Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

All right.. it's time to play your favorite game! You know you love it. I give you questions with two possible answers, you have to choose. None of that "neither" stuff... cause that's cheating! Leave your answers (and please, feel free to elaborate) in my comments!

Now, would you rather?

Learn to speak up more? or learn to keep your mouth shut?

Be one of Paris Hilton's dogs or Brittany Spear's kids?

Wear a bikini to your high school reunion or stand naked in front of your grocery store for three minutes? (check out these melons, baby!)

Bonus gross out question:(and I am taking it easy on your this're welcome)

Learn all the sordid and kinky details of your parents sex life or have them learn about yours (everything)?


  1. ugh... why do i keep doing this to myself?

    okay, easy... learn to keep my mouth shut. this would solve SO many of my problems.

    paris's dog, no question.

    bikini to the reunion.

    i am just assuming my parents never had sex. and i don't think i even have to say, "well at least twice" because both my brother and i are adopted.

  2. 1. Learn to keep my mouth shut.
    2. Perhaps her seems to get more love than the kids.
    3. Naked at the grocery store (hello I live in redneck-ville and I doubt anyone would even notice)
    4. Gross..totally gross..if I had to choose I'd go with them learning about me (as long as I'm not there) gross, gross, gross! :)

    Have a great hump-day!

  3. lol..ok, these are the toughest you've posed yet.

    I do need to learn to keep my mouth shut, I tend to just say what's on my mind and let the chips fall where they may...

    Paris' dog. she's dress me way cute and I'd get to ride her awesome bags to fabulous parties

    I guess bikini to my high school reunion,because I wouldn't be permitted entrance anyway, I'm a lesbian and I went to an ultra conservative Christian

    I'd rather know everything about my parent's sex life, my mom already in her nervousness of telling me about the birds and the bees, spilled WAY too much about her and my dad's escapades. I'm not sure there's much else to tell...

  4. Heaven knows I do NOT need to learn to speak up more. If I could shut up occasionally my life would be better.
    Paris's dog.
    Bikini - but I would not enjoy it.
    And I'd rather them know about mine. What they know wouldn't keep me up at night:)

  5. I would have to say speak up more... Paris' dog (can you imagine being that pampered?)... naked at the store (I never see anyone I know there!)... and I'd rather my parents know the details of my sex life

  6. I would have to say..Keep my mouth shut.

    One of Paris' doubt, they are treated like royalty

    And for the bonus question....ewww gross! Um..I'm going to say I would want to learn about them. Less embarrassing than them knowning about me!

  7. Keep my mouth SHUT!

    Britney Spears kids..i think they are well loved.

    ICK..bikini to the reunion are brutal..but ahh since my parents are pretty square and my dad's been dead for 20 yrs..i'll pick my parents

  8. My gosh Kel.

    I'll learn to keep my mouth shut. Because I already have a problem with being too vocal & that only gets me in trouble with such a sensitive family.

    I could go for being Paris's dog - a mean biting, pissing on everything kinda dog.

    Bikini to the reunion. I don't care too much about what the people I went to school with think & Kroger - well I have to go back there weekly so I'd rather them not see me at my worst.

    I'll go with them learning about me as long as someone else is telling it & I'm not around. There isn't much to know about it anyway.

  9. Ok lets see.....I would learn to definitley keep my mouth shut!

    probably the dog because I would be waited on hand and foot.

    bikini to the reunion no question about that!! Our grocery store is too busy for me to stand there naked.

    I would say my parents sex life because I am an only child and they only had sex that one time ;)

  10. speak up more... my hubby constantly tells me im too nice

    paris hiltons dogs... rich ppl ALWAYS spoil their dogs

    bikini to reunion... i would NEVER wanna be naked in my grocery store

    learn about my parents sex life i guess... only cause i'd die if they knew mine! lol

  11. I definately need to keep my big mouth shut more!

    I would choose to be Paris's dog....have you seen all those cute outfits?

    Definately, a bikini to the reunion....but it would be an awful mess!

    I would rather my parents know about my sex life....I just wouldn't call them for a long while....and they are classy enough to never mention my tattoo! HA

  12. Keep my mouth shut.

    Britney's kid. At least K Fed isn't completely horrible.


    Wow, I can't even answer that last question.

  13. Speak up more ... I always freeze up when the time comes when I should speak up and regret it later.

    This is freaking hard ... I guess Paris Hilton's dog -- at least the misery will end quicker.

    Naked in front of the grocery store ... at 3:00 am

    I'd rather tell them ... at least I know what I'm getting into. I don't really want to find out what I don't know from them!

  14. learn to keep my mouth shut

    Brittany Spear's kids (they have a good dad and she is trying to do better)

    Wear a bikini to your high school reunion (I never see those people any more but I love my grocery store!)

    learn all the sordid and kinky details of my parents sex life EWWWWW

  15. 1) Learn to keep my mouth shut - seriously, I need to be better with this!

