Saturday, March 28, 2009

She makes it all worthwhile.....

This is what my baby girl gave me the other day.....

She used her scrapbook kit from Christmas.It says ..(or is suppossed to say...) "Thank you for taking care of me. You are the best."
Totally unprompted, out of the goodness of her sweet little heart. Days like this make me think I'm doing things right.


  1. Did you melt? That's the sweetest!

  2. i know... it's the unprompted things that mean so much. how sweet.

  3. Hi.
    Stopping by via SITS to wish you a happy Saturday!

  4. Oh how special! See...she speaks the female language! :) Maybe your husband didn't see how hard it was but she did. How precious!

  5. Of course you are. I know what it's like, though, to doubt your abilities at times. I do it all the time.

    Aren't kids the best?

  6. That is the sweetest thing ever! I love it. What a great kid! Erases all those horrible nights, huh? (Well, some of them maybe.)

  7. Those are the moments you keep close to your heart!

  8. Aww your daughter & mine must have talked last week.
    They can be so sweet sometimes & it takes away all the pain we have to indure...doesn't it.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.