Sunday, March 29, 2009

QOTW If you could change the past.....

This week's" question of the week" is:


Of course, there are a lot of small events in my life that have shaped me. Some good, some bad. But most of them, I would not change. Each moment changed my life in some way and got me to where I am today. However, there is one 3 minute event in my life that I would love to wipe clear of my memory forever. I don't feel that it changed me in any way that is good or beneficial. It hurt me more than I would like to admit.

The date was September 10, 1998. I was 21 years old. I was working as a bank teller. I loved my job. I was awesome at it. My girlfriend, another teller, and I were talking and laughing, singing with the radio. It was a quiet Thursday morning at the bank. Suddenly, two men burst through the door. It took me a second to even realize why they had ski masks. But once one jumped my counter and pointed his gun at me it was very clear.

"Where's the fuckin' money?" he screamed in my face. I couldn't stop staring up at the gun pointed at my forehead. His finger was on the trigger. He had it tipped sideways, I could see his finger on the other side.

I dumbly pointed to the drawer. He told me and the other teller to put our heads against the cabinets, while he emptied the tills. The other guy was robbing the customer service rep and the man she had been waiting on. There was alot of screaming going on. My friend and I just sat their, shaking in fear. I was terrified he would ask to get into the vault, because I was the head teller and had the key. I sat there, hunched over, and tried not to pass out. Suddenly, the guy in the service area saw that the alarm light was blinking.

"One of those bitches hit the alarm!" He sounded panicked. The man standing behind us starting waving the gun against the backs of our heads, pacing and cursing. I caught the eye of my friend. Her eyes were wide in fear.

"Did you hit that alarm, bitch?" he asked her. She just shook her head. She hadn't, either. He most likely tripped the alarm when he was grabbing the money. He turned towards me. Luckily, at that moment, the third guy who had been sitting in the car, stuck his head through the door and screamed "Let's go! Now." And then they were gone. The whole incident was 3 and a half minutes long. It seemed like hours.

I haven't been the same since. I have had panic attacks since I was child, mostly due to medical issues.(I have a blood phobia...) but I was never scared of things. I did not shy away from situations. Now, I am scared of everything. I get nervous in stores. I hate crowds. I have nightmares. The night terrors stared probably a month after the robbery. I would wake up with violent shaking and wouldn't be able to stop. I worry obsessively now, about everything and everyone. If this could happen to me, it could happen to anyone. And if it happened to me once, it could happen to me again. And next time it might be worse.

I guess the worst part of it all, was the fact that my world was rocked. I come from a small town. Things like that don't happen there. I had never experienced anything like that. Things like that happen on tv, or in big cities. And they certainly don't happen to me. I see the world a lot differently now, and the view isn't all that great.

So, I guess if I had to choose one moment, that would be the one. I can't see that anything good came out of it, only fear and pain. Sure, maybe it caused me to see the world as it really is, but I would really prefer to have my rose colored glasses back.


  1. Wow, I cannot believe that happened to you. How very very scary. And yes, taking away the innocence of life in a flash. I'm so sorry that happened to you and that you have had negative effects in life because of it.

    If I could change anything in my life (and there are many many things I would change), but the main one would be that I was not sexually abused growing up. It was horrible and I'm still in counseling over it.

  2. How frightening! I am so sorry that happened to you!

    However, your writing is fabulous. Have you thought of incorporating this into a short story or book? It might be cathartic.

  3. Wow!

    And wow!

    That is a heart-wrenching recount!

    So sorry that you have to deal with this. I understand completely about wanting to have rose-colored glasses. Once you've seen you can't unsee...

    On a side note, I have neglected your blog and for that I am so sorry! I've missed out on a lot of people's posts if I'm following them and I don't think I've been following your blog, but I love, love, love all of your comments and have registered them all!!

    I'll be back. I'm slowly making my rounds through blogs to get caught up after a very long winter's sleep.

    Big hugs going to you!!!

    P.S. Do you twitter??

