Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

AH.. you thought I forgot, didn't you? But I didn't! It's time for our favorite weekly game! I give you some questions with two possible answers, you have to pick one! you can't say neither!

Now, would you rather....

Wear this

Or this (#2)

to your husband's work christmas party?

sneeze uncontrollably or orgasm uncontrollably?

be best friends with Perez Hilton or Cameron Diaz?

and gross out bonus:

Get it on all freaky-deaky with Marilyn Manson

or Prince Charles?


  1. Oh god, the pressure...

    I'd wear the second to my husband's Christmas work party...unless it was a costume and fun party, which it wouldn't be, because he works for the government.

    I'd orgasm uncontrollably, because I think it would be much more fun.

    I believe being best friends with Cameron would be a better deal...

    And I can't imagine getting freaky deaky with either of those I can't really decide...sorry. It's not possible.

    Good questions!!

  2. Dahhhh-yumm, girl. You're asking for a lot of thought this morning!
    I'm going to say dress #2, most DEF the uncontrollable orgasms, Perez Hilton, and Prince of Wales (because you know he's a tiger in the sheets). LOL!

  3. jeeez kel... lol.. these are good ones

    i pick to wear #2
    orgasm uncontrollably of course!
    perez hilton.. b/c if i were his best friend then he would be nice to me... right??
    i reckon prince charles... i live a bit of a sheltered life and i think marlyn manson might scare me!!

  4. Hands down..#2. Both are horrible though!

    Um...sneeze. At least that wouldn't be as embarrassing in certain situations.

    Cameron Diaz. I don't know much about Perez (I know..lame)

    And hands down....Princes Charles. Manson is just creepy..and I mean creepy in a I love the devil sort of way!

  5. Geez got me all stumped over here in GA.

    The 2nd dress...hey you didn't say it couldn't be altered. Those sleeves would be so ripped off.
    Bad thing - I went to school with most of the people he works with. It's like a high school reunion for me.

    Orgasm - I hate sneezing!

    Cameron seems to be a real hoot so I'd be her friend.

    The Prince! There is no telling what Manson has. I'm sure the Prince is much cleaner.

  6. I would wear #2
    I would orgasm uncontrollably
    I would be bff's with Perez
    I would get freaky-deaky with Marilyn Manson--as long as he wore protection!!

  7. I would wear number 2... I am not much on the bra on the head look...

    I woud orgasm uncontrollably... seems like a good deal to me!

    I think Cameron would be the better choice...

    And, Prince Charles... Those HUGE jewels make up for lack of attraction right? I could totally be a gold digger:)

  8. I'd much rather rock #1..Irene Cara looks like she's in pain the the 2nd one!

    I already orgasm fact....oh yeah!!! YEAH BABY!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

    I'd rather be bff with Cameron Diaz. Perez gives me the heebie jeebies cuz he's sucha gossip skeez.

    I've told my boy for years that Marilyn Manson makes purses out of babies, so it would have to be Prince Charles.

  9. How on earth you come up with these is beyond me!

    I would definitely wear the second to the party because the first is just scary!

    Orgasm all the could doing it uncontrollably be a bad thing?

    I think being friends with Cameron wouldn't be nearly as bad!

    And Prince Charles...Marilyn Manson scares me!

  10. Definitely #2.

    I guess orgasm.

    Perez Hilton. I can get all the juicy gossip!

    And Prince Charles, for sure!

  11. I would wear #2, orgasm, be BFFs with Perez, and do Charles.

  12. The last one made me shiver...and not from excitement. I'd have to choose Prince Charles. The other terrifies me and the potential to catch something, great.

  13. I would wear #2 and show off my hot legs.

    Orgasm uncontrollably.

    I think Cameron Diaz would be a better choice. At least I think she would be more trust worthy.

    Prince Charles for sure. Marylin Manson is weird.

  14. First of all, as much as I'd love to wear the giant clown bra on my head, the second outfit may actually be appropriate for where my husband works ;)

    I think the big O all day would be pretty cool, maybe not for parent-teacher conferences, but I can fake NOT having them as well, right?

    I think Perez Hilton is hilarious! Every girl needs a gay friend.

    Certainly Marilyn Manson would be way more a very freaky sorta way.

  15. Your would you rather this week is scary. All of it. But here goes.

    #2. I may not be skinny, but my legs look ok.

    Orgasm uncontrollably - but it would have been easier to answer this if I knew how long the uncontrollable activity was going to last.

    Cameron Diaz. No question.

    Marily Manson. I'm not sure Price Charles would know HOW to get all freaky deaky.

  16. i would wear the first one. it would be easier to pass off as a joke. plus it would hide my varicose veins better.

    what are you talking about? i thought sneezing uncontrollably = orgasm uncontrollably!!

    cameron all the way.

    i have to say, i have always had a little thing for prince charles, so that's a no-brainer.

