Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Would You Rather Wednesday..

You know how it goes... you have to pick one! You can't say neither!!

Now, would you rather:

Be able to get anonymous revenge or to honestly forgive and forget? (everyone who has wronged you)?

Go back ten/twenty years and start over or keep things as they are?

and bonus gross out questions (cause I know you love them..)

Eat a beef gravy popscicle or meatloaf ice cream cone? (mmm.. delish)

Have sex with Richard Simmons (you'll be sweating on the oldie!) or Michael Jackson (yup, you can even nuzzle noses...)

There ya go.. your questions of the week... enjoy!


  1. I'd rather forgive and forget (I didn't say I actually can..I'd just rather)

    GO BACK!!!

    I'll take the gravy

    I think it would have to be Richard (to my knowledge he hasn't been in court for molestation)

  2. I would rather go back ang forget.

    Gravy and Richard.

  3. you think you are pretty darn funny with those bonus questions, don't you???? i am going to ignore them and head out to the bookstore to get my required reading for the NICE kel over at girls gone wild with books.

    oh, but for the first part, i do think i would want to forgive and forget. mainly so i could feel superior to all those who have wronged me!

  4. revenge is sweet -lol! Keep things the way they are but with more money. Neither but if I had to choose Richard. No way Michael. gravy popsicle

  5. I do not think that it is in me to get revenge on people— it usually comes back to haunt me no matter how anonymous it is. I guess that's why I'm a forgiving person:

    I always wish I could have a do over, but I have to realize that it would not be the same and I may be disappointed in that path as well. Don't want a butterfly effect… thank you.

    I'll only answer the first since it is a bonus question after all: I'll try anything (once) but the gravy Popsicle sounds more appetizing.

  6. Forgive and forget...

    Stay the way it is...

    Meatloaf ice cream... I really like meatloaf...

    Richard... at least you know it will be a workout :)

  7. Now, would you rather:

    1.honestly forgive and forget
    2. keep things as they are

    3.Eat a beef gravy popscicle

    4. Oh yuck..gross....since it is not real..i'd have to say Richard Simmon..MJ just might fall apart..

  8. Forgive and forget, stay where I am, I could not eat either without vomiting, and Richard.

  9. this is hard this week!

    honestly forgive and forget (since its not always easy anyhow)

    keep things as they are..

    beef gravy popcicle (i thought it might melt faster than icecream)

    richard simmons... MJ has just become totally gross to me!

  10. Revenge (I am being honest here)
    Keep things the way they are
    Meatloaf (I hate gravy)
    Richard because Michael (as much as I love his music) might not have the right equipment any more!!

  11. I'd like to forgive and forget but I'd have to totally "men in black" forget.

    I'm too tired to start over!


    Which Michael Jackson? I'll take the early version!

  12. Oh they are some people I'd love to get revenge on...anonymous or not!

    I'd keep things the way they's the mistakes that I made that I learned the most from!!!!

    I think I'd take the gravy, but damn girl that's nasty!

    And probably Richard since they are both NASTY, but MJ's a lil more creepy!

  13. I would rather, "honestly forgive and forget," because nothing sucks more than being hurt or hurting someone.

    Happy not-so wordless Wednesday. Hehe.

  14. Although I think the revenge would be a short term satisfyer, in my heart, I'd feel better having forgiven everyone.

    I'd go back, but only change little things, I still want my hubby & kids just the way they are!

    I'd PROBABLY eat a gravy popsicle ANYWAY, so that's a no brainer.

    I'd have to go with Richard and his sequined tank tops, although I don't truly think he goes for the ladies anyway.
    If I rub noses w/ MJ I'd be afraid his would fall off!!

  15. good ones Kel!!

    1. I'd have to pick forgive and forget, revenge isn't as satisfying as we'd like to think..

    2. keep things the way they are, there's too many things that could go wrong if you go back

    3. meatloaf ice cream cone.

    4. contest.

