chapters of a book because i am afraid i am not going to keep everything and everyone straight. this sounds like i might have to take notes!

  6. sounds interesting. I have to order it!

  7. You're right about the "buts"--after I read his She's Come Undone I thought it was such a fantastic read BUT it seemed like she was having sex with herself every 5 pages. It got in the way of the story for me.

  8. I LOVE Wally Lamb.

    Thanks for the heads up on the BUT...:)

  9. I'm also embarrassed that I've not read anything by Wally Lamb. He's definitely on my list, now!

  10. I agree with you 100% on this one ... a great book but way too much going on. He could have gotten four different books out of this. But you're right, he just is too good a writer not to enjoy reading but this particular book just packed too much in!

  11. I love Wally Lamb and will be reading this very soon.

  12. I just bought this book and haven't started it yet. can't wait!

  13. i enjoyed mr. lamb's first two books and have this one on my shelf, one of many books i want to read sooner rather than later. i know i will like it because of it's connection with columbine. i live not too far from where the columbine tragedy happened. it has had a profound impact on my life.

    hmmm... now i'm thinking this will be the next book i read.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.