  17. I'm not even playing today--just enjoying reading everyone's answers!

  18. Now I have a challenge for you! Come on over to my place and ch-ch-ch-check it out!

  19. K...these are not nearly as easy as last week but I'll try...

    1. #2 cuz I'm cool like that!:)
    2. Sneeze cuz I'm sure I'd get a lot less weird looks in public
    3. Totally friends with Cameron Diaz
    4. Manson - cuz I think I could rawk his world! ;) hahahaha


  20. The uncontrollable orgasms is actually a medical condition...

    PSAS - Persistent Sexual Arousal Disorder... women will be CONSTANTLY aroused so much that just doing day to day things will cause an orgasm...

    It was featured in an episode of Grey's Anatomy...

  21. My choices or suggestions are never the norm. I enjoyed your quiz though.

    Cool blog. I came across a link on SH's site and decided to check it out.


    The Constant Complainer

  22. Good Lord Kel,
    Ok, I would definitley wear #2 I could deal with all the bows better than the head gear LOL
    organsim uncontrollably, I hate sneezing.
    I would want to be BFF with Cameron Diaz

    and get freaky with I can't believe I am going to say this but Prince Charles.

  23. Kel, these options are so hard:)

    I would wear the 2nd outfit to the Christmas party. Maybe everyone will be consumed with drinks that they won't notice.

    This is going to sound weird, but I would like to sneeze, to keep people away.

    Perez Hilton just so I can get all the inside info first.

    And last and yes least, Prince Charles....can I go and sanitize
    myself now?

    Hugs and Mocha,

  24. Now what are you going to do if I do say neither?

    Ok, I'll play by your rules...

    I'd wear #2

    I'd choose the orgasm but isn't sneezing 1/8 of one anyhow? So if I sneeze 8 times I've had one, right?

    Cameron Diaz, I think Perez would pick me apart and everyone we ran across.

    I'd need my eyes closed in either case but I could brag about Marilyn Manson, so let's go that route. I don't think anyone would envy me if I bagged Prince Charles. Pity me, yes.

  25. wear the 2nd thing
    orgasm...for sure
    and prince charles

    this week was easy!

  26. Ooh. Tough ones this week. Umm... I think I would wear outfit #2 (but I wouldn't be proud of myself for it); I'll take the orgasms over sneezing any day; Cameron Diaz; and Prince Charles (Marilyn Manson frightens me too much.)

  27. You're being sexist. No male options!

  28. I'd wear #1 and hope I just blended in with the tree.

    I already sneeze uncontrollably and a regular basis so I'll go with orgasm

    Cameron Diaz would be great to be friends, unless I was looking for a man.

    I'll go with the Prince of Wales because he'd appreciate it more and you'd get financial security.

  29. I love the questions. I personally would rather wear neither of the outfits but if I had to pick #2. Sneezing in public. yeah!!!! Cameron is a better choice and YUCK, YUCK, YUCK
    Debralee for Twolia

  30. 1. Number 2. I'd rather look like a diva instead of like I've lost my shit.

    2. Is that even a question?!

    3. Perez - We could be bitchy together.

    4. Hands down, Prince Charles. He'd probably have nicer sheets :)

  31. I don't understand what is wrong with either outfit. Shouldn't you have some joke outfits for this game or something?

    Orgasm for sure ... I don't really see the competition here.

    Cameron ... her MTV travel show seemed like fun.

    Manson without a doubt.

  32. EW.

    Photo number 2



    Prince Charles

  33. Crap, every time I went to answer one I couldn't decide. Well, the Price Charles vs Marilyn Manson is easy. The Prince. Men with big ears are quite gifted below the belt.

  34. Ok, here I go -

    Outfit #2
    Cameron Diaz
    And...hmmm...Prince Charles...I think

  35. The jacket in number one is actually kind of cute, so is Cameron Diaz (bet she knows some hot guys), I'd orgasm uncontrollably because when given the choice why the hell not!!! And I think Marilyn manson, but from a distance.

  36. Let's see.

    Definitely outfit #2. They're both hidious but I think #2 is the lesser of two evils.

    Orgasm. More fun than sneezing.

    Perez. He'd be a hoot.

    Protected Manson. Somethin' about old wrinkly balls turns me off.

  37. #2
    marilyn, i guess. at least he'd be freaky in the sack.

  38. i'd wear #2
    orgasm of course (i already did the sneezing thing for too long)
    cameron diaz
    i guess prince charles - just in case he fell in love then i could be a princess! lol

  39. I guess I could wear the first one and make it a joke- and leave after being there for 5 minutes. My face would probably explode from being so red....but then I probably would choose the second outfit because I could pull it off with my hotness. Sigh, yeah that's right!

    I was trying to picture in my mind what it would be like to have this uncontrollable behavior. I mean, it might be a little dirty if these orgasms were making me react strangely all day when I'm trying to take care of little boys- and sneezing might be more appropriate for their eyes. I would take the orgasms if they were small enough that I could enjoy them, biting my tongue- but if they were bigger I'd have to go with the sneezing out of censorship.

    I think it would be a blast to have Cameron Diaz as a best friend! She makes me laugh! Perez would BOTHER me.

    When it comes to the last question...I don't go sleepin' around anyway- I would choose my hubby. If you're gonna force me, than I guess I wouldn't get to choose.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.