    2) Britney Spears kids - I'd rather be a human than a dog any day.

    3) If I could just streak through the grocery store I'd rather do that, but if not, then go in a bikini to my high school reunion.

    Bonus: I'd rather know about their's I guess - they only do missionary right????

  16. Learn to keep my mouth shut. It's gotten me in trouble once or fifty times.

    Brit-Brit's kids. Hell someday they're gonna grown up and have a ton 'o chedda! I want in on that.

    Bikin to my high school reunion. I didn't care then what those people thought of me and I surely don't care now. But my grocery store??? These are my people man!

    and lastly...
    If all of you already know most of my sordid, kinky sex life, why should my mom be any different??

  17. 1. Speak up more. I mean, come on...I get whacked in the head at gymnastics and I say NOTHING.

    2. Paris Hilton's dogs, so I could poop in her shoes.

    3. Naked in front of the grocery store. I don't know why.

    4. Ewww.....I'd rather them know mine. I'd rather they get to lose sleep, than me. hee hee.

  18. You're killing me with these! LOL!

    mouth's dog...bikini hands are over my ears and I'm singing lalalalalala loudly so I can't hear the last question...

  19. How do you come up w/ these????

    speak more
    naked-grocery store
    them know mine

  20. Is it possible to want to learn to speak up and to keep my mouth shut? I guess keep my mouth shut.

    Paris's dog, for sure...she would annoy me but her dogs probably get so spoiled.

    I would wear a bikini to my reunion. I am like 40lbs lighter now than I was then and I never see those people anyways...I do however see the people at my grocery store and often.

    I would rather my parents know about my sex life because I am pretty tame and something tells me they are not.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Definitely speak up more.

    Britney's kids.

    Bikini at the reunion. (Although give me a few months notice)

    And I would so much rather my parents hear about me.

  23. Keep my mouth shut...I tend to be a leaky faucet to my family.




  24. Keep my mouth shut!

    I think I'd rather be Britney's kid, wear the bikini, and

    Ew. I guess make my parents know mine because I SURE don't want to know theirs.

  25. OK, I can't believe I am going to answer these questions, but here goes...

    Learn to speak up more, definitely.

    Paris' dogs, for sure, like.

    Ummmmm, probably stand naked. I wouldn't go to my high school reunion entirely covered up.

    BONUS: Probably learn all about my parents' sex life, because that would be MUCH better than them learning about mine... :o)

  26. Ohh, this is a fun game. Glad I stopped by to play! :-)

    Umm, I'd rather learn to keep my mouth shut, be Paris Hilton's dog, wear the bikini, and learn about my parents....cuz I'm 99% sure they've got little to hide. (wink)

  27. Probably would speak up more..but then again that might get me into more trouble with the wife than I already am... Paris's dog without a doubt.. but then again.. I wouldn't mind being BS's kid.. lots of money!:) Naked in front of the grocery definatly.. And the last one.. welllllll hmmm I think I would rather them know about my sex life than me knowing about theirs! To me I was found under a rock!!!

  28. 1. speak up
    2. dog only because I think her dogs might get better treatment than Brit's kids
    3. bikini to reunion
    4. parents learn about mine

  29. 1. Definitely to speak up more. I tend to bottle things that bother me in for a loooong time and when they come out, they come out like explosive verbal's not pretty.

    2. Definitely the dog. Do you see the dresses she gets to wear???

    3. Well I would have to stand naked. No way would I go to a HS reunion wearing just a bikini, those people would eat me alive...well not literally or anything, but they were a little bit mean.

    4. Since I'm pretty sure my parents didn't have a sex life, at least not together...I'm going to have to say let them learn about me...what have I got to hide? ;)

  30. Learn to speak up more!

    Brittany Spear's kids, only because as far as I know, she hasn't lost one yet...yet.

    I refuse to do either, hello exces skin!!

    And I refuse the bonus, it made me throw up a bit... AGAIN!!

  31. I had my answers all ready to type till I got to the parent sex ?
    Now I am .......Oh what ? OMG I have been struck dumb and blind

  32. ok here we go!

    i need to learn to keep my fat mouth shut.

    Paris's dog. i think...

    LMAO @ the last one. i'm gonna go w/ grocery store! LOL!

    gross bonus one too! (ur like butta, cuz you on a roll Kel!)I'm gonna go w/ knowing there sex life. ew

  33. Oh these are great questions.

    I definitely need to learn to speak up more. I can be a doormat at times.

    Paris' dog, for SURE! I may live longer.

    Naked in front of the grocery store. High school was brutal.

    My parents lurk my blog, so I'm guessing they already know all of my sordid details :(

  34. So funny - you are so creative!

    1. So easy - shut up more
    2. The dogs
    3. bikini to high school reunion after much diet and exercise of course. Then as soon as the reunion is over, I would stop the diet and exercise madness. Hmmm, sounds familiar.

    4. Definitely learn about my parents. At least there is therapy.

  35. Laughed and laughed and laughed. Awesome.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.