Monday, March 30, 2009

If You're Nerdy and You Know It, Shout "Oy Vey!"

For years, I fought against my true nature. I have struggled with my inner demons. I have been in fierce combat with my true identity. I have smuggled my secrets and hid them under a super cool and awesomely fierce exterior. (I can hear you laughing and I do not appreciate it. Not one bit.) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am a nerd. Yes, you heard me. I know. I can hardly believe it myself.

But I have decided to embrace my inner dweeb. It's time for me to experience some self love..(no, not that kind of self love...although, now that you mention it... )OK wait, we're getting off topic here. I have compiled a list of my favorite Geeky attributes... why? Um, because I was grasping at straws for a blog topic, that's why.

1. I have an abiding love of geeky exclamations. I throw phrases like, "Geez Louise!" and "Oy Vey" like crazy. When I drop something, I have been known to yell, "Aw, Beans!" and "Son of a Biscuit." Again, I know. The coolness factor is through the roof, right?

2. My perfect date would include: a book store, a candy store, a stroll through the science museum and perfectly lovely Slurpee under the stars. Throw in some lame poop jokes and I am in love.

3. I watch PBS. Alot. I love Masterpiece Theater. I like to sit in a velvet upholstered chair and smoke my pipe while watching.

4. I still watch cartoons. I still love them. I watch them when my kid is in school. I have been known to rock some Yo Gabba Gabba when I am alone. Naked. (just making sure you're paying attention.)

5. I lay awake at night at try to rearrange words into other words...(sound familiar, Yaya?)

6. This comes in handy when I obsessively play Scrabble online.

7. I also lay awake at night thinking of "would you rather" questions. Those things just don't appear on their own, ya know. That kind of magic takes effort, people.

8. I have a girl crush on Tina Fey. OK, fine... not so much as a crush as I WANT TO BE HER. There, that didn't sound weird, right?

9. I read magazines about books. Did you even know they existed? Well, they do and I subscribe to them. I may be the only subscriber, but they do exist.

10. And my worst geeky trait is the fact that I've worried about being a geek. Truly, is there anything more pathetic than pretending to be something you're not. I am not "cool" , nor will I ever be. I will never blend in with the popular people. I will never be in the "in crowd". But that's cool with me. I kinda like the nerds better.

And now, it's your turn... are you a nerd and loving it? And if not, what the hell makes you so cool? Huh?


  1. I am SOOO UNCOOL. I use all those phrases still and even refer to being drunk as "two sheets in the wind"

    I am a total nerd. I think I stopped being cool in 94 when I meet my nerd husband.

  2. I think nerds are the best.

    And I too say geeky things like "Holy mackerel!" (hence, my blog name) and I also say "Geez Louise!!"

    I also obsess over my blog at night...

  3. Well, is it nerdy that my perfect Friday night is me reading through cookbooks snacking on cookies? Maybe that isn't nerdy...maybe it's just lame?

  4. I worked in Data Management for a few years with a big Bank and considered myself a geek .. but then I left that job for a more social one. (: "Son of a biscuit" is the BEST!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

  5. I never thought I was a nerd.

    But I am watching "Dancing With The Star" tonight, I am a 50 year old woman who was obsessed with Edward for a short while, Friday night excitement for me is VGNO on my blog.

    Ummm... I think I'm a nerd.

  6. It's almost impossible to get any more uncool than I am!

  7. Oh boy, do I ever relate to this one! Took me til' my 30s to face the fact that I'm a big fat giant goober...awesome post!

  8. I am a geek too! And I am constantly doing anagrams in my head! Oh gee ALRE, an spell real and lear and earl and etc, lol! I am so uncool!

  9. Oy VEY! Hells yeah I'm a nerd/geek. I'm also a huge anglophile. I say things like 'hells bells' and 'bloody hell' and 'codger' and the like. It's awesome. I can also completely wipe and reformat a harddrive, without instructions. I've got my GEEK on babe!


  10. oh..grumpy and i do the book store date and then come home and curl up on the couch together and
    watch masterpiece theater all to often. but i thought that was hum.. cool.. right cool. i always knew in the back of my mind it must be uncool.

    i have to admit, boy you sound extra geeky!

