Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Seriously, you guys are the best...

I got tons of questions to answer!! So I am going to grab a couple and work down the list for the next few days! Bye, bye blog funk! So here are the first few:

1. How many books do you usually read in the same time period?
Ok, so this is where my true nerdiness will shine through. I usually have about 4 going at once. One in my purse (for waiting rooms, waiting to pick up the kid at school etc..) One for the bathtub (has to be a cheapy paperback.) One or two next to the couch.. and usually one on my ipod touch (audiobook or e-reader). See.. I told you.

2. Would you like to write a book of your own?
Only if I wanted to bore an untold amount of people to sleep... just kidding. I have tons of ideas for stories and I have amazingly vivid dreams. I wake up thinking, "damn.. that would make a great book!". But I am not patient enough to really stretch out a story. I used to write like crazy as a kid. I would love to take some writing courses and see if I can overcome my itch to just blurt out the whole story in one sentence.

3.What do you eat for breakfast?
I really only eat breakfast on the weekend, when the hubs goes to Wawa (a convenience store) and gets me coffee and something nummy. Generally, I down copious amounts of coffee and vibrate uncontrollably until lunch.

4.Who designed your header?
I did... you can totally tell, can't you??

5.What's your favorite book ever?
What the frig kind of question is that, APRIL?? That's like asking me who my favorite child is... ok, maybe not, I've only got one kid.. but still! Just kidding, girl, you know I love ya!
Now, lets see.. my one favorite book... um.... well, there's..., wait, I can't forget about.... and what about......
forget it... can't do it.

6.Have you ever considered the fact that with your blog title what it is that you can never have laser eye surgery or wear contacts?
Why, yes, I have. And ya know what? I don't care!! I cannot stand anyone messing with my eyes! ewww. eyes gross me out. I will be in glasses forever.. who cares if I look like a librarian!! I could never put in contacts.. oh my god... eww.


  1. now see? all you needed was a little nudge. fun facts about ya, kiddo!

    we are still going to pin you down someday on the favorite book question.

  2. some people can rock the glasses....me not so much....but I rocked the lasik!

  3. I could never name my favorite book either. That would Be WAY too hard!!

  4. Seriously Kel, no breakfast! I could take this opportunity to lecture you in true mom style but I will not.

    Is there anyone out there that can name their 1 favorite book. When people ask me I end up naming like 7 without fail.

  5. Girl I'm thinking we have so much in common these days.
    The glasses thing - that is a fear of mine - someone touching my eyes.
    Is that a phobia?
    I'm gonna have to go google now.

  6. I love your header! Ever since I started blogging, my glasses are on ALL the time! I read about 4 on average too...I knew I liked you!

  7. I am with you there on trying to name my favorite book. I don't read four at a time though, but I read at an insane speed according to my husband. 300 page book is gone in like 3 hours..if that.

  8. I adore your header..I think its super cute!

    Wow! I love to read..but 4 books at a time? You go girl!

  9. I have favorite books in different genres, so no one overall fave. Thanks for sharing!

  10. You are a super reader.

    I left an award for ya over at my blog

  11. I like my glasses, too! Although I do sometimes wear contacts (which took me a LONG time to learn to get in and out!)

  12. Great answers. I love your sense of humor.

  13. great answers!! my question is... have you ever read Beach Music by Pat Conway... if not, you should! its my fave book ever!!

    p.s. thats funny and cool that you found me on facebook, and i added you!

  14. Those were good questions.

    I'm always reading about 5 books as well, only I'm not organized about it like you are (one for waiting rooms, one for bathroom)...I'm gonna do that!

  15. I don't have one favorite book either. I can't even fill out the fave books list on the blogger profile, too many to name!

  16. You really need to start eating breakfast! (that was the MOM coming out in me)

    And I totally get what you're saying about keeping the glasses.

    And I like your header.

  17. I like question #6 the best. What a fun post.

  18. Thanks for helping us get to know you better. I actually love your header...you did a great job on it! In response to #2, have you seen Christie's at My Life-A Work in Progress Inspired 2 Write program? http://www.cgcconnections.com/programs.html

  19. So glad you're out of your funk. Hope we gave you enough material to last you a while.

  20. Oh this turned out cute like interview with the reader rather than with the author.

    I hate glasses. Finally found something we don't have in common.

  21. It was fun reading your questions and answers :) A little insight into the soul.

  22. Blog Funk? Well, get your Fragments ready, then, kid! Friday Fragments posts write themselves!

  23. I love those questions. I too am a morning latte girl and a cookie. Not much for breakfast. HAHA! Force my kids to eat it though.

  24. Aww, Kel I am sending hugs your way, the baby issue is tough. I am even having trouble with it lately.


    Does Tina Fey know about your crush on Jack Black...she might be one of those jealous girls that only wants her "stalkers" to like her and no one else.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.