Monday, March 2, 2009

Question of the week..

Alright, here is your question of the week! Feel free to take it and run over to your own blog and use it as inspiration for a longer post. Of course, I love your comments, so you can also just answer there!

We've got snow today, alot of it. I am so glad. We've had little piddly snowfalls so far this year. We finally got hammered with some real stuff! (perverts.. don't even try it..I know what your're gonna say.) So, my question this is... HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR PERFECT SNOW DAY?

There are a few things that need to be in order for me to truly enjoy a snow day. First of all, it has to be a significant snowfall. None of that slushy, sleety crap. I need inches! (again, pervs, we are talking about snow.) It has to be enough that we can stay home from work/school without feeling guilty. Also, the house must be fully stocked. Now, I am not one of those people who freak out over snow and run to the store for bread and milk. I do, however, freak out and run to the store for ice cream, doritos and tastykakes.. you know, the essentials. Copious amounts of coffee must also be at the ready. Now, on to entertainment. Sure, we got out and play in the snow for a while, but the big entertainment is saved for inside the house. Naps. Glorious, amazing, and beautiful naps. Wrapped up on the couch in my best "lounge wear", dozing and snoring for a good hour or so. Upon waking, snacks are neccesary and then it's on to the movies. Old movies, new movies, funny or sad movies. It doesn't matter. But there must be a good selection. (thank God for On Demand and Tivo.) And lastly, for maximum snow day enjoyment, the internet. Now it's time to discover all that youtube gold that I've been missing! Who knew there were over 500 videos of farting contests? And hundreds of videos of babies and puppies falling asleep? You bet! In fact, I just watched a few and they are making me sleepy.. maybe it's time for Nap #1.

If you've got a snow today, try and enjoy it. And if you don't, well, have fun working! mwwwhaaaahaa!


  1. I'd say my most perfect snow day would be no kids, inside the house, with a fire going, hot chocolate and a really good book curled up in a blanket....

    then go out side and make snow angels and a huge snowman. then back in side for more reading. no chores.

  2. cuddled up with a wonderful man, a fire, some wine and beautiful music. oh and throw in some snacks.

  3. snow day for me too! hubby had to go out and get rid of snow at a drugstore for his boss then he came home and we snuggled while kiddo played video games in his room. in a few minutes we are going to drag out old disney movies and watch them together. perfect for me~~

  4. snow day for me too! hubby had to go out and get rid of snow at a drugstore for his boss then he came home and we snuggled while kiddo played video games in his room. in a few minutes we are going to drag out old disney movies and watch them together. perfect for me~~

  5. hahaha sorry for the double comment~

  6. Farting contests?! NO WAY!!! What have I been missing?!?!

  7. i don't need to post my perfect snow day because you have done it for me.

  8. my perfect snow day is also having NO ONE else there. Me, in jammies....either in bed or in couch....napping....watching re-runs of Beverly Hills 90210....maybe a bubble bath....

  9. We have no snow today--to which I say HOORAY!! I am done with the snow already.

    But my perfect snow day would be we have to be snowed in (no school or work), lots of yummy hot chocolate, good treats, famly fun on the Wii, naps, and snow angels!!

  10. about 8 inches of snow (the powdering kind not the wet snow) fire going in the fireplace. Kids and hubby at home and all of us in our PJ's watching movies all day. Oh, and some home made chocolate chip cookies and warm milk!

  11. It doesn't snow here down South so I wouldn't know what to do. BUT yesterday it was cold enough to call it a snow day (it was predicted to but didn't) so we stayed indoors & napped all day.

    I think I would go outside & enjoy it for a little while. I would def send the kid outside & watch her from the warm indoors.

  12. Oh Kel, I have no experience with snow days. I haven't been in snow for over a year....yikes.

    A good snow day for me usually means I'm on a snowboarding trip and there will be good snow on the runs.

    BUT if I lived in snow?? I would definitely NOT want to leave the house. Fire burning, fridge stocked, kids behaving, my man home from work, and just an excuse to hang out and play board games with the kids.

    Good luck with YOUR snow days!

    And this post is getting me excited to head off to see some snow which is TOMORROW on a girls' trip!! Mama's leaving for three days three nights!! WOOHOO!

  13. Perfect and snow day is an oxymoron to me. And I live in Utah!! I'm not a fan of winter.

  14. snow day.....what the hay is that?

