Friday, February 6, 2009

Funny Friday!

Today's funny friday is brought to you by
So sad.. but so funny.

Jim? was this you?

My favorite:

Post a funny friday on your blog!! (no, seriously... do it, don't make me come over there.)


  1. another laugh filled friday, my girl! the first one had me thinking, "oh poor fellow" at FIRST... it didn't take me long before i was cackling. i'm so bad.

  2. Oh, that poor man!!! He rolled upside down. YOW. (and yes, I did laugh at his expense and now I'm a bit ashamed:)

  3. After seeing that forklift one, I don't want to go to Home Depot anymore.

  4. OMG you are crackin me up over here! the bird poop one made me gag!! it's SOOO nice to have sound on my computer now....ahhhh

    i'm on Facebook, let me know if you ever are! that is my "other" obsession.

  5. OMG! I cannot believe that forklift one! That guy must've gotten reamed by his boss.... ouch!

    p.s. I totally didn't get your comment earlier. Sorry I didn't get over here sooner. :)

  6. The old man was kinda sad, but everything else so too funny. I need to get some AYDS. :)

  7. OMG, the forklift!~ I would be pissed if I was a worker there!

  8. i just found this FAIL site and spent over an hour going through the pictures and videos. some of the posts are just hilarious.

    have a great weekend.

  9. I freaking LOVE failblog. LOL!

  10. Love this funny friday idea!

  11. Happy Friday! Have a great weekend :)

  12. Nobody even bothered to help that poor old man. It looked like someone may have been injured in the 2nd one....oh my!

  13. Holy Cow!! Who would STAND there while a man fell up a an escalator and a man was crushed in a forklift?!!! And that AYD's one was so bad, it was so funny. And that bird was so nasty, lol!

  14. i could not stop laughing over this!
    where do you find these things, cause they are SOOOOO funny!!

  15. the old man was an aawww poor thing..giggle

    the forklift dude was a oohhhh shit he forked up...chuckle

    the bird poo suckin' reporter...bust out loud laughin'
    and you could say ...priceless

  16. awww the old man makes me sad! Love the fail blog one too! lol

  17. oh hahaha

    I found you via YaYa's post in which your blog was featured. Thought I would come by and see what your blog is all about. Love the funny videos. :)

    My blogs, if you're interested, can be found at :
    (my regular blog)
    (cancer blog)

  18. Oh! I felt bad laughing at the first one!

    I have an award for you on my blog!

  19. I made my boyfriend watch the forklift one, since he has to drive one at work sometimes!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.