Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hot Seat Question, Episode #1

Hey everyone! Welcome to a new segment here at Girl In The Glasses (aka.. the coolest blog known to man..). Each week, I am going to give you a situation to ponder. Some will be silly (this is me, afterall). Some will be serious. Some will be though-provoking (but not many... I mean come on. You know I can only go so deep). I am going to give you several possible responses and you can choose one, or of course, leave your own. It's just a fun little social experiment and a way for us all to get to know each other.

So here is your first situation...

You have been dating a wonderful man for months and finally get a chance to meet his family. They invite you over for a formal dinner at their house. You are so nervous. You're sweating, your stomach hurts. Table conversation is tense. Finally the father makes an attempt at a joke to cut the tension. You overcompensate by laughing just a little too hard. So hard in fact, that it happens... you let one rip. You never even felt it coming. The table goes eerily silent.. what do you do?

a. Blush, and mumble something along the lines of "excuse me.." or "my goodness. I'm so sorry."

b. Laugh and say "Hey.. who stepped on the duck?"

c. Blame the dog, who doesn't exist.

d. Blame your boyfriend and pray like mad that he plays along.

e. cry and run from the table.. and never return.

What would you do??? anything similar ever happen to you?

*I know you are totally shocked that I started with a silly one.. *


  1. I have to say, that I most likely, would run like hell from the room. I talk a big talk, but when it comes down to it.. I'm a big sissy.

  2. hahahahahahaha, I think I would just ignore it and try to change the topic of conversation FAST. And then I would die of mortification later. Good one!

  3. I'd probably do A and then get out of there as fast as possible

  4. I would probably blame the dog. Or the boyfriend. Or try to make a similar noise with my shoe and pretent that is what made the original noise even though we all know the truth!

  5. I would do a combination of A and B- I would blush apologetically and then try to think fast and make an attempt at humor... but the humor would end up really dumb. I wouldn't have been fast enough to think up something as good as the duck under the table.

  6. Definitely blame the boyfriend. And if he really loved you, he would roll with it.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be back!

  7. Honestly, I'd probably die laughing, which would cause me to do it again, and then I'd make some ridiculous joke and brush it off.

    Because that's just how I roll. ;)

  8. I'd blush, apologize and then laugh like a hyena while wiping the tears of mortification from my eyes....

  9. Where do you get these?
    I'd apologize and then want to die.

  10. I would apologize and then try to melt into the floor.

  11. HA! This is hilarious!

    I had a funny thing happen to me once when I was in WalMart. I PROMISE I didn't let one rip or anything, but I was in an aisle and three teenagers were standing right next to me. I was wearing high heels and when I moved, they made a "fart" noise. It REALLY sounded just like one and was pretty darn loud too.
    The teenagers got really quiet, and I kept trying to get my shoe to make the same sound again. Nothing! All of the sudden one of the kids says ever so quietly, "I think it was HER!" Another girl said, "Ew! Gross!"
    They looked SO disgusted and took off AS FAR AWAY FROM ME AS POSSIBLE!
    Was I embarrassed? For a moment, yes. I felt like all eyes were on me when I left the aisle. I just knew sooner or later someone was going to get on the speaker and say, "Attention WalMart Shoppers: Taryn just farted! Please evacuate the building!"

    Anyway, I had to share that little story for your post made me think about it.

    So let my story be proof that shoes can make farting sounds! So if this happened in front of the family, I think I'd say something along the lines of "Gosh! These shoes!", and then laugh at myself!

    Welcome to SITS, Darling! So glad I stopped by!


  12. I would be mortified. I think I would either try to make a joke out of it, if they were the jokey type. If not, I'd run out of there screaming.

    I was sitting on the floor with my class one day and let one rip as I leaned forward to pick something up.

    I was sooo embarassed! I just ignored it and pretended like it must have been one of the kids. Ha

  13. Well, this happened to me once in Grade 8. I pretended it wasn't me. Not sure how well that came across however.

    In this situation, I'd probably use the duck exclamation, in the hopes it cut the tension and got me off the hook...which, of course, it wouldn't.

  14. I'd like to think that I'd joke about it but I know I'd cry and run away. I'm a wimp.

  15. I'd apologize and tell 'em it was my colostomy bag, and say that the dinner was terrific and such a wonderful departure from the oatmeal and applesauce I'd been living on that my system couldn't handle it. Then I'd say I didn't want to talk about it anymore... after urging everyone to get colonoscopies. :)

  16. Oh - and thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. my soon to be father in law teased me so bad the time i went to to dinner at their home i was almost in tears..
    i would have blamed it on my soon to be in law to pay him back for teasing me so bad!

  18. OMG way too funny! Thank you so much for stopping by :)!

    I so would go with answer b! LOL Except it would be a barking spider ... LOL heck if your dating me you better have the same crazy sense of humor!

    Super cute blog, Love the header!

  19. I would say, "Oh Crap." Thank God it's not a clingon.

    Seriously, I wouldn't have a clue as to what I'd do. I know my husband would not have let me live it down...seriously.

  20. I think I would either a)blush and mumble or e) RUN.

    And it would all be decided at a last second whim based on the looks on people's faces.


  21. Completely ignore would be my way of handling that:)

  22. I'd like to think I would be sassy with a comeback, but I'm pretty sure it would be A.

    And then I'd leave the country.

  23. Oh I'd totally ignore! And secretly die!

  24. I think I would ignore it and pretend it never happen.

  25. I'm a pretty laid back girl, if that happened to me, I'd just say excuse me ... giggle a bit ... and then move on.

    As a matter of fact I don't think I've dated a guy who's family hasn't thought farting is as hilarious today as it was when they were kids themselves.

  26. Now I'd obviously blame the boyfriend, but if it was the first meeting it'd have to be either a or e. I'll go with a. Tough one!

  27. I would probably try to pretend it didn't happen...

  28. i'm so old I can't remember meeting a boyfriends family, but I would truly be mortified, say excuse me and carry on. Or it I did like a loud laugh with a snort, maybe I could cover it up.....but the smell.....oh the smell !

  29. Probably A. Although I like Abby's idea of trying to make a similar noise with my shoe or something.

  30. Oh, my! I guess I would freeze, pretend like nothing happen and change the subject. "Look! Naked guy out the window!" Dunno!

  31. I would like to laugh & say who stepped on the frog (I know you said duck but we use the phrase "frog" in our house).

    BUT knowing me the way I know me - I would run!

  32. Really difficult one,but I'd probably do a.Although with my boyfriends' love of all flatulence (his own) I could probably blame it on him,and get away with it.

  33. Blush, and mumble something along the lines of "excuse me.." or "my goodness. I'm so sorry." TRY to make them laugh and then if they don't run crying while shouting at the bf that he could have helped with the matter!!LOL

  34. I would (and have) blame it on the boyfriend. The other day I accidentally did that and turned to my husband and said "HONEY - leave the room next time". LOL

  35. It would either be E or stab myself with the butter knife to put myself out of my misery. ha,ha!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.