Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Things.. prepare to be fascinated...

So, this has been going around facebook, but I'm draggin' it over here to blogger! The tag is simply that you list 25 random things about yourself. Why? I don't know... possibly so that people can see how insanely cool you are (or how pathetically boring, as in my case)

1. I call my laptop a "filthy, dirty whore" on a daily basis.
2. This woman with the octoplets pisses me off.
3. I could survive on coffee and cookies alone for years.
4. My pug smells like Fritos.. I don't know why.. he just does. It's his natural odor. No matter how many baths..
5. I watch Gossip Girl. They are the worst actors ever, and the plotlines hysterical, but I still watch. I don't know why.
6. I have passed on my love of immature humor to my daughter. When at work with her daddy the other day (who is a designer) she found a label that said "Butt Splice" on it and wore it for the rest of the day, giggling like a maniac.
7. I could spend a million dollars in Target.
8. I have a crush on Jack Black.
9. I have watched Wet Hot American Summer countless times.
10. My kid quotes snl skits. Her favorite is "I said weeeee"
11. She also does the "tommy want wingy" scene from Tommy Boy.
12. I could truly care less what type of car I drive. I just care where I am going.
13. One of my best friends is pregnant, and it makes me kinda sad.
14. I could not converse without sarcasm.
15. I want to go on vacation. Now.
16. If we had a bigger house, I'd have more dogs.
17. My hubs is hilarious. He makes me cry with laughter.
18. I miss having a little baby.
19. But I don't know if I can do it again.
20. Hubby is happy how we are.
21. I am mountain bike widow. Hubs is a mountain bike fiend and starting to road race now. Though it takes some time from us, I am glad he has his own hobby and I am very proud of his accomplishments.
22. I love the smell of napalm in the morning... (just seeing if your paying attention)
23. I sometimes wonder how life would be if we had stayed in Delaware.
24. I regret every fight I ever had with my husband. (even though they were his
25. Life is going by way too fast. I wish I could slow down time.

That's it! Still awake? Good, cause it's your turn! If you read this, consider yourself tagged!


  1. awesome list. I wont take your tag though out of sheer stubborness....I wont do it on facebook and I wont do it on my blog. so there.

  2. WOW--we have a lot of things in common. I basically could have posted this myself!!

  3. hey.. if you wanna see one of the very first things Jack Black was on, Season 3 of the X-Files has an episode called "D.O.P." and he plays a kid who works in an arcade and he's best friends with Giovanni Ribisi (also one of his first roles) who is a kid who conducts lightning and can manipulate electric current. It's pretty cool :) (we're huge x-files fans and I bought us all 9 seasons for

  4. I just love this list so much. And you too!

  5. I am a biking widow in the summer too. And then there is all the talk about biking. I don't give a rat's Ass! I pay attention cause I'm supposed to. Love the list!

  6. Great list! I too could spend a million in Target! Easy!

    One of my children has the same B-day as Jack Black. Cool huh?

  7. Love your list! My computer is a dirty little ho-bag too....

  8. OMG I have a crush on Jack Black too! I just love him *Sigh*! I have seen this on fb and have yet to cave in I guess I need to..
    You have an awesome list!!

  9. I love Gossip Girl too! Can't get enough of Chuck Bass.

  10. great list!! I jsut did my 100 things for my 100th!!
    Life does go by entirely too fast!!

  11. My hubby did this on facebook the other day--it was funny because he's so not a meme/tag/bloggy person! I may have to post his on my blog.

    My sister's beagle mix has "frito toes" too!

    And I wish I had a backyard full of Siberian Huskies!

  12. oh i am glad to see you have your mojo back... this was hysterical!!!!! we have a lot in common, too. my hubs loves to bike, but the good news is he takes moody teen with him, so although i become a bike widow, i also become a mom of a nice only child every once in a while.

    i've been missing little babies lately too. but it is nice to have everyone walking upright and wiping their own booties.

  13. Fantastic list.
    One of my good friends is preggers too. I am very happy for her..she's more than ten years younger than me...
    Jack Black huh...i would have thought you were a Edward Norton kind of a gal.

  14. I love your number 12- I just may quote you on that.

    Sounds like you guys are having some serious fun over there. :)

  15. my husband is a bicycle mountain/road bike fanatic also. he was so happy when we moved to arizona so he could ride in the winter months also. he is 50 and you would never know by his fitness level.

  16. Love your list. Trying to imagine your saying #1 to your laptop.

    Hugs and Mocha,

  17. Okay somehow I am an idiot and posted my comment for this post on the previous post. So if your curious as to what I said you'll just have to go there I guess.

  18. great, funny list! if you're hubby is ever racing the Highland Rim Classic (i'm pretty sure that's what it's called) let me know and i'll go cheer him on! it's in my town and goes up that mountain that was so foggy in that post i had. i think it's even supposed to be getting to be a pretty big event. not real sure on that, cuz all i know about it, is that you gotta watch out for bikers for a few days/weeks on the road and try not to squish em :)

  19. I LOVE Gossip Girl and thje outfits they wear - especially to the Opera!

  20. I wonder if I could come up with 25 things! Great list!

  21. I love these! These are awesome! Your kids rock-quoting SNL!

  22. Sorry about #13 :(

  23. What exactly does your computer do to make it worthy of constant verbal abuse?

  24. I got sucked into this list too...I'm surprised how fast it went around

  25. We've got 15, 17, 20, 23 (MD not DE)and 24 in common. Napalm?

  26. i have to say your's is the best 25 I have read yet.

  27. I love tommy boy! Come to our house, we're constantly qouting movies to eachother.

    I couldn't live off coffee and cookies, but coffee and doughnuts I definately could!

  28. Aaaaaahhhhhrrrrrgggghhhhh! You've infected Blogger with the 25 Things from Facebook! It has me sdldfjasdlk jasdahsdajd aklsdjlasdj asd ad!

    Why lsdklfjaklsd
    did adflasjdl
    you sdlfajsdlfajsdl;f
    do sdklfajlsdjflasd

    And you are the second poster this week who mentioned that their dog smells like Fritos. Weird.

  29. LOL at list and yes I read the napalm!!

  30. 22 made me laugh so hard that by the time I got to 24, I peed in my pants a little. Shhh, don't tell anyone.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.