Tuesday, March 3, 2009

#19 The Little Giant of Aberdeen County by Tiffany Baker

I could not have loved this book anymore! I adored it and did not want it to end.

Tiffany Baker's first novel begins with the birth of Truly Paice. She is so huge, that before she is born, local townsfolk start taking bets on just how big she will be. Her poor mother is so swollen and enormous that she becomes a spectacle to her neighbors. But that is nothing compared to the spectacle that Truly becomes, when she arrives in this world as a giant. She is so big, that she is blamed for the death of her mother, and must live with that guilt and shame as well as the embarrassment of her girth. She must also deal with the fact that she is the polar opposite of her stunningly beautiful sister, Serena Jane, who is the town's princess. Her childhood is filled with harassment, heartache and confusion.

But Truly is a strong, both physically and mentally. When she thinks the hardships of childhood are over she is called to step in and take care of her sister's family. Serena's little boy is a joy, but her husband is another story altogether. Once again, Truly is face to face with a bully.

Truly is an amazing character, as big with heart as she is in size. And though she is famous for her enormous bulk, she also become known for her kindness in times of true desperation. Can Truly really be a savior to those who tortured her? Can she look beyond the abuse and torment to help those who are helpless and begging for her assistance? And is it possible for her to ever find love in a town where she is considered a "freak"? Can anyone see beyond her massive size? And can she get beyond her massive wall of anger and resentment to let anyone see?


  1. this sounds really good. Cant wait till you review the Wally Lamb book

  2. this sounds awesome. i think that i'll have to go on the hunt for this one!

  3. I REALLLLLLY want to read this book!! I think a trip to the Library is in order (tomorrow of course when hubby is off so I can go alone--yeah right--who am I kidding?!).

  4. What a fascinating story! I need to check this out!

  5. Thanks for the review, I can't wait to read it!

  6. Forget about American Idol....your my BOOK IDOL!

  7. Forget about American Idol....your my BOOK IDOL!

  8. This sounds like a great book, I love to read and I will add this one to my reading list!!! Keep the book reviews coming.

  9. I'm gonna have to check out my book mooch for this one!! Sounds wonderful

  10. Sounds like a great book! I just need the time to read now... :o)

  11. You had me at the very first sentence. Your enthusiasm is contagious!

  12. You always do such great reviews!

  13. You've convinced me! I'm stopping off at Borders on the way home from Irish dance!

  14. sounds like a great book to add to my collection. Thanks for the heads up!

  15. What a great review! This sounds like something I'd love.

  16. I have this on my wish list at Paperback Swap -- I've heard good things about it so I'm hoping my wish will be granted soon! Thanks for the review!

  17. that sounds like an amazing book. I'm going to add that to my facebook "wanna reads" list. Thanks!!!

  18. great review. i have seen it, but had NO idea what the story was about. i think i will like it, but lord, i have some reading to catch up on first.

  19. I read about this book in BookPage and thought it sounded great! I am happy to have a friend's recommendation too! Thanks.

  20. Ohhh you do a really good set up too!! I am not into reading books right now, I hope you can tell me if she ends up happy and loved!!

  21. Heya! My first time on your blog. I love your blog. Its fabulous. Stay sassy & fabulous. It keeps 'em guessing. I will be back. Ciao.
    ~ Secret Diary

  22. Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for the recommendation.

  23. This sounds like a great book! I'm going to check it out. : )

  24. Sounds really good, I will have to check it out. Thanks for the review, I love book reviews!

  25. Sounds like an interesting book. I really wish I could get into a good book...I haven't read in a looong time!

  26. Sounds interesting.

  27. What an amazing book (and review, might I add.) I was just thinking that I need to dive into a new book the other day and this one may very well be it.

    Thank you!


  28. Hello, fellow GWB commenter! It's nice to meet you! I can't wait to read this book!


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