Friday, February 6, 2009

#160!! how the hell did that happen?

I was gonna celebrate my 150th post...but I forgot.. so I am celebrating 160th! To commemorate this special occasion I am going to compile a list of some of my fave(and possibly stupidest) posts :

1. I've been Bamboozled!
2. This is why I shouldn't clean!
3. Eww! Put that down!
4.Whatever happened to good old anarchy and angst?
5. Abc's of Me

6. The Ballad of Teddy Rippedskin
7. Seduction by TicTacs?
8.Cause nothing says friendship like branding
9. Note to self - it's not the black plague

and I was gonna do ten, but I got nothin'.

I just wanted to say thank you to all my readers. You freakin' rock! Put your arms up, I'm giving you a virtual high five... now down low.. too slow. (yes, I am this cool in real life.) Here's to another 150 (oops, 160) posts!


  1. rock and you're one of my favorite bloggers! I can only hope to achieve your level of coolness....


  2. Happy 160!! So sorry you missed the 150, but I do like going back in time and seeing the previous posts. Great way to get new readers to look back.

  3. very cool list! happy 160th and have a great wkend!

  4. HAHAHA! Well congrats on 160!

  5. congratulations, lil kel! i have to go buy eggs (long story), but i can't wait to sit on the couch with my trusty laptop and go through your list later tonight.

  6. Congrats! YOU ROCK!

    I will be back later to read through your favorites!

  7. Congrats on 160 woot woot!!! I always enjoy reading your blog especially the what would you rather do.....

  8. Congrats! And can we do the high five again ... I think I missed the first one.

  9. I love #1. Your daughter definitely bamboozled you. You were run amuck and led astray. Congrats on your 160th post. I just posted my 50th. ( got some love on it)

  10. I absolutely dont understand how you could be on blogger since 2007 and I started May 2008 and I have over 300 posts and your just hitting 160?!?!?! I thought you were way more of a big mouth than me. WTH!?

    Congrats on the 160!!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.