    I'll be posting my own linking to you as always :)

  16. Forgive and forget.

    Stay where I am.

    Gravy popsicle.

    And I guess Richard. Blech!

  17. To be able to honestly forgive and forget would be great!

    Keep it the same...I'm not doing it again!

    meatloaf ice cream cone might not be too bad depending on the ice cream

    Ewwwww Richard

  18. I'd rather get annonymous revenge. When I used to work at starbucks...

    I'd keep things as they are because I have lived a good life so far. and 20 yrs ago I was 5... no way am I going thru puberty again.

    Meatloaf! Its all about the meatloaf!

    Richard Simmons... at least he doesnt look like the star from Planet of the Apes...unless you into apes.

  19. Wowza! I would forgive and forget cause I'm getting on in years and can't waste time with revenge anymore...oops, I mean for any reason...

    I'd like a do-over (except for my kids..I'd like that to just stay the way it is..)

    Beef gravy popsicle

    and eeewwww..if I have to choose...blech....Richard...I just can't even find a reason why other than you said choose!

  20. EVERYONE??? who has wronged me?? If I can pick just one or two people(and I can cause I said so) then I'm going for the anon revenge. And I have the plan all worked out already.

    Keep things as they are. I would not want to have teenage boys in the house again.

    Gravy popsicle, it'll defrost and then I'll sop it up with a biscuit.

    I would have to go with Michael Jackson. I would close my eyes and remember back in the day when he wasn't quite so hideous.

    Fun, fun, fun!!!

  21. anonymous revenge

    no way would I go back in time

    gravy popsicle sadly sounds good to me

    I guess richard simmons

  22. Anonymous revenge, for sure.

    If I went back ten years, I'd be eleven, ha. No thanks!

    Beef gravy, because it has a smoother texture.

    Richard Simons. I assume the guy must have some stamina (vomiting in my mouth)!

  23. I'd go for the revenge, the going back 10, the gravy-pop and Mr. Simmons.

  24. Forgive & forget!

    Keep things the same.

    And as for the other two, all I can say is GROSS!

  25. I'd never go back.
    I'd NEVER sleep with either one of those freaks.
    Gravy Popsicle sounds kind of yummy to me, for some reason.
    Definitely rather forgive and forget.

    Thanks for hosting!

  26. I like to think that I would like to forgive and forget.

    Go back 10/20 years ... I would like to have gotten to my husband sooner. Plus I would take better care of myself.

    Beef gravy popsicle. (ICK!)

    Richard Simmons ... no question. At least I wouldn't feel like his nose might fall off on me!

  27. Be able to get anonymous revenge or to honestly forgive and forget? (everyone who has wronged you)?Anonymous revenge! I forgive and forget way to much!

    Go back ten/twenty years and start over or keep things as they are? I would never change anything becuz it probably wouldn't lead me to where I am now in my life :)

    Eat a beef gravy popscicle or meatloaf ice cream cone? (mmm.. delish) Maybe a meatloaf ice cream cone! lol

    Have sex with Richard Simmons (you'll be sweating on the oldie!) or Michael Jackson (yup, you can even nuzzle noses...) hmmm I would say richard simmons...but hey i don't like boys anyway! lol

  28. Let's see. I'm a new stalker BTW!
    Forgive and forget, cause that is hard for me to do,
    Stay the same
    Richard, but can I have a blind fold?

  29. def. would like to forget

    20 yrs would just happen to put me back at my biggest mistake so i think i would like a do-over. And i would hope that i can do something to prevent my body from this early deterioration

    i agree w/soxy deb who said let the gravy pop melt and sop it w/a biscuit...yummm

    if i can choose the early MJ before he got all gross and IF he wasn't a molester..i'd choose him. richard's voice annoys the F*** outta me so i could probably not block him out enough to enjoy it. hey, if i'm doin' it, you better believe i'm gonna make sure I get to ENJOY it :)


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.