Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Would you rather Wednesday....

It's that time again!! You must give an answer and you can't say neither. Someone asked me a few weeks ago what happens if they say "neither".... and my answer was..you don't want to know. And that blogger was never seen or heard from again. Don't tempt me people, I'm seriously unbalanced.

Now, Would You Rather?

1. Not wash your face for a month, or not brush your teeth for a week?

2. Have a partner who is silly, goofy and funny but "average" looking... or a partner who is sexy, romantic and somewhat serious?

Bonus gross out questions...
Would you rather make sweet, sweet, monkey love to Alec Trebec?

or get "she-banged" by William Hung?

And to those of you who ask where I come up with these.. well, this is the crap that runs through my mind when boring people are talking to me.


  1. Okay...
    Not wash my face. I actually have decent skin, but the teeth would drive me insane.

    I would prefer silly avearge looking definatley. I need humor in MY life

    3rd. Geez, if you wished a neither question you got one, however I don't want to be on a milk carton, so I'm gonna choose Alec. Even though that just ruined any possibility of anything sexual in my future latley. Thanks LOL

  2. Here we go...

    Not brush my teeth for a week. I have acne prone skin, and I don't want to have more pizza face breakouts than I do now.

    I prefer average looking with a good sense of humor. Like Amy, I need humor in my life.

    #3. I'd have to go with Alex. William Hung's teeth turn me off.

    Here we go with the teeth again...have we come full circle here?

  3. Kel...you are so wacked, I love it.

    1). Not wash my face...my teeth? I LOVE brushing my teeth!

    2). Average looking and funny...so easy.

    3). For sure, Alex although not for sure cause I really don't want it to ever happen...


  4. I would totally give up washing my face because honestly I don't even wash it normally. I guess that makes me sound unclean but I don't soap up my face.

    silly and average looking for sure, sexy doesn't keep conversations going.

    Alex. William Hung scares me.

  5. I choose no teeth brushing - there's always gum, right?

    I'll take average silly guy, and Alex Trebec!

    Okay - this was pretty gross stuff...I love it!

  6. I'd rather not wash my face,dirty teeth gross me out,even for half a day.

    I'd rather have the average looking,but silly,goofy and funny partner.A good looking man/woman,belongs to everyone.Or something like that.

    I'd MUCH rather do Alec Trebec.

  7. HA - Neither! :)

    Now what are you going to do...hum...give it your best shot! hehe

  8. Your computer destruction device has just been activated... this comment will explode in three seconds...3, 2,.....

    goodbye sweet blogger. You'll be missed, but I warned you.

  9. 1. Not wash my face--I can always pick the crust out of my eyes and dig the wax from my ears
    2. I must say my husband is both but I'd take goofy over serious any day.
    3. You know Kel...you are just sick...and I'm only answering this so I don't get wiped off of the blogosphere. I've gotta go with Alec because he probably cant get it up anymore or last very long.

  10. 1. I wouldn't wash my face for a month. Even though I'm acne prone... I would rather pimples for a month than mossy teeth for a week *gag*

    2. I would prefer Hot steamy sexy and serious... serious doesn't really mean boring... and I can be goofy for the 2 of us.

    3. Alex, no brainer!

  11. I'm going with...not brushing my teeth for a week. I'd chew lots of minty gum.

    Um, I already chose the silly, goofy, and funny "average" guy. We've been married for 12 and a half years.

    Alex Trebek. Definitely.

  12. Not wash my face! I know it doesn't get "clean" in the shower but it will get clean enough. I can't go without brushing my teeth. I have to put on my (fake) pretty face too much.

    I have silly average & I'm sticking with it.

    Alec without a 2nd thought. William Hung is greasy & yuk.

    Thanks for the Wed. laughter I needed that this morning after the last few days I've had.

  13. Oh shit.
    I wouldn't wash my face. Hell, 1/2 the time I'm too tired anyway.

    I defintely would want the sexy romantic serious dude. I have that already. And hell, I have enough humor/warped brain for the 2 of us!

    Last, well, as much as I just threw up in my mouth at your photo of Trebec, I would have to take one for the team with him because that William Hung seems slightly "mentally challenged" and it wouldn't be right. Of course, I'd have to wear my furry, leopard sleeping mask and take some roofies to get through it.

  14. #1 - Not wash my face
    #2 - A silly, funny, average guy.
    #3 - Alec Trebec

  15. not wash my face for a month (though that would really kill me)

    average looking partner

    alec (i guess) im now scared to say neither, lol

  16. Here it goes:
    I would not brush my teeth for a week--I just wouldn't talk to anyone!
    Ooooooh, I like a little seriousness in my life.
    Alex Trebec. And that's my final answer. Oh, wait, wrong gameshow.

  17. Face.

    funny with avg looks

    faced with the other two choices I have to say I would be celebate.
    (dont know if I spelled that right?)

  18. Good gravy woman you are killing me again!!!!! Not wash my face for a week, I could not handle not brushing my teeth for a week!

    Definitley silly average and humor

    and Alex Tribec fo'sho I couldn't imagine having to make sweet monkey love to WILLIAM HUNG!!!

  19. Without a doubt...not wash my face.

    I will take silly and average over goodlooking and serious..anyday!

    Last one..painful. But I will take Alec for $1000 please.

  20. i think i may have accidentally gone a week without brushing and since all my teeth are still in my head, i'll chance it and go with that.

    funny and goofy and average all the way, baby! that's what my husband got with me. i lucked out and got looks and goofy.

    unfortunately, if being brutally honest, i am going to go with william hung. alec trebec pisses me off!

  21. E-Z. I would not brush my teeth (you never said mouth wash was banned, right?!); I would ABSOLUTELY take the funny "average" man over the pretty but serious guy - goofiness is what is sexy, not the face; and I would heat up the sheets with Alec Trebec, no contest.