  11. I'm afraid you and I are going to have to leg wrestle for who gets to stalk Tina Fey and convince her to love them as much as they love her. I totally heart her. If I could have any small-screen life, I would choose that of Liz Lemon. I'd give anything to have her cheese-stew recipe.

  12. I am a nerd no doubt about it! I watch Star Trek (Voyager) and played WoW for about 4 years... Doesn't get much nerdier than that! Thanks for coming by my blog, I am following yours now too!

  13. Thanks for popping by my blog. Glad you enjoyed reading my preggers story so far!

  14. other than the fact that I would rather read than do about anything else....Im also a HUGE video game geek

  15. LOL You crack me up! Your not suppose to TELL anyone your a nerd! It's a secret! LOL.

  16. hahaha...that is so funny!

    Nerd, yep - I'm one, but I'll never admit that outloud (however the hubs never fails to remind me). Never a cool kid, although....I was a genious in my own mind, does that count??

  17. i totally *heart* tina too! love her! i can be cool... but then sometimes... when i get really excited, its a total lost cause!

    p.s. love that green sweater in your new profile pic!

  18. I'm not sure what I am......I can play tennis with the country club gals.....I can hook a 3 pound bass with the boys......I can throw a dinner party with all the trimmings(crystal, china, silver).....but I'd rather be reading a book! I think that makes me a nerd!

  19. #3 actually made me laugh out loud, not just LOL. The velvet chair did me in.

    I think I'm a nerd, too. I recently went to a conference I called the Nerd Herd Convention (yes, I stole it from Chuck).

    You rock your nerdy self, Sister!

  20. Lets see
    First off really magazines about books I had no clue. If I read those would I get enough information to pretend to be well read?
    I say "Oh dear" and "Gee whiz"
    I am 26 and enjoy a good game of D n D
    Okay there your not alone.

  21. Haha. I think we all have inner geek. I love Tina Fey too!

  22. I hear that it is the in thing to be a nerd so you're well ahead of the game.

    I know I'm nerdy, but I don't let that make me feel that I'm uncool. I'm just cool for being me no matter what label you wish to attach to it.

  23. I say all those things... and add "Good Grief"...that's my most common.

    I don't know if I would fit in as a nerd because I usually just plain don't fit in. Honestly, coolness is usually cool because of what you and others have in in your case it's cool to be a nerd.

    I don't fit in to the coolness of nerdiness... so I think I'm more a loner.
    Yeah, I'm a loner.

  24. Total nerd. Totally loving it. I'm not cool in anyway, shape or form. Thanks for giving me a place to put it out there.

  25. I'm a nerd too!! Yay!!!

  26. Oy vey! I am nerd-o supremo! My idea of a great date is the same as yours!


  27. Hey girly, Thanks for the sweet comment.. I don't know about kicking cancers ass.. Maybe I am still sluggin it out.. :) Ter.. wow.. she is amazing..that girl has more guts in her right pinkie than I could ever have.

    Good to meet you and I will keep stoppin by!

  28. I love this! I feel like as soon as you embrace your nerdy-ness, you become cool - because it's really all about the confidence!

  29. Darn, I just realized I was a geek.


    And loving it.

    But....I say son of a whore instead. That ok?

  30. well hello there, thanks for following my blog. i'm digging your site. i'm following you too. that sounds a bit stalkery... I'M FOLLOWING YOU!!!

  31. Oy vey!

    I so have a crush on Tina Fey! I totally want to be her ... I think she epitomizes a sexy, smart nerd! Love this post!

  32. i guess i don't see nerdy and not-nerdy. to me, all that you stated is just part of your personality. we have some things in common, and others, we don't.

    i like that you can be proud of your personality quirks. i think that's a good thing.

  33. That is so cute!! There is a nerd in all of us somewhere. Even the coolest person on the face of the earth and I'm sure they would be just too cool to admit. But your coolness shines through because you admit there is a nerd inside of you. How cool is that?! ;)Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry it took so long. I've been super busy with the kids this week. Hope to get to know you better too. I'm an official follower now too. hugs

  34. Oh Mylanta - you use all those phrases too! I love it!

    Seriously, I live in a house of geeks, so I am the cool one and that is what makes me cool. Out in the real world, well not so cool, but I'm okay with that, really.

    Oh and Tina Fey rocks!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.