Thursday, March 26, 2009

Would you Rather Wednesday- A Day Late... so what?

Thanks for "listening" to me rant yesterday. I am just exhausted and things are ticking me off at this point. Of course, Hubby is awesome most of the time and I really can't be mad at him for something that I didn't explain really bothered me. Men are different creatures.

So,on to bigger, better, and more sophisticated things... Would You Rather Wednesday.. a day late (cause I can do things like that...) Here goes. You know the drill.

Would you rather...

1. Jump out of the cake naked at your granny's 90th birthday party...(or other elderly relative.. lets not be technical!)

Casually stroll a crowded beach in nothing but a bikini top and an adult diaper..(ok fine, and flip flops, IF YOU MUST!)

2. Go bra-less or commando for a week?

3.Four days a month you are a super hero known as the MENSTRUAL CYCLONE.. chose your super human weapon for destroying enemies..

THE SARCASM SPASM (your constant stream of snarky comments causes your opponent to flail uncontrollably and lose motor function.)


THE DIRTY LOOK OF DOOM - a wrinkled forehead,raised eyebrows , a squinty glare and snarled lips and your enemies are down for the count.

And now for you pleasure, a Hip-Hop edition of the Bonus Gross Out Question....

Would you rather "get busy in a Burger King bathroom" with the Humpty Dance Guy?

Or Sample the "Flavors of Love" with Flava Flav.

Get up, get, get, get down..

And once again, your welcome.. please grab a barf bag on your way out..


  1. 1. Definitely jump out of the cake at the party.

    2. Bra-less. I always do anyway.

    3. The Sarcasm Spasm. I'm pretty comfortable with this already. ;)

    4. The Humpty Hump guy, "'Cause in a 69 his humpty nose will tickle your rear."

    I'm just sayin'.

    That was vulgar. Delete if you'd like. hee hee.

  2. I'll jump out of granys cake naked. that would make me too old to care.

  3. jump out the cake

    commando (my boobs can be rather large sometimes, i'd prolly get a black eye, lol)

    mean dirty glare!!

    and im refuse to answer the other one... i just cant!!

  4. This weeks questions of HARD, just so you know.

    I would take the stroll down the crowded beach because I don't live anywhere near a beach so no one would know me!

    I need my bra Kel...I need it, otherwise I look like a boy. But I don't want to go without underwear either. Oh, bra-less I guess.

    Sarcasm Spasm for sure! Sarcasm is actually my first language.

    I am totally laughing as Sass's comment. I'd have to "Do the Humpty Hump" ...Flava Flav's teeth freak me out.

  5. 1.) Jump out of the cake

    2.) Commando - my boobs are lethal weapons and must be restrained at all times.

    3.) The Dirty Glare

    4.) I lost my lunch on this one, so really cannot answer

  6. 1. Bikini top and adult diaper. (I hear they are quite comfy.)

    2.Bra-less! Yeah baby!

    3.The Dirty Look of Doom (I've already got it perfected. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!)

    4.Definitely Humpty Dumpty. Flava Flav does not EVEN hold a candle to the Humpsters!

    heh heh

  7. 1. Definitely the naked cake at Granny's birthday, because she wouldn't remember about 5 minutes later.

    2. Bra-less. I am of the small but perfectly formed persuasion.

    3. I already have both of those powers, but I like the sarcasm better.

    HipHop Bonus: I think Humpty would be safer. Flav's junk is probably crawling with all kinds of nasty stuff after a few seasons of Flavor of Love.

  8. So funny! I love your blog! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Okay, I am not big on the choices but here we go
    1. jump out of the cake
    2 Braless
    3. Dirty look (I do that sometimes now)
    4. Ha! on Sass's comment - but I really can not choose - I am feeling a little sick from just the idea

  9. I would TOTALLY enjoy the Sarcasm Spasm!!! Your blog is adorable by the way. I LOVE the glasses, are they mine!?

  10. 1. Jump out of the cake, fo' sho'...

    2. Bra-less...These huge boobies get tired of being all bundled up in giganto bras...

    3. I have both of these mad skillz down, sister. I'm already a professional..

    4. ( are just naughty!) I am completely sick to my stomach now, so I'm out of here! lol!

  11. 1. Jump out of the cake...most of them would be nearly blind by that time anyway so there would be no cause for alarm when my "absolutely no sun reaches most of those parts" naked body springs from the cake.

    2. Go commando...I lost my wheelbarrow that would needed to haul that stuff around.

    3. The four day a month super hero...maybe they'd create an underwear brand after me.

    4. Does it have to be Burger King? I mean...come on now.

  12. Alrighty
    1. I would take the walk down the beach because I would rather face a bunch of strangers that I'd never see again than my whole family...old and young.

    2. I would go commando because at the moment I am breastfeeding and so going without a bra would be torture...and VERY obvious.

    3. The Dirty Look of Doom

    4. The Humpty Dance Guy...lose the fake nose/glasses and hat and hm...could be pretty nice...Although the Burger King bathroom is a pretty gross idea...

  13. I LOVE your Would You Rathers! Great blog! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. 1. Beach in bikini and adult diaper. Can I also wear my Groucho glasses/nose mask?

    2. If I went braless I could also go commando since the banana boobs would hang low enough to cover the privates.

    3. Sarcasm spasm any day of the week. I am a professional. People ask me to think up snappy comebacks for them and I gladly oblige...for a fee.

    4. There is no way that is happening with either one of those dudes. Sorry. I know, I am not playing fair, but I do have standards, you know.

  15. Oh, excellent questions! goes...

    Jump out of a cake
    Go bra-less
    The Dirty Look of Doom for sure
    The last question sends me into fits of gagging, but if I HAVE to choose then, I choose the Humpty Dance guy.
    Now I have to go take a shower.

  16. 1. Jump out of the cake naked at your granny's 90th birthday party

    2. Go commando for a week

    3. THE SARCASM SPASM (your constant stream of snarky comments causes your opponent to flail uncontrollably and lose motor function.)

    4. I'd have to choose the Humpty Dance guy.Flava Flav gives me crabs just looking at him.

  17. I'm a day late myself.

    I'll take the beach b/c I'll never see those people again and my family....I will.

    Bra-less. I hate wearing one already. So it would be a treat to go without. Plus I can cover the little suckers up somehow & nobody would notice.

    Sarcasm is my specialty so I'll stick with that.

    Now you know me well enough to know I don't do public restrooms. That grosses me out worse than having to pick between the two guys. But I don't want you to get mad at me so I'll agree with Sass & take the HH guy.

  18. oh man....i would totally walk on the beach then do the whole naked thing at mimaws party...course they might not see me anyway...;)


    humpty guy for sure cause by now hes prob married with kids and normal...we all know what FLAVA FLAV is doing....(pretty much every woman in america)

    thanks for stoppin by my new blog buddies!!

  19. 1. Beach in a diaper.
    2. Commando -- I've got some big ones to lug around ... it would hurt like hell if I went braless!
    3. Sarcasm Spasm -- Actualy, I would love to be like this every day!
    4. Humpty Dance Guy -- because I've seen enough promos for Flavor of Love to know I don't want to be within 10 feet of Flavor Flav -- who knows what he has. I'm assuming Humpty Dance man had his 10 minutes of fame and then the ladies left him alone and he is a bit more "sanitary."


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.