Thursday, February 26, 2009

Funny Friday - Classic Edition

You have probably seen these, but they are some of our favorite stupid videos and never fail to make us laugh.

The Landlord... such a classic. The best viral video in my opinion.

and one from my old favorite tv show.. The State

and my favorite commercial parody, ever.



  1. i had not seen the snl one. and the landlord is one of my favorites. but i have to say, i am still laughing about the policeman stoner and his wife.

  2. OMG I'm LMBO at the first one with the dog. lol

  3. Love the SNL one! I haven't seen it, thanks for the laugh to start my day!

  4. LMAO ..i love the police man one..seen that before...too funny

  5. im with everyone else... love the snl one! happy friday!

  6. Annuel is the funniest!!!!!

  7. The first one was funny. I didn't even now what had happened at first. I had to watch it again to then I saw what the dog did. Very funny!

  8. Thanks for the giggles....

    Stop by if you get a chance to do a little virtual daydreaming. Curious to see what talk show you'll be going on.

    Happy Friday!

  9. Oh my god. I just watched the baby one with my 23 month old on my lap (she loves watching babies.)

    Small problem. While I was busy laughing at how they got that kid to trash talk, she was listening.

    She just informed me that she wants her money. Small mercies, she didn't call me bitch.

  10. Gotta check these out when my husband isn't blasting Call of Duty in the background and I can hear! I saw The Landlord one though and I know that is hilarious!

  11. Thanks for the laughs! I hadn't see the dog one!

  12. I hadn't seen the pug one..that jerk dropped it on the floor!! he deserved the pee in his jerky mouth! lol

  13. He dropped the poor puppy on the floor! Pee in the mouth or not, I'm so sad for that dog!

  14. I hadn't seen some either. I love the snl one.

  15. the landlord makes me laugh but I still feel it is so wrong to have a child saying that language.

  16. Although I know these clips were meant to kick off the weekend, they are still just as funny and entertaining to start off my work week. Thanks!

    Wanted to let you know that we passed a bit of award love your way:

    Check it out when you have a chance.


  17. Holy cow, I just laughed out loud at the SNL one! Once a year, try once a month I act like that!

  18. hope the guy with the dog doesn't ever have a son! did you notice he totally threw down the dog when he realised what had happened?? that one's my fav


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.