Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog Funk...

I'm in a blog funk. I guess I could say I have writers block, but blog funk sounds cooler.

So, this is solution for my funk. I am soliciting questions from my readers. Got any questions for me? whatcha wanna know? NO questions will be discarded. I'm an open book, baby.

Now, I am off to visit my fav blogs to steal some ideas... I mean, get inspired.


  1. Sorry to hear about your funk...It seems to be catching...I woke up with it until I saw my TV....

    Ok..here's my question(s)

    1. How many books do you usually read in the same time period?

    2. Would you like to write a book of your own?

    Hope your funk goes away fast!!!

  2. I am totally in a blog funk too. I can't seem to get my brain together enough to complete a post. It sucks.

    Here's my question: What do you eat for breakfast?

  3. Who designed your header?

    Hugs and Mocha,

  4. The funk must be contagious..I can't even come up with a good question to ask! Sorry! I will come back if I think of something!

  5. So sorry about the funk?

    How did you meet your husband?

    What's your favorite book ever?

    Do your IRL friends read your blog?

  6. I think the Blog Funk has been going around. I've caught it too. So....my question is....Do you ever post things and then delete them because it was either not a good post or knew that if the person it was about ever read it you'd be embarrassed?

  7. What book do you remember reading as a child that literally sparked your lifelong love of books?
    (mine was the book "King of the Wind" and the whole "Misty" series by Marguerite Henry)

  8. You're not in a funk, you're just focusing on your other blog right now. I'd love to see some more text messages between you and your husband. The one about Barack Obama was hilarious!

  9. How did you and your hubby meet?

    What is your favorite color?

    What is your favorite food?

    How may books can/do you read in a month?

    What are your other hobbies/interests?

  10. Oh the funk… can't stand that.

    I remember my classmates telling jokes in line when waiting for recess to end— one person's joke prompted at least three jokes told by others. Perhaps you can tell some jokes, or even talk about some class clown you knew.

  11. Have you ever considered the fact that with your blog title what it is that you can never have laser eye surgery or wear contacts?

    Just sayin'.

  12. Sorry to hear about the blog funk, must be contagious because I so have it too. And my question is what character (from a book) is most like you?

  13. How many books do you read a month?

  14. Yuck on the Funck!
    Looks like you're getting your wish on questions.

    Come by for some cookies...they will make you feel better!

  15. Girl, I am right there with you I posted about this just the other day!! Ok here is my question......
    Who is your favorite actress/actor?

  16. I'm feeling the funk today, too.... blah.

    I love Kate's question from above- have you ever had to do that?

    I just recently had to go back and change some stuff, so am feeling like certainly I am not the only one, but wonder how often it happens.

  17. I don't have the funk. I have a broken computer. I can write.
    I can't email, or read many blogs.
    It kicks me off.
    I have to manipulate the system to read your blog...and that sucks!

    ??? what are the top 5 sites you log onto when you get on the internet?

  18. I am with you there I am finding it hard to keep up with it these days. come by my blog I do have an award for you!

  19. okay, your commenters came through for you! awesome questions! i want to know the fun stuff, too... how'd you meet the hubs, etc.

    i am in a total funk. at least you are being productive next door at girls gone wild with books.

  20. Oh Kel - we all get it. I think most days I feel blog funky but then something happens to pull me through. If you need some inspiration and want to be a part of a little community project we're launching, please stop by MWOB today or Life, Liberty and the Pursuit....it'll get you out of your funk. I really think so....

    Blue Violet's comment is making me laugh...

    My question is -
    Where are you going on your next family vacation? I like to dream about travel when I'm in a funk... :-)

  21. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

    Who would you take with you?

  22. I have a nasty cold and can't even think so I got nothing! Sorry.

  23. Sorry about your blog funk. I know exactly what you mean! I feel the same way... and there aren't enougb hours in the day for me to do everything I "have" to do and then the stuff I wanna do... like blog and catch up on my favorites!

  24. Since I'm a little late with this comment, I wont leave a question, but...if you steal some inspiration, will you share? Cause I got nothin.

  25. I hate when the blog funk strikes!!!
    Appears you got your groove back though


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.