  4. That must have been so terrifying. I can't imagine what you must have been feeling with those creeps threatening you. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that.

  5. I'm sorry that this happened to you, I really am. That had to be very scary, and it was unfair of those men to have installed that fear into your life.

    I'm sure from reading my blog you have an idea what I would change about my life.

  6. My jaw is on the ground. I'm in shock. Can't believe what terror that must have been!

  7. Wow, that is so scary. I cannot imagine.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today....:) Come back any ol' time!

  8. Wow! When you first asked the question of what I could change in my past, I was thinking about some things, but after reading yours I can't hold a candle to that! Dang that sucks! I'm so glad they left so quickly and it wasn't worse than it was. I thought about becoming a bank teller...but I would rather avoid something like that completely. Whew.


  10. SO sorry to hear that you were a part of all that.. You should thank god that things did not went out of hand...

    P.S: Love your blog!

  11. What a scary story! I am so sorry that happened!

    I, too, worked for a bank (well, the Securities side of it) so I did not to deal directly with customers face to face. But that was always a concern of mine - walking through the bank as a robbery was happening.

  12. I would prefer "rose colored glasses" to that experience too. That's terrifying.

  13. That is really scary.

    I'd vote to change those 3 minutes too.

    I also like my rose colored glasses and I hope to keep them.

  14. Visiting from SITS. How scary. Those must have been the longest 3 minutes in your history.

  15. good grief kel... i had literal goose bumps. but it sounded like you handled it all they best way YOU could. i would say i'll be thinkin of you for this, but then again it happened so long ago... who cares though- i'll still be thinkin of you.

  16. I am very sorry to hear about that. What a horribly frightening moment.

    I was mugged once and beat up... and it made me jumpy for a long time after that. Im better now. But i know that scared feeling you get wherever you go....and that maybe it could happen again.
    No fun. I am very sorry.

  17. Oh my goodness! That is so scary. I wish you could change that too. I cannot even imagine.

  18. I can't imagine living through that. It has to change your core being.
    If I could go back and change one thing, I'd have talked my mother out of the surgery that killed her. nuff said.

  19. I am a head teller in my small town and we got robbed last year. No guns, thank God, but nerve wracking all the same. We gave him money and he didn't think it was enough...I'm just glad he didn't think to drag us to the vault. {{Hugs}}

    BTW..thanks for stopping by. :-)

  20. Wow.....that's an amazing story. When I had my first child and we lived in a larger city that was having a wave of bank robberies, I would not go inside the bank....always used the drive-thru!

  21. That is so scary! I also get panic attacks and have lots of anxiety, but I don't have a reason. I just have lots of fears of what could happen.

  22. WOW--I just can't imagine having to go through that. So scary. I hope they were caught. Fortunately, I haven't had a panic attack in over a year (knock on wood), hopefully, yours will lessen with time.

  23. I am speechless! You poor poor dear. I think that would be something I would want to change. I have always something like that effects the tellers in a bank. Now I know..first hand. Thank you for being brave enough to share your story.

  24. That's terrifying! It's easy to understand why you'd want to erase that particular memory.

  25. What a horrible experience! I would be afraid of everything if it had happened to me, too. It's really too bad how much the choices of other people can affect our own lives when we are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  26. How scary for you and your friend. Thank God you were both alright!!!

  27. What the? that only happens in the movies girl! That's crazy, I don't believe it! That is definately something you want to forget about!

  28. Holy cows.

    I was a teller too. I always had this fear in the back of my mind, but it never happened. I'm so sorry it happened to you.

  29. Oh wow, Kel. That is horrifying! I am so glad you weren't hurt!

  30. I don't know what moment I would change but I totally wish for you that you could change your moment. Wow.

  31. Yikes! That's a very harsh way to loose your rose-colored glasses.
    Thanks for sharing and great question!

  32. Ok, totally forget that post.

    I commented you something I ment to comment someone else! I suck!!

    I am a police dispatcher.. I boss men around all day, which you'd think would be fun, but it's not really so much :)

    That's for stoppin by!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.