    This is fun, Kel!! Hee hee hee.

  22. I think I would have to not brush my teeth. I could just chew some minty gum instead.

    I need the funny...so I woulc go for average looking!

    And Trebec. But yuck.

  23. Not brush my teeth--Maybe I could chew some gum or something?

    Average looking and silly--For me, a good sense of humor is the most important quality in a man.

    Alec--However, that "she-banged" reference was hilarious!

  24. why do you put us through this! =)

    i would rather not wash my face. i would definitely want the funny goffy guy. and i would have to choose mr. trebek.

  25. I am so back-ass-wards that I thought I already played. Hmmph!

    1. Not wash my face for sure. I cannot handle furry teeth.
    2. Sexy, romantic and serious. I already have the goofball.
    3. I kinda like Alec Trebec. Your making me feel dirty...

    LMAO @ "this is the crap that runs through my mind when boring people are talking to me". Your killing me.

  26. not brush my teeth...can chew some gum for that

    sexy and serious

    would rather be without sex for the rest of my life! lol

  27. I'd go for not brushing my teeth, since I could still eat foods/gum to disguise the stench!

  28. This is crazy, but.....

    I would rather give up washing my face than brushing my teeth....I am paranoid about bad breath.

    I would rather have a funny but average partner.

    I would rather do Alec.....at least he is smart.....and smart is sexy!

  29. I want to party with you girl...I love these questions!

    1. I'd definitely rather not wash my face for a month. I can't stand the feeling of scum coated teeth.

    2. Silly, goofy, funny, and average. I love a sense of humor.

    3. Alec looks HOT in this picture. I'd love to do him. ;)

  30. not wash my face

    silly goofy and funny

    i don't know if i can answer this....
    why not both....just for bragging rights!

  31. Not wash my face - easily. The teeth must be done.
    Silly wins every time.
    And Alex. No contest there either.

  32. Not wash my face because I couldn't survive without brushing my teeth because I am a huge germaphobe..I couldn't stand thinking about all the junk that would develop in my mouth! yuck!

    Silly average is the only way to go!

    Bleh...Alec...only because the other dude is just too young for me..lol!

  33. Although I love these posts, I hate them. Know what I mean? OK, here goes...

    1. I'd rather not wash my face for a month, although that would drive me nuts. But not brushing my teeth for a week would probably kill me. And everyone around me...
    2. I'd much rather have a goofy, silly partner. Life's too short to be serious...
    3. Bonus. Alex Trebec, hands down. I think William Hung is NOT well hung, and probably hairless, which is just wrong, and unacceptable.

  34. id rather have a dirty face... makes for a dirtier mind

    Id rather have a silly person to make the problem above laughable

    i love a smart guy! alec!
    William hung scares me.

  35. I've gotta brush the ol' teeth daily.

    I'm married to a good looking guy who can be funny most of the time, how come the other times I call him Mr. Jackass?

    Alec baby!!

  36. OMG!!!
    I would rather not wash my face
    Silly and goofy
    and LOL, ALEC Trebec is my choice. He can give me answers and I can answer with a question...
    Alec: She likes it on the neck
    Mimi: Where does Mimi like to be kissed?

  37. i'd go with not brushing my teeth cuz hell if it gets too bad i can just take them out (had to get dentures at a verrry young age)

    i've got goofy already wouldn't mind test driving a sexy romantic guy

    def alec. is it even hard to decide this one?? i kinda think he looks sexy in that pic. course he's probably same age as hubby who is much older than me so obviously my taste in men is a little warped :)

  38. I'd say face because I've gone without washing it before- but does that mean just no soap? Because I'd like to at least get it wet in the shower...please.

    I think I've chosen the goofy guy...but he's not TOO goofy.
    But if it was my choice between the two of these (since my hubby doesn't necessarily fit either description) I think I could go with the serious and sexy man. I think it would be a BALL to try and crack him up. (Then he'd probably leave me...lol)

    And for number three...well, my problem is that I don't know much about Alec Trebec...and William Hung sorta grosses me out. So I'd go with Alec. He's not too bad looking. But, I don't know the secret as to why he's supposedly a turn-off. I may be completely blind or stupid...out of the loop. If you want, enlighten me. :)

  39. Kel I had my laugh for the night...thanks! LOL

  40. 1. I am going with no teeth brushing, I can chew tons of gum. After all its only a week... My face would be one giant zit after not washing for a month! Yuk!

    2. I am SO married to the average looking, funny silly guy. Couldnt be happier!

    3. barf.... and gag... I GUESS I ....gag... would have to .... heave.... pick.... Alec......gag... Trebec. with my eyes shut very tightly. and it would not be sweet monkey love, for sure.

  41. You're a sick, sick woman. We should get along fabulously.

    1. face
    2. goofball
    3. Alec "I'd like to buy a vowel"

    Now here's one for you.

    Would you rather have three eyes or webbed feet?

  42. 1. Not wash my face
    2. Sexy, Romantic, and somewhat Serious (I have someone in mind here, or I'd have gone with the former)
    3. Alex for the WIN!!! TYVM!

  43. Just found your blog and wowsers what a way to start.

    1. I would rather not wash my face for a month

    2. Silly and average looking anyday

    3. Ewww for both, but if I must choose I guess it'd have to be Alec. I'm still overly grossed out.

  44. Oh my holy heck girlfriend! She banged by William Hung?!? Give me Alex Trebec. (I can't believe I just said that)

    I would also not wash my face for a week and I like the goof ball. Actually I like the Bad Boy but that is another post :)

  45. 1. Wash my face... I'm pretty bad about it anyway.

    2. Silly and average is the way to go.

    3. Alex Trebec in a heartbeat! LOVE HIM!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.