Monday, February 23, 2009

Question of the Week...

So, here's your question of the week, hopefully sparking some blog creativity. You can post your answers here in my comments section or take the question on over to your blog and do it there! Just trying to spread some inspiration!

If you could read the mind of one other person for one day, who would it be and why? It could be a movie star, a family member, friend or even your pet.

I guess I would choose my husband. I know that sounds weird.. but I just want to hear what goes on in that mind of his. I want to see his day through his eyes. I want to see just how amazingly annoying I can be sometimes. Craig is a quiet guy. Getting him to talk about serious things is like pulling teeth. He tends to sit and brood, unlike me, who likes to talk a subject to death. Sometimes it drives me insane trying to figure out what the hell he is thinking. I can ask him twenty times what is wrong and he says "nothing." But hours later, after begging and pleading, he will tell me. I would love to just hear what's going on in that cute head. I can see sometimes that there is something on the tip of his tongue, but he bites it back. The man is a mystery to me sometimes. He is shy around some people and doesn't say much. When he does speak, he usually has something hilarious and totally random to say, which I love. I would love to hear the sillier things going on in there that he doesn't say. Most of all, I want to know what he thinks of me. Of us. He doesn't say much. But I know he loves me. Sometimes though, I would like to know how much and why. I'm not always lovable. Hmm.. maybe reading his mind wouldn't be that great of an idea?


  1. That's almost like a good choice gone bad. I can totally agree to the reasons why you'd choose to read your husband's mind, though. However, I think there are somethings hidden in there that I'd rather not know (but it sure would be nice to know when he was about to pass gas).

  2. Nope, nope, nope...don't want to read my hubbys mind - he has adhd are you SERIOUS?? Do you realize just how sporadic his thoughts can be?? Nope, I think I would be very afraid if I knew what was in there! :) hehe

    As for someone else...hum, I think my ex's new wife would be good...she doesn't like me and I think it would be interesting to know what she 'really' thinks as opposed to her already not so nice thoughts. HA

    Good question!

  3. LMAO @ Kel..i have a couple of adhd kids here and i would so love to get inside of Joey's mind..that way I anticipate what he is going to be up to next.
    and to think at first I was going to one..

  4. Wow that's a good question!

    i think I would want to read my fiance's mind because if I knew why he acted the way he did maybe I could come up with some kind of solution to fix his poor attitude!

  5. I think I would choose to read the mind of one of my old I just wanna you know what your doing? OR are you just that defeciant in integrity and knowledge.. in other words I just want to know is he stealing on purpose or is it ignorance..i mean he has been to federal prison before that should be a given but I still would like to know what the hell he is thinking.

  6. Funny to have someone else talk about this. I often contemplate how different someone else's brain/mind/world-perspective/reality must be from mine. Like, imagine what you would know, what you would think about, what kind of understanding of things you would have if you could be inside the brain of a Supreme Court Justice. Or your neighbor. Or inside the mind of a junkie. Kind of like that show where the guy jumped in and out of people...oh yeah...Quantum Leap. Except he didn't really become them, he just occupied their body. You get the idea, though. Anyway, I wonder about that a lot. And yes, my husband is in my top 5. He just seems so certain about things. I wonder what that's like. And where it comes from/why he can be so certain.

  7. your hubby kinda sounds like mine... BUT i dont think i'd wanna read his mind... he might be sorta scary, lol! i think i'd choose odie (our newest cat)... she is insane, does the craziest crap... i'd totally like to know why!

  8. I know that my wife and I typically speak for the dog and I'm sure that he is just saying to himself "people" in a disgusting way because he is tired of us mocking him the way we do. Not sure how much fun reading the dog's mind would be, but at least we could validate our suspicions.

  9. I'm not sure if I would want to read my husband's mind or not. If he ever thought negative things, I don't know if I'd want to know.

  10. My daughter's. She is so private, and in the teens now, and it would sure be nice to know what goes through her mind.

  11. I would have such a hard time narrowing it down to just one...

    Sometimes (I know this will sound totally bizarre), I'd like to be in my grandmother's mind. She's in the end stages of Alzheimer's, and apparently screams a lot, and always seems scared. It'd help to know what hurts...what scares her.

    Wow...enough of that.

    My son. I can't comprehend his 7 year old logic, and I think it might be a fun place to visit. ;)

  12. Hell I can't even read my own mind sometimes! I'll just continue to act as though I know what my husbands thinking, LOL. Probably one of my younger children's minds, especially when I know they are giving me a few choice names!

  13. Wow ~ it's a toss up ! My hubby, not sure I want to know what he's thinking ! It would be hard to pick just one of my kids though, some days I'd really like to know what they're thinking !

  14. it would be my husband!!! he makes me so angry and that is an understatement!

  15. Definitely would read the hubby's mind...I would love to see inside that diabolical brain of his!

  16. Without sitting and giving this a ton of thought, I too would say my hubby.
    There are times that I know that he's upset or angry about something, but he'll just say he's fine. It bugs the crap out of me. Why do men have such a hard time just saying what's on their minds? Hell, I'm an open book!

  17. I think I'm the only one who doesn't want to know what another human is thinking...I would seriously love to know what it's like being a dog, one of my dogs to be more exact. I'd love to know what that euphoria is all about when my partner or I come in the door..or, just what are they hearing when we talk to them? I'd love to know what they're thinking when they've done something bad and what they are thinking when they're snuggled up on the couch with us under the blankets and everyone is trying to get arranged so that we all fit
    yeah, that would be cool to be in on.....

  18. Sometimes I think it would be neat to see whats really going through my daughters mind.

  19. You wanna get in there & see if he really wants a baby!

    I need to get in Sassy head & straighten things out! Like who's in charge.

  20. oooohhh that's a good one!! I think I would want to read the minds of one of my friends because well she tell me one thing and does another and she is really two faced

  21. i would def want to know what my dogs and cat are thinking. i've always wondered what's going thru their little heads. being in hubby's head would be totally confusing i'm sure. we think completely opposite of each other all the time so i would probably just get lost in there.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.