Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Question of the week....a day late.

I'm late this week.. sorry.

Question of the week:

Do you have any recurring dreams? If so, what are they? How often do you have them?

I have a version of the same dream every night.. somewhat. I have the usual "high school" dreams. I am in high school and I can't remember my locker combo. I can't find my class. But usually, my dream goes like this: I am in school for the whole year. For the entire year, I have skipped my English class. Now, it's time to graduate and and I realize I can't. Then as I am crying and freaking out.. I think to myself. 'what the hell... I already went to high school and graduated. why am I even here?" I know. It makes no sense. It's always English class. I always realize too late that I wasted the entire year going to high school when I am already graduated. What the hell? I wonder if I have this dream because I go back and forth about going back to college......

anyway... what's yours?


  1. I have a lot of different ones, but your high-school dream reminds me of one that I have that I am going back to college and staying in the old dorm I stayed at. It is the first day and I try going around seeing if anybody I knew from years ago still is there. Then I realize that it has been so many years, but still look anyway and half expect everybody to know who I am.

  2. I'm so not this type of person...

    And I won't tell you the details.

    But let's just say my recurring dream is fairly X rated.


  3. The only dream that I have on a regular basis is one where my first crush (who passed away a few years ago) and I are on a bus like on a field trip or something (apparently we're in high school in my dream) and we're talking and then he leans in to kiss me and every time I wake up before he makes contact...it's so weird and I have no idea what it means!

  4. I have the high school dream as well!! I thought I was the only one...obviously not.

    As well, lately I've been having numerous dreams where I'm going through different houses, room to room. Not sure what I'm looking for, or why I'm where I am...pretty deep, eh?

  5. I don't know about a recurring dream, but last night I dreamed I was on vacation and my husband was kidnapped by some little knomes who lived under the house we were renting. Psychology majors, what do you make of my effed up mind?

  6. I always have dreams where I sans clothes in a very public location--like school, or the mall, or the grocery store. It's traumatizing every single time!

  7. I actually have no memory of any dream. I awake infrequently recalling that I did dream something, but I've never recall any dream.

    And as for infrequently, I mean 2-3 times per year. I've tried leaving a pad and pen bedside, but I've never managed to recall any dream.

  8. I don't have recurring dreams, and in fact, most of the time, I don't have vivid dreams at all.

  9. I do have some reoccurring dreams, or at least reoccurring themes. In alot of my dreams I'm being murdered. Yup.

  10. I always have a recurring dream of running away from something, I have never figured out what I'm running from but I am always wearing the same thing and running. I know I'm weird!!

  11. My recurring dream is that I find a secret room in my grandparents home (both gone, but would have been 100 this month!). Anyhow, my cousin and I go into a deep closet and there is a door in the floor. We go down a spider-webby ladder area and enter into a huge, grand ballroom with parquet floors, lovely furniture covered in sheets, ornate walls, beutiful. I have the same dream several times a year for the last 15 years? After they passed away, anyhow. Now I know what's coming and I can't wait to get there!!

  12. Your dream is because you don't feel like you're "done" going to school. Go back! :)

    I don't have reoccuring dreams any more, but I used to dream that my front teeth fell out!

  13. Actually my recurring dreams are freakily similar to yours ... no joke!

    And I also have one where my teeth are falling out -- I just keep spitting out teeth. It is really awful.

  14. i don't really remember my dreams, except when i was a child, i had a series of really bizarre, scary dreams with all these biblical characters (like moses, et al). i remember them like it was yesterday. weird.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.