Sunday, March 15, 2009

#21 Austenland by Shannon Hale

If you are a Jane Austen nut like me, you will love Austenland by Shannon Hale!

Like many women, myself included, Jane Hayes has a crush on Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. But not just any Mr. Darcy, she is enchanted by Colin Firth's version of the BBC's adaption. (You know the one... and you know you love him too!) But Jane is not your typical Darcy fan. She is not content to just watch the dvd, drool a little, and then put it away. Jane is obsessed. Her constant failed relationships are proof of that. She compares every man she meets with her ideal man, aka Darcy.

A concerned family member bequeths her the most amazing gift, an all expenses paid trip to England. But not just any old England...Regency England! That's right, she's sent to Pembrook Park, a unique resort where everyone dresses and acts as if they are living in one of her beloved Jane Austen novels. Handsome actors are paid to give guests the most realistic Austen experience possible, including romances! Jane has decided to use this most generous gift to finally get Darcy out of her system. If she can live out her fantasy one time, she can finally let go. She is plunged head first into Pride and Prejudice. Can she deal with all the rules of society? Can this modern girl adjust to their strict etiquette? More importantly, can she resist falling in love with Mr.Nobly, the very epitome of a real live Mr. Darcy? And just how scandolous would it be if she was caught chasing around that dashing gardner she's spotted on the grounds?

Austenland was such a fun book, that I found myself wishing I could go there myself!!


  1. This sounds like a fun book! I too love Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy.

  2. Oh wow...I seriously have nothing intelligent to say here. Im sure those books are great.

    I just wanted to say's been a while.



  3. maybe jay's male after all...

    this one sounds like a good one for by the pool this summer.

  4. sounds like a good one! will have to make some more that possible?

  5. My wife and I wound up pulling out the DVDs one time because they had the series on TV and had ads— we just couldn't wait that long for the story to go by.

    Sounds like a cool place if it does exist and a fun book to read if you are any sort of period piece fan.

  6. ok, miss smarty you've done it! I'm going right out and buying this book! You're so in trouble with the hubs when he gets home...oooooooooooooooo


    man I crack myself up!

  7. I will definitely be adding this to my shopping or library list.

  8. I read this last summer and have to tell you it's one of my favorite books! I want to go there too!!!!

  9. I'm a big time Austen fan! Thanks for recommending Austenland. I'll definitely check it out. I'm a huge fan of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. I could watch BBC's Pride & Prejudice over and over again!!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog too :)

  10. sounds really good K-

    I finished reading Rumors and because I was so anxious to get to the end I skipped over a few chapters to get to the end.

    Then I had to go back to read the gaps and holes.

  11. ha! my sis lived in pembrooke pines near miami and that's probably the closest i'll ever get to pembrooke park.

    i know. totally off subject but i just couldn't resist. :p~~~


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.