Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

It's time for your weekly torture!! I give you some questions, you have to give an answer and it can't be neither! Link up with Mr. Linky if you want and do one on your blog!

Now, here are your questions for this week:

Would you rather?

Have Angelina Jolie's lips or Jennifer Anniston's abs?

have a rockin' bod and eat nothing but salad or be chubby and eat what you want?

be stuck in an elevator with a werewolf or your mother-in-law? (some of you might need to really think about that..)

and your bonus, gross out question... cause you love them so much...

Would you rather get a 10 minute naked lap dance from Al Roker or give Mr.Belvedere a five minute spanking (naked).. 'cause he's been a naughty boy.



  1. Good Lord never cease to amaze me...lmao!

    *much rather have Jen's abs..(can't stand Angelina--blech.)

    *I already have the chubby thing rockin, so I think I'll stick with that

    *aren't you being redundant with the mother in law/werewolf question?

    *I'd rather spank Mr.

  2. Jennifer Anniston's abs
    this is a hard one..but i choose be chubby and eat what I want.
    Be stuck in an elevator with my mother in law..( she doesn't speak its all
    Gross indeed..i'd rather have a dance by Al Roker..(i can always close my eyes.. tight!!)

  3. abs, fo shiz

    if i wouldn't be constantly hungry, skinny. if i would be hungry (as i am right now), i would say chubby (which i also am right now)

    werewolf, hands DOWN.

    mr. belvedere all the way, baby!

  4. Jen's abs... Fabulous!

    I don't mind salad, and I would love to be really thin again!

    My mother in law isn't totally horrible... I guess I would take my chances with her.

    and Mr. Belvedere... I'm still gagging over Al...

  5. These are easy...except for the last one and it's just disturbing!

    Angie's lips for sure.

    I would rather be thin again cause I love salad and I'm over the post pregnancy flubber.

    I wouldn't mind being stuck in an elevator with my MIL I love her to death!

    And Mr. Belvedere...Roker's just a lil too wierd for me!

  6. Oh #1's easy - Jen's abs.

    Rockin bod and salad. I'm doing the chubby thing now, it's overrated.

    stuck with my MIL. It's the same thing.

    I always had a thing for Mr Belvedere so I pick him. What? A man that cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids! Oh hell yeah!!

  7. These are easy (except the last).

    Jens Abs

    You know I like food so I'll stay chubby & eat what I want.

    You know I love my mother-in-law so I'd love being stuck with her. However if you would have asked if about my mother - I'd pick the werewolf.

    Mr. Belvedere since I have to pick.

  8. LOL!!! I'm not going to play along because every time I get into the car with my DH for a trip over 30 miles we "have to" play this game... it's always excruciatingly... funny!

  9. jen's abs. i always thought angelina's lips were a little too big.

    salad gets real old, real quick. i like food too much so i'd have to pick eating and enjoying it.

    i love my mother-in-law and enjoy long talks and time spent with her. it's sad to me that so many don't get a long with the mil.

    i guess i'd have to pick mr. belvedere. obviously, neither one is very appealing.

  10. Oh My Word wherein the world do you come up with some of these?????

    Ok Jen's abs for sure don't like Angelina

    I choose to be chubby (which I already am) and eat what I want

    MOther in law because I have one of the best

    Spank Mr. Belveder the though of Al Rocker just GROSSSSSS

  11. Jen's abs!

    I'm going with chubby, it works for me.

    my MIL. She's okay.

    If he'll cook & clean my house, I'll do anything Mr. B wants.

  12. jens abs (cause i love her)

    be chubby and eat what i want (i looove food)

    mother-in-law i guess

    and mr. belvedere (i could wear gloves right?? lol)

  13. Haha! I am not a fan of Jen, but I already have big lips, and no abs, so I will go with the abs.

    Be chubby. I am living this one!

    With my MIL. I love her!

    Mr. Belevedere. Sexy!

  14. Jen's abs!
    I love salads but I can't imagine never having choc chip cookies again so I pick chubby.
    I like my MIL but if you mean Jacob from Twilight, I pick him;)
    Mr. B.

  15. LOL!
    *Anistons Abs
    *Chubby and eating delicious foods
    *Werewolf...hands down...
    *A spanky spank from Mr. Belvedere and then me taking the dominatrix role and making him clean my house!

  16. what i want to know is, where do you come up with this stuff??

    jen's abs def. who cares about lips if you have a flat tummy??

    since i'm already chubby and eat what i want i'll try the skinny salad road for awhile

    MIL - she's totally sweet and we can talk for hours about the kids and g-kids

    of course, ewww, but i guess i'd rather spank ole bel than be squished by roker.


    'scuse me, had to spit that vomit out

  17. Jen's abs because my lips are fine but my mid section...not so much.

    I would rather eat what I want although I do like salad.

    I am so tempted to say Warewolf.

    I saw the pic of Al Rocker and almost left, He drives me nuts! So I guess I'm going to have to go with Mr. Belvedere.

  18. Jennifer Anniston's abs

    have a rockin' bod and eat nothing but salad

    stuck in an elevator with your mother-in-law?

    give Mr.Belvedere a five minute spanking (naked).. 'cause he's been a naughty boy. And only because BOTH are gross but this is only 5 mins of gross, instead of 10!

  19. I'm all for the abs (her lips would look funny on me)

    can I have the abs on a fat body? that would be awesome

    Mother-in-law any day

    Spank Mr. Belvedere, can you say "who's your momma?!" hahaha

    Too funny!

  20. You truly are insane. In the best sort of way.

    Abs (any sort of "rock hard" would be good right about now)

    salad (if someone gave me will-power)

    werewolf. I really do have the craziest mother in law ever.

    The last one is just too terrible. But Roker. Yeah...Rokey.

  21. I hope you know that last part was a joke!

  22. Made it easy for us this week. Well, except for that last gross out question in the end.

    1. Jen's Abs
    2. Salad
    3. Werewolf (piece of cake!)
    4. EWWWWW! I can't even go there. But if I must choose. Al Roker, and I am CLOSING MY EYES!

  23. Let's see...

    Jen's abs (even though I have no upper lip)


    MIL (although meeting a werewolf would be more interesting!)

    And finally - Mr. Belvedere

  24. I'd rather have the abs, the chubby I guess since I can't eat salad, my mother in law, and Mr. Belvedere...but ew.

  25. Do you have a book or something with these or do you make them up yourself??? Just wondering!

    1. Abs over lips any day.
    2. Well, I am chubby and eat what I want so what I would rather have is a rockin' bod and be able to eat like I want.
    3. I liked my mother-in-law so I'll pick her ... although she'll have to find a way to make it over from the "other side" as she passed on a few years ago. I just want her cooking again! Please!
    4. Well, I think I would find it easier to spank Mr. Belevedere ...

  26. How do u come up w/ these? I hate the torture, but I have to play!
    1. Anniston's Abs (my lips are already joliesque)
    2. chubs (I love food way too much)
    3. I heart my MIL
    4. Gotta go with Belvie...just the thought of Al's wee smackin my lap makes me throw up in my mouth.

  27. Hey Kel, you have been tagged. get your award

  28. Pssshhh easy peasy

    Jennifer Anniston's abs

    be chubby and eat what you want (I'd prefer be thin and eat what you want)

    be stuck in an elevator with a werewolf

    and I threw up with the last so my computer is broken...really!!

  29. Lips, salad, werewolf, belvedere.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.