Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Question of the Week...fictional characters!

This week's question deals with fictional characters. What fictional character mostly resembles your and your personality? It can be a cartoon, a book character, a movie character...etc. You can leave your answer in the comments section, or post on your own blog and link up here!

I would love to be able to say that I am headstrong and independent like Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice. But I'm not. I wish I could say that I am brave and fearless like Lara Croft. But I'm not. I really wish I could say that I am cool and stylish like any of the girls on Sex and The City. But I'm not. Not even close. So I thought about it some and I came up with someone who very much resembles me and my life. Her name is Kaitlin.

To those of you who know me... (especially you, Hubs.) the similarities are obvious. Kaitlin is easily excitable. She talks too much. Her sense of style is a little bit off. She has huge ideas that never quite pan out. And most of all.. she talks a big talk. She acts brave and fearless... when really she is whispering in Rick's ear that she's scared. Craig is my Rick. I love you, Rick.



  1. I have honestly never thought abut this..and have NO idea which character I resemble. Is there one out there that is stubborn as a mule, opinionated and clumsy? That would be me.

  2. Man, and I could have been the first on your linky. I'll have to think about this one and get back to you.

  3. This is neat. Something I have never thought about. Now I am going to be thinking about it all day until I come up with something.

  4. hmmm....good question...just really hard.

    I think im a combination of fictional characters. Hard to pick one.

  5. Damn, the videos won't work.

    I believe you though.

  6. I like to think of myself as a cross between Holly Golightly and the drunken mess, wise cracking mother of Tea Leoni in Spanglish (played by Cloris Leachman)

  7. OK..so I'll have to play. My sister says I'm just like Kitty on Dharma and Greg. She's Greg's mother. I'll try to find a video and put it up on my blog.

  8. That is so neat that you came up with someone that funny! And that describes so many of your personality traits. Too cute! Gosh! I don't know how I am going to come up with one! I'm going to have to think about this for awhile:)

  9. My husband says I'm exactly like Adele Invergordon, who is Charlize Theron's character in The Legend of Bagger Vance.

    I've also been told I act just like Kirsten Dunst's character in Elizabethtown...

    Somewhere in the middle...is me.

  10. great pick... but this is a hard one! i truly have no idea... i'll have to mull over this one a while!

  11. That was funny! I have no idea, I will have to think about it! Wouldn't it be great to have a Jack -- I sit and laugh at him.
    Thanks for coming by!

  12. I have no earthly idea who my character would be.

  13. I am totally like Monica on Friends.

  14. Okay! THAT WAS SOOOOOO MUCH FUN! I love both the Kaitlin videos! Now Kel...this girl is ENDEARING...but if you are like this ALL the time...well...your hubby is a saint...BUT...never a dull moment huh???

    I talk a lot and am a control freak...hmmmm, wonder who that slates me like...I FEAR I am a tiny bit like Kate Gosselin and she is SO WELL HATED that I am scared I just typed that! I am much more fun than SHE IS! I am MUCH nicer to my hubby than she is too!!

  15. I'm a cross between Maude and Mary Tyler Moore

  16. Natalie Portman's character in Garden State.
    with a hint of Mary Catherine Gallagher SUPERSTAR!

  17. This is tough. How about Ann Hathaway at the beginning of the first Princess Diaries. :0)

  18. Great question! I need to pick someone who's a big smartass!

  19. Oh my goodness that was funny. I didn't even have to watch the videos cause I've seen those skits before..they are very memorable. Ha!

    Sometimes I think I'm Debra from Everyone loves Raymond cause my inlaws can be characters. But since I love to cook and clean I can be like Marie. Plus my husband says I meddle.

    Anyway, Thanks for the comment on my blog the other day.

  20. Who am I?

    I will have to say that I would be closer to Hermoine from Harry Potter. Love cats, am a smarty pants, only had boys for friends, fell in love with my best friend,

  21. Aww I am not sure who Caitlin is because I cannot view the video...(it says only available in the US)
    Hmmm...so who do i resemble..
    well....I think I am sort of like Frannie O'Neil in the Lake House..but...I'm not a vet. I do love to help people, especially kids..and she helps out in a huge way these bird children.

  22. I don't know who I'm like, but I'm going along with your first commenter...is there someone out there who is bull headed, controlling, and clumbsy?

  23. i have no idea who i am like (maybe pinky dinky doo's mom or something since all we watch here is noggin and that's my frame of reference). my thing is trying to figure out who would play me (and everyone else i know) in the movie they make of my life someday. i'm about the only one i haven't figured out yet. my family would probably say that i am like the old woman in the shoe (you know...had so many kids, yadda yadda). great post. thaks for following mine!

  24. Hahahahaha!! Kaitlin kills me!! I would have to be someone that is mean and doesn't put up with any crap but also is a big giant cry baby. Any ideas--because I got none!!

  25. That Rick is a saint. Hilarious!

    I've been told I am just like Angela on The Office. Not sure if that's good or bad.

  26. omg i love her character - i'm always doing her voice to my husband - chris chris chris chris - what are you doing chris. I'm gonna have to think on my own fictional character.

  27. Those videos are excellent!

    I'd say Scarlett O'Hara - but that's only the fantasy in my head. More like anything that Judy Blume would conjure - pretty pathetic, fighting wrinkles and perimenopause insead of acne and first period.

  28. hilarious!

    i am not very sex in the city, either.

    my husband would say lucy ricardo, no question.

  29. Wow.. too funny. But that's a hard one. I'm gonna have to think hard for it! I'll post back later on my answer. =]

  30. I'm always the best friend of the main character - yep the one that encourages her and helps pick up the pieces when she is dumped, or goes along with her crazy ideas. I have been the Ethel to 2 best friends.

    Loved those clips - super funny.

  31. Deborah Romano from Everyone Loves Raymond. Hands down. My whole family says so! A business associate of my husband's even said it to me once. I'll take that as a compliment.

  32. Oh, I like this idea. I'd have to give it some thought though and that doesn't happen very well at 10pm. But a very interesting idea.

  33. dana scully. i am very grounded, smart, and i too am madly in love with mulder.

  34. blah videos only allowed in the states. I have no idea who I would be... will get back to you!! Great question though!

  35. I have to think about that one. Wish I could be Elizabeth Bennett too! It would be great to have Colin Firth's Darcy at home some days! Hope I don't turn into the nutty matriarch Mrs. Bennett as the years go on!

  36. I wish I was someone wonderful, but probably more like Marge Simpson!:-)

    Have a great night!


  37. I would have to say I am like Monica on Friends.

    Although I would like to be more like Andy on The Devil Wears Prada. Or maybe just like Anne Hathaway herself. I have a girl crush.

  38. Hmmmmm... I wish I was Jo in Little Women ... that is my wish but I suspect I may be more like Urkel.

  39. the wicked witch in some fairytale? Atleast thats what my Hubby and kids think of me when I'm in the, you know, that grumpy state that lasts forever.
    This was so funny though.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.