Sunday, April 26, 2009

Honest Scrap Award... for me??

The beautiful and amazing Dani over at Dani's Daily Drop gave me this award last week, and as usual, I am late posting it! Sorry, Dani! And by they way, you guys really need to go check her out. She rocks!

Anywho.. the rules for the award are as follows: you must take a picture of yourself in your underwear at the end of rainbow, riding a unicorn and post it on your blog. And then list 15 recipes that include the following ingredients: liver, grape jelly, and yams. Good luck.

Ok, actually you just have to list 10 honest things about yourself, in an effort for your readers to get to know you better. That's it! No handing over of your first born child! So here goes...

1. I am highly annoying. I laugh at my own jokes. Loudly. And they usually aren't funny.

2. I told my husband that I would forgo the baby fever if he would agree to three more pugs. I was holding Dexter on my hip and feeding him Cheerio's as I said this.

3. I wish the nineties would come back in style. I know it hasn't been that long.. but we've done the whole 80's thing a million times... when are doc martens and babydoll dresses gonna come back? I can still rock that look, right? RIGHT???

4. I am panicking trying to come up with ten things.

5. I want to volunteer at our local library, but the volunteer association is run by a bunch of really old ladies and I think I pissed them off when I said I couldn't work a Saturday flea market they scheduled. Now, I am getting the cold shoulder. The moth-ball smelling, wrinkly and sun-spotted cold shoulder.

6. My dream job would be working at a bookstore..but I don't like people. Or talking to them. Or touching their dirty money. Or getting dressed in the morning. So.. that dream is lying dormant for the moment. Instead, I will just stalk the bookstores in my pj bottoms, pretending they are the newest thing in fashion, and drink coffee. Can't I just get paid for that??

7. I don't do gardening. There is dirt involved. And bugs. And effort.

8. I'm sounding kinda bitchy, aren't I? What?! NO YOU DIDN'T just call me bitchy.

9. I am addicted to the show Rescue Me. I want to cry when the episodes are over because I want them to just keep going!!

10. I am not good at making lists of interesting things about myself.

So... there... that's it. I did it. Now, I am going to pass on this award to...(Drum roll please....) Alex over at Please Try Again
! Can't wait to hear more about her!


  1. Rescue me is about the best show right now to DVR. The show has my 3 favorite letters.... LSV (language, sex, violence) Tommy rocks! He should have banged the french girl.

    Oh... I not only laugh to my own jokes. I laugh until I cry - I crack myself up!!!! My students have laughed so hard they pee their pants!!! NO SHIT!!!

  2. I don't garden because I kill things.

  3. everyone knows your own jokes are the funniest. ; )

  4. you are like my long lost twin... i agree with you on so many of these. i love to stroll bookstores, and read, but i hate dealing with people. my dream job is to own a bookstore, but only after its successful, so that i can spend the day reading and being the person who picks what i sell oh and so I can meet awesome authors.

  5. Oh Kel, you are a character. But you are interesting! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Congrats on your award.

  7. *Le sigh* Doc Martens and baby doll dresses. Oh how I miss thee. I used to wear mine with striped tights and big floppy hats too!

    Now that I'm thinking about it, I probably looked like a Strawberry Shortcake Doll....

  8. I'm with you on the gardening thing. Too much WORK! I work in a library and how I wish you could volunteer for us. We need some good volunteers. All our moth-ball smelling old ladies are too old to help out any more and so we have 1 volunteer (she is great, though). I, too, would love to own a bookstore. My hubby and I actually tried to buy a small local, independent bookstore a couple of years ago, but the owner wanted WAY too much money for it - considering it wasn't even turning a profit! Whateva! Oh, and I can bitchy, too! LOL!

  9. You absolutely crack me up, Kel! Better late than never, right? Oh, and thanks for the kind words- you rock!

  10. I like Rescue Me too. That Mr. Leary is so good in the show. I would love to work in a book store too. I like the idea of browsing the aisles in my pajama pants. That's the way to shop!

  11. congrats on your award!

    Gosh I miss commenting on your blog. Not blogging for a few days is so weird and I feel Like I missed shit.

  12. I'm so with you on # 3 and # 6. You make me laugh.

  13. Your list is pretty funny. Why is it that all the libraries have old biddies working in them. I am old, but damn, I don't think I'm a biddy. They'd never have me volunteer cause I talk too much and I smile.

  14. I totally laugh at my own jokes too.

  15. I loved taking people's money. I should own a dvd and book store, I'd rock that and get to see everything I want ANDDDDD first!!!

  16. I love book stores too but I'd also be annoyed by the loads of people who would inevitably expect me to help them. As if a job is supposed to be work?

    I loved this always, you made me laugh outloud!

  17. Because your Effing funny as hell and I love ya, I tagged you today. It's more then 10 things so don't worry, this post could count as doing it :)

  18. PUGS?????

    Yes, shopping in your PJ's is called, one...WEIRD, but two...mystery shopping.

  19. No, you don't really suck. I actually love you. I'm going to stalk you forever and ever. I even bought a baby doll dress and a pair of doc martins (even though I look like a friggin hot air balloon in them) so that I could be just like you. I faked my eye test so that I could wear glasses and be a girl in glasses just like you.

    Seriously, Thanks for the tag Kel. I hope I do you proud.
    (Even though I didn't tag you because I knew you had way too much on your plate as it is and I wanted to give you some slack but NOOOooo, we won't talk about that now..will we)

    I'm your number one fan.

  20. Your so frickin funny you make me laugh even when your not trying.
    You can add that to the list. Call it my gift to you. :)

  21. I love this list, and since I recently found a pair of PERFECT Docs at Goodwill for $8, I wish the 90s would come back too!

    You're hysterical and I plan to stalk you from here on out.

  22. You can come volunteer at my library. I am not old and crotchity... and we like bitchy people.
    I heart Rescue Me!!!!!!! That show is amazing! And soooo funny!

  23. You are very funny! I laugh at you all the time (in a good way!)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.