  15. im with april.. snow day - whats snow??? lol! BUT if snow ever did grace us down here... my day would be for hubby and i to stay at home in our jammies with the heater blasting!

  16. I don't think in terms of perfect days, just good days. I shoveled snow 3 times since 430am. I consider myself lucky to be healthy enough to shovel it, and to have a safe warm home to return to when I am done. I am drinking coffee and cuddling cats and baking custard pies for a charity org. That is a good enough day for me.
    I found your blog thru Francesca's since she just gave you an award.
    :-) ~Mary

  17. i just read about everyone else's snow days!!

  18. My perfect day would be with all six of us home, a pot of soup cooking, a big fire, lots of marshmallows, and nowhere to go.

  19. Perfect snow day. If only the kids were in school.....

  20. I would love a snow day, a real one where we are pretty much snowed in and stuck in our house.

    In my perfect day I would just stay in my PJ's and big warm socks. Something would either be cooking in the crock pot or there would be some yummy soup simmering on the stove. Good books, good movies, and lots of hot chocolate or tea and fresh baked cookies.

    It is 75 degrees today in Colorado. March is supposed to be our big month for snow but the whole first week is forcasted to be in the 70's. Lame.

  21. My perfect snow day would be NO SNOW! And lets say +30 weather (that's +30C)
    a day on the beach with Mr!! Maybe have some sushi (inside an air conditioned building for just the sushi part)
    Spend the whole day outside in the amazing weather... Now if I could have +30 weather and snow. I think I would do it!! :)

  22. We had snow yesterday, 1 inch! It's GA! 1st snow in 7 years!

    The kids loved watching the snow fall & playing in it too. I got lots of great pictures & we made lots of great memories! Not perfect, but pretty good!

  23. Being a desert dweller, I miss my snow days! But if I were to be so chocolate, movies, cupcakes, salty snack foods, blogging, reading, board games with the kids, Guitar Hero rock off with my son, snow angels outside, making a snow fort...ahh..the list is endless!

  24. the perfect snow day is being on the couch all snuggled under a blanket, watching season after season of The X Files on dvd....and drinking hot chocolate. :)

  25. I had a GREAT one today!

    Slept late...everyone was home and safe. Pantry stocked with goodies...cable and internet stayed functional...

    What more can a girl ask for???

  26. We don't usually get snow days, although we got a snow week this year.
    Therefore I am actually used to going to the snow. To a cabin, with a hot tube built into a deck. A bunch of friends and lots of games. A fireplace and a place to rent an sled to go sledding down the hill close by. I enjoy the type of movies that are so funny that you cry (which isn't that funny because sledding is hard work for the non snow bunny).

  27. My perfect snow day would have snow....any snow....

    I live in Cape Town, South Africa -we NEVER get snow...

    :) heeehee

  28. Mmmm sounds nice. Mine is a LOT of snow too, and playing in it for awhile, then a HOT shower, and eat homemade chicken noodle soup in my fluffiest PJ's while sipping hot cocoa, watching the snow fall in front of a roaring fire. Mmmm

  29. Great question! Since we've had a few snow days already, I will describe my perfect idea of a snow day.
    Lots of soft fluffy snow, not too cold and bitter so we can go outside. Well behaved, compliant kids. After playing outside, we'll come in and have some hot chocolate with whipped creams , then we'll bake some peanut butter cookies. Have a nice warm lunch and you said...naps..glorious naps.

  30. Perfect snow day? Well, we never get snow, so for me it would be waking up to a few inches of snow one Saturday. The kiddos could play, have fun and experience snow! Then the next day it could melt away and we could go on as usual! LOL

  31. We are the same person. Well, as long as your fav. lounge wear consists of the pajamas you slept in the night before.

  32. Naps, snacks, playing in snow...I think you got it all covered!

  33. I would hide in the house by myself with a fire and wine. And a book. Possibly the book you just posted about because it sounds great!

  34. Oh, my most perfect??? Cuddled on the couch with movies all day.

  35. the perfect snow day is one where I don't have to go to work! I can sleep in, make a batch of chili, go outside for 15 minutes, and then retreat inside for movies and hot chocolate.

  36. my perfect snow day would include at least a foot of nice powder snow, access to an awesome hill and sled, and sun shining and no wind so you can stay out and play for hours. then after you're done with playing in it, i like to make snow cream. yummmmmy


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