Thursday, February 12, 2009

Funny Friday!


  1. LOL - love to say more, but time is going by really, really quickly & I gotta get going! (guess I'm not dead!)

  2. Those are funny! Especially the last one. I can't believe he called 911! Too funny. Happy Friday (the 13th!)

  3. Just one more reason to use in my case against exercise.

  4. That last one had everyone in my office dying laughing! You picked great one this week!

  5. great picks... that last one rocked (do ppl say that anymore, lol) have a greawkend and see ya monday!

  6. LOL! Love the pot brownie eatin cop video! Hilarious! (they were all funny, but that one made me snort!)

  7. sorry, but that treadmill one is hysterical. the video is so funny on its own, but how the guy gets mad totally cracks me up (i do that, too).

    now, for that last one, i would just have absolutely no idea why that would be considered funny. none whatsoever. i guess someone will have to explain that to me while i go eat a bag of doritos... man i have the munchies.

  8. Oh my I'm typing this I'm laughing so hard that my son came running in to see what was wrong with me!

    And I know it's so not funny, but the treadmill was HILARIOUS and I love how he tells them all "It's not funny" priceless!

  9. I don't know how she reported the marijuana story without falling out of her chair.

  10. hahaha...that makes for a great friday!

  11. You went video crazy! LOL! Drop by my blog...gave you a shout!

  12. Oh how funny!!
    I forgot to play along..and i had a home video i thought was pretty funny..saving it for next week.
    Happy V Day my friend.

  13. I love fail blog. LOL! That treadmill thing is GREAT!

  14. so many good things to comment on.
    1. "it's not funny. it's not. not at all!" yeah. yeah, it is.
    2. a COP calling 911 about freakin' pot brownies??? i'm glad he got busted cuz he's too stupid to protect me!
    3. did you hear the loud 'snort' while the poor woman was trying to finish up the story? and then you hear this little tiny voice sayin' scuse me. go listen again. freakin' funny

  15. Man those were to funny!!! Esp the cop thinking he was dying from his 'special' brownies!